Telegram Web K with changes to work inside I2P https://web.telegram.i2p/
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

552 lines
16 KiB

4 years ago
import { MOUNT_CLASS_TO } from "../../config/debug";
import { numberThousandSplitter } from "../../helpers/number";
import { isObject, safeReplaceObject, copy } from "../../helpers/object";
import { Chat, ChatAdminRights, ChatBannedRights, ChatFull, ChatParticipants, InputChannel, InputChatPhoto, InputFile, InputPeer, SendMessageAction, Updates } from "../../layer";
import apiManager from '../mtproto/mtprotoworker';
import { RichTextProcessor } from "../richtextprocessor";
import rootScope from "../rootScope";
import apiUpdatesManager from "./apiUpdatesManager";
import appMessagesManager from "./appMessagesManager";
import appProfileManager from "./appProfileManager";
import appStateManager from "./appStateManager";
import appUsersManager from "./appUsersManager";
export type Channel =;
export type ChatRights = 'send' | 'edit_title' | 'edit_photo' | 'invite' | 'pin' | 'deleteRevoke' | 'delete';
export type UserTyping = Partial<{userId: number, action: SendMessageAction, timeout: number}>;
5 years ago
export class AppChatsManager {
public chats: {[id: number]: | | any} = {};
//public usernames: any = {};
//public channelAccess: any = {};
//public megagroups: {[id: number]: true} = {};
public cachedPhotoLocations: {[id: number]: any} = {};
5 years ago
public megagroupOnlines: {[id: number]: {timestamp: number, onlines: number}} = {};
public typingsInPeer: {[peerId: number]: UserTyping[]} = {};
5 years ago
constructor() {
rootScope.on('apiUpdate', (e) => {
5 years ago
// console.log('on apiUpdate', update)
const update = e;
5 years ago
switch(update._) {
case 'updateChannel':
const channelId = update.channel_id;
4 years ago
//console.log('updateChannel:', update);
rootScope.broadcast('channel_settings', {channelId: channelId});
5 years ago
case 'updateUserTyping':
case 'updateChatUserTyping': {
if(rootScope.myId === update.user_id) {
const peerId = update._ === 'updateUserTyping' ? update.user_id : -update.chat_id;
const typings = this.typingsInPeer[peerId] ?? (this.typingsInPeer[peerId] = []);
let typing = typings.find(t => t.userId === update.user_id);
if(!typing) {
typing = {
userId: update.user_id
//console.log('updateChatUserTyping', update, typings);
typing.action = update.action;
if(!appUsersManager.hasUser(update.user_id)) {
if(update._ === 'updateChatUserTyping') {
if(update.chat_id && appChatsManager.hasChat(update.chat_id) && !appChatsManager.isChannel(update.chat_id)) {
if(typing.timeout !== undefined) clearTimeout(typing.timeout);
typing.timeout = window.setTimeout(() => {
delete typing.timeout;
typings.findAndSplice(t => t.userId === update.user_id);
rootScope.broadcast('peer_typings', {peerId, typings});
if(!typings.length) {
delete this.typingsInPeer[peerId];
}, 6000);
rootScope.broadcast('peer_typings', {peerId, typings});
5 years ago
appStateManager.getState().then((state) => {
this.chats = state.chats;
5 years ago
public saveApiChats(apiChats: any[]) {
apiChats.forEach(chat => this.saveApiChat(chat));
5 years ago
public saveApiChat(chat: any) {
if(!isObject(chat)) {
5 years ago
// * exclude from state
// defineNotNumerableProperties(chat, ['rTitle', 'initials']);
5 years ago
//chat.rTitle = chat.title || 'chat_title_deleted';
chat.rTitle = RichTextProcessor.wrapRichText(chat.title, {noLinks: true, noLinebreaks: true}) || 'chat_title_deleted';
5 years ago
const oldChat = this.chats[];
5 years ago
chat.initials = RichTextProcessor.getAbbreviation(chat.title);
5 years ago
if(chat.pFlags === undefined) {
chat.pFlags = {};
5 years ago
if(chat.pFlags.min) {
if(oldChat !== undefined) {
5 years ago
if(chat._ === 'channel' &&
chat.participants_count === undefined &&
oldChat !== undefined &&
oldChat.participants_count) {
chat.participants_count = oldChat.participants_count;
5 years ago
/* if(chat.username) {
let searchUsername = searchIndexManager.cleanUsername(chat.username);
this.usernames[searchUsername] =;
} */
5 years ago
let changedPhoto = false;
if(oldChat === undefined) {
this.chats[] = chat;
5 years ago
} else {
let oldPhoto = &&;
let newPhoto = &&;
if(JSON.stringify(oldPhoto) !== JSON.stringify(newPhoto)) {
changedPhoto = true;
safeReplaceObject(oldChat, chat);
5 years ago
if(this.cachedPhotoLocations[] !== undefined) {
safeReplaceObject(this.cachedPhotoLocations[], chat && ? : {empty: true});
5 years ago
if(changedPhoto) {
5 years ago
public getChat(id: number) {
if(id < 0) id = -id;
4 years ago
return this.chats[id] || {_: 'chatEmpty', id, deleted: true, access_hash: '', pFlags: {}/* this.channelAccess[id] */};
5 years ago
public hasRights(id: number, action: ChatRights, flag?: keyof ChatBannedRights['pFlags']) {
const chat = this.getChat(id);
if(chat._ === 'chatEmpty') return false;
if(chat._ === 'chatForbidden' ||
chat._ === 'channelForbidden' ||
5 years ago
chat.pFlags.kicked ||
4 years ago
(chat.pFlags.left && !chat.pFlags.megagroup)) {
5 years ago
return false;
5 years ago
if(chat.pFlags.creator) {
return true;
const rights = chat.admin_rights || chat.banned_rights || chat.default_banned_rights;
let myFlags: {[flag in keyof ChatBannedRights['pFlags'] | keyof ChatAdminRights['pFlags']]: true};
if(rights) myFlags = rights.pFlags;
5 years ago
switch(action) {
// good
case 'send': {
if(flag && myFlags && myFlags[flag]) {
return false;
if(chat._ === 'channel') {
if((!chat.pFlags.megagroup && !myFlags?.post_messages)) {
return false;
// good
case 'deleteRevoke': {
if(chat._ === 'channel') {
return !!myFlags?.delete_messages;
} else if(!chat.pFlags.admin) {
5 years ago
return false;
// good
case 'pin': {
if(chat._ === 'channel') {
return chat.admin_rights ? !!myFlags.pin_messages || !!myFlags.post_messages : myFlags && !myFlags.pin_messages;
} else {
if(myFlags?.pin_messages && !chat.pFlags.admin) {
return false;
5 years ago
5 years ago
case 'edit_title':
case 'edit_photo':
case 'invite': {
if(chat._ === 'channel') {
5 years ago
if(chat.pFlags.megagroup) {
if(!(action === 'invite' && chat.pFlags.democracy)) {
5 years ago
return false;
} else {
return false;
} else {
if(chat.pFlags.admins_enabled &&
!chat.pFlags.admin) {
return false;
5 years ago
5 years ago
5 years ago
return true;
/* public resolveUsername(username: string) {
5 years ago
return this.usernames[username] || 0;
} */
5 years ago
/* public saveChannelAccess(id: number, accessHash: string) {
5 years ago
this.channelAccess[id] = accessHash;
} */
5 years ago
/* public saveIsMegagroup(id: number) {
5 years ago
this.megagroups[id] = true;
} */
5 years ago
public isChannel(id: number) {
if(id < 0) id = -id;
const chat = this.chats[id];
if(chat && (chat._ === 'channel' || chat._ === 'channelForbidden')/* || this.channelAccess[id] */) {
5 years ago
return true;
return false;
public isMegagroup(id: number) {
/* if(this.megagroups[id]) {
5 years ago
return true;
} */
5 years ago
const chat = this.chats[id];
if(chat && chat._ === 'channel' && chat.pFlags.megagroup) {
5 years ago
return true;
return false;
public isBroadcast(id: number) {
return this.isChannel(id) && !this.isMegagroup(id);
public getChannelInput(id: number): InputChannel {
if(id < 0) id = -id;
5 years ago
return {
_: 'inputChannel',
channel_id: id,
access_hash: this.getChat(id).access_hash/* || this.channelAccess[id] */ || 0
5 years ago
public getChatInputPeer(id: number): InputPeer.inputPeerChat {
return {
_: 'inputPeerChat',
chat_id: id
public getChannelInputPeer(id: number): InputPeer.inputPeerChannel {
return {
_: 'inputPeerChannel',
channel_id: id,
access_hash: this.getChat(id).access_hash/* || this.channelAccess[id] */ || 0
public hasChat(id: number, allowMin?: true) {
const chat = this.chats[id]
5 years ago
return isObject(chat) && (allowMin || !chat.pFlags.min);
public getChatPhoto(id: number) {
const chat = this.getChat(id);
5 years ago
if(this.cachedPhotoLocations[id] === undefined) {
this.cachedPhotoLocations[id] = chat && ? : {empty: true};
return this.cachedPhotoLocations[id];
/* public getChatString(id: number) {
const chat = this.getChat(id);
5 years ago
if(this.isChannel(id)) {
return (this.isMegagroup(id) ? 's' : 'c') + id + '_' + chat.access_hash;
return 'g' + id;
} */
5 years ago
public getChatMembersString(id: number) {
const chat = this.getChat(id);
const chatFull = appProfileManager.chatsFull[id];
let count: number;
if(chatFull) {
if(chatFull._ === 'channelFull') {
count = chatFull.participants_count;
} else {
count = (chatFull.participants as ChatParticipants.chatParticipants).participants?.length;
} else {
count = chat.participants_count || chat.participants?.participants.length;
const isChannel = this.isBroadcast(id);
count = count || 1;
return numberThousandSplitter(count, ' ') + ' ' + (isChannel ? (count > 1 ? 'subscribers' : 'subscriber') : (count > 1 ? 'members' : 'member'));
5 years ago
public wrapForFull(id: number, fullChat: any) {
const chatFull = copy(fullChat);
const chat = this.getChat(id);
5 years ago
if(!chatFull.participants_count) {
5 years ago
chatFull.participants_count = chat.participants_count;
if(chatFull.participants &&
chatFull.participants._ === 'chatParticipants') {
5 years ago
chatFull.participants.participants = this.wrapParticipants(id, chatFull.participants.participants);
if(chatFull.about) {
5 years ago
chatFull.rAbout = RichTextProcessor.wrapRichText(chatFull.about, {noLinebreaks: true});
//chatFull.peerString = this.getChatString(id);
5 years ago = chat;
return chatFull;
public wrapParticipants(id: number, participants: any[]) {
const chat = this.getChat(id);
const myId = appUsersManager.getSelf().id;
5 years ago
if(this.isChannel(id)) {
const isAdmin = chat.pFlags.creator;
5 years ago
participants.forEach((participant) => {
participant.canLeave = myId === participant.user_id;
participant.canKick = isAdmin && participant._ === 'channelParticipant';
5 years ago
// just for order by last seen
participant.user = appUsersManager.getUser(participant.user_id);
} else {
const isAdmin = chat.pFlags.creator || chat.pFlags.admins_enabled && chat.pFlags.admin;
5 years ago
participants.forEach((participant) => {
participant.canLeave = myId === participant.user_id;
5 years ago
participant.canKick = !participant.canLeave && (
chat.pFlags.creator ||
participant._ === 'chatParticipant' && (isAdmin || myId === participant.inviter_id)
5 years ago
// just for order by last seen
participant.user = appUsersManager.getUser(participant.user_id);
5 years ago
return participants;
public createChannel(title: string, about: string): Promise<number> {
return apiManager.invokeApi('channels.createChannel', {
broadcast: true,
}).then((updates: any) => {
return updates.chats[0].id;
public inviteToChannel(id: number, userIds: number[]) {
const input = this.getChannelInput(id);
const usersInputs = => appUsersManager.getUserInput(u));
return apiManager.invokeApi('channels.inviteToChannel', {
channel: input,
users: usersInputs
}).then(updates => {
public createChat(title: string, userIds: number[]): Promise<number> {
return apiManager.invokeApi('messages.createChat', {
users: => appUsersManager.getUserInput(u)),
}).then(updates => {
return (updates as any as Updates.updates).chats[0].id;
public editPhoto(id: number, inputFile: InputFile) {
const isChannel = this.isChannel(id);
const inputChatPhoto: InputChatPhoto.inputChatUploadedPhoto = {
_: 'inputChatUploadedPhoto',
file: inputFile
if(isChannel) {
return apiManager.invokeApi('channels.editPhoto', {
channel: this.getChannelInput(id),
photo: inputChatPhoto
}).then(updates => {
} else {
return apiManager.invokeApi('messages.editChatPhoto', {
chat_id: id,
photo: inputChatPhoto
}).then(updates => {
public async getOnlines(id: number): Promise<number> {
if(this.isMegagroup(id)) {
const timestamp = / 1000 | 0;
const cached = this.megagroupOnlines[id] ?? (this.megagroupOnlines[id] = {timestamp: 0, onlines: 1});
if((timestamp - cached.timestamp) < 60) {
return cached.onlines;
const res = await apiManager.invokeApi('messages.getOnlines', {
peer: this.getChannelInputPeer(id)
const onlines = res.onlines ?? 1;
cached.timestamp = timestamp;
cached.onlines = onlines;
return onlines;
} else if(this.isBroadcast(id)) {
return 1;
const chatInfo = await appProfileManager.getChatFull(id);
const _participants = (chatInfo as ChatFull.chatFull).participants as ChatParticipants.chatParticipants;
if(_participants && _participants.participants) {
const participants = _participants.participants;
return participants.reduce((acc: number, participant) => {
const user = appUsersManager.getUser(participant.user_id);
if(user && user.status && user.status._ === 'userStatusOnline') {
return acc + 1;
return acc;
}, 0);
} else {
return 1;
private onChatUpdated = (chatId: number, updates: any) => {
//console.log('onChatUpdated', chatId, updates);
if(updates &&
/* updates.updates &&
updates.updates.length && */
this.isChannel(chatId)) {
public leaveChannel(id: number) {
return apiManager.invokeApi('channels.leaveChannel', {
channel: this.getChannelInput(id)
}).then(this.onChatUpdated.bind(this, id));
public joinChannel(id: number) {
return apiManager.invokeApi('channels.joinChannel', {
channel: this.getChannelInput(id)
}).then(this.onChatUpdated.bind(this, id));
public deleteChatUser(id: number, userId: number) {
return apiManager.invokeApi('messages.deleteChatUser', {
chat_id: id,
user_id: appUsersManager.getUserInput(userId)
}).then(this.onChatUpdated.bind(this, id));
public leaveChat(id: number) {
return this.deleteChatUser(id, appUsersManager.getSelf().id).then(() => {
return appMessagesManager.flushHistory(-id);
public leave(id: number) {
return this.isChannel(id) ? this.leaveChannel(id) : this.leaveChat(id);
5 years ago
const appChatsManager = new AppChatsManager();
MOUNT_CLASS_TO && (MOUNT_CLASS_TO.appChatsManager = appChatsManager);
export default appChatsManager;