Telegram Web K with changes to work inside I2P https://web.telegram.i2p/
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

1067 lines
35 KiB

import { cancelEvent } from "../lib/utils";
import 'fastdom/fastdom.min';
import FastDom from 'fastdom';
//import 'fastdom/src/fastdom-strict'; // exclude in production
import FastDomPromised from 'fastdom/extensions/fastdom-promised';
import { logger, deferredPromise, CancellablePromise } from "../lib/polyfill";
//const fastdom = FastDom.extend(FastDomPromised);
const fastdom = ((window as any).fastdom as typeof FastDom).extend(FastDomPromised);
//(window as any).fastdom.strict(false);
setTimeout(() => {
//(window as any).fastdom.strict(true);
}, 5e3);
5 years ago
var el = $0;
var height = 0;
var checkUp = false;
do {
height += el.scrollHeight;
} while(el = (checkUp ? el.previousElementSibling : el.nextElementSibling));
export default class Scrollable {
public container: HTMLDivElement;
public thumb: HTMLDivElement;
5 years ago
public type: string;
public side: string;
5 years ago
public translate: string;
public scrollType: string;
public scrollSide: string;
public clientAxis: string;
public clientSize: string;
5 years ago
5 years ago
public scrollSize = -1; // it will be scrollHeight
public size = 0; // it will be outerHeight of container (not scrollHeight)
public thumbSize = 0;
5 years ago
public visibleElements: Array<{element: Element, height: number}> = [];
public hiddenElements: {
up: Scrollable['visibleElements'],
down: Scrollable['visibleElements']
} = {
up: [],
down: []
public paddings = {up: 0, down: 0};
5 years ago
public paddingTopDiv: HTMLDivElement;
public paddingBottomDiv: HTMLDivElement;
5 years ago
public splitUp: HTMLElement;
5 years ago
public onAddedBottom: () => void = null;
5 years ago
public onScrolledTop: () => void = null;
public onScrolledBottom: () => void = null;
5 years ago
public onScrolledTopFired = false;
public onScrolledBottomFired = false;
5 years ago
public topObserver: IntersectionObserver;
public bottomObserver: IntersectionObserver;
5 years ago
public splitMeasureTop: Promise<Promise<void>> = null;
5 years ago
public splitMeasureBottom: Scrollable['splitMeasureTop'] = null;
public splitMeasureAdd: Promise<void> = null;
5 years ago
public splitMeasureRemoveBad: Promise<Element> = null;
public splitMutateTop: Promise<void> = null;
public splitMutateBottom: Scrollable['splitMutateTop'] = null;
public splitMutateRemoveBad: Promise<void> = null;
public splitMutateIntersectionTop: Promise<void> = null;
public splitMutateIntersectionBottom: Promise<void> = null;
5 years ago
public getScrollHeightPromises: Array<{
element: Element,
task: Promise<any>
}> = [];
public onScrollMeasure: number = null;
5 years ago
public lastScrollTop: number = 0;
public scrollTopOffset: number = 0;
private disableHoverTimeout: number = 0;
5 years ago
private log: ReturnType<typeof logger>;
5 years ago
private debug = false;
5 years ago
private measureMutex: CancellablePromise<void>;
private prependLocked = false;
private appendLocked = false;
5 years ago
private prependFragment: DocumentFragment = null;
private appendFragment: DocumentFragment = null;
private prependFragmentId = 0;
private appendFragmentId = 0;
constructor(public el: HTMLElement, axis: 'y' | 'x' = 'y', public splitOffset = 300, logPrefix = '', public appendTo = el, public onScrollOffset = splitOffset) {
this.container = document.createElement('div');
if(!appendTo) {
this.appendTo = this.container;
5 years ago
5 years ago
this.log = logger('SCROLL' + (logPrefix ? '-' + logPrefix : ''));
this.measureMutex = deferredPromise<void>();
if(axis == 'x') {
this.type = 'width';
this.side = 'left';
5 years ago
this.translate = 'translateX';
this.scrollType = 'scrollWidth';
this.scrollSide = 'scrollLeft';
this.clientAxis = 'clientX';
this.clientSize = 'clientWidth';
5 years ago
let scrollHorizontally = (e: any) => {
e = window.event || e;
var delta = Math.max(-1, Math.min(1, (e.wheelDelta || -e.detail)));
this.container.scrollLeft -= (delta * 20);
if(this.container.addEventListener) {
// IE9, Chrome, Safari, Opera
this.container.addEventListener("mousewheel", scrollHorizontally, false);
// Firefox
this.container.addEventListener("DOMMouseScroll", scrollHorizontally, false);
} else {
// IE 6/7/8
// @ts-ignore
this.container.attachEvent("onmousewheel", scrollHorizontally);
} else if(axis == 'y') {
this.type = 'height';
this.side = 'top';
5 years ago
this.translate = 'translateY';
this.scrollType = 'scrollHeight';
this.scrollSide = 'scrollTop';
this.clientAxis = 'clientY';
this.clientSize = 'clientHeight';
} else {
throw new Error('no side for scroll');
5 years ago
this.thumb = document.createElement('div');
this.thumb.className = 'scrollbar-thumb';
// @ts-ignore[this.type] = '30px';
5 years ago
// mouse scroll
let onMouseMove = (e: MouseEvent) => {
let rect = this.thumb.getBoundingClientRect();
5 years ago
let diff: number;
// @ts-ignore
diff = e[this.clientAxis] - rect[this.side];
// @ts-ignore
this.container[this.scrollSide] += diff * 0.5;
5 years ago
// console.log('onMouseMove', e, diff);
5 years ago
5 years ago
this.thumb.addEventListener('mousedown', () => {
window.addEventListener('mousemove', onMouseMove);
5 years ago
window.addEventListener('mouseup', () => {
window.removeEventListener('mousemove', onMouseMove);
}, {once: true});
5 years ago
//this.container.addEventListener('mouseover', this.resize.bind(this)); // omg
5 years ago
window.addEventListener('resize', () => {
setTimeout(() => {
// @ts-ignore
this.size = this.container[this.clientSize];
}, 0);
5 years ago
5 years ago
this.paddingTopDiv = document.createElement('div');
this.paddingBottomDiv = document.createElement('div');
this.container.addEventListener('scroll', () => this.onScroll(), {passive: true, capture: true});
Array.from(el.children).forEach(c => this.container.append(c));
5 years ago
window.requestAnimationFrame(() => {
// @ts-ignore
this.size = this.container[this.clientSize];
5 years ago
5 years ago
public detachTop(fromIndex: number, needHeight = 0, detachAll = false) {
//if(this.splitMeasureBottom) fastdom.clear(this.splitMeasureBottom);
5 years ago
if(this.splitMutateBottom) fastdom.clear(this.splitMutateBottom);
if(this.prependLocked) return;
5 years ago
//return this.splitMeasureBottom = fastdom.measure(() => {
return this.splitMutateBottom = fastdom.mutate(() => {
if(this.prependLocked) return;
let spliceTo = -1;
5 years ago
let needToDetachHeight = needHeight;
for(; fromIndex >= 0; --fromIndex) {
let child = this.visibleElements[fromIndex];
5 years ago
if(needHeight > 0) {
needHeight -= child.height;
5 years ago
} else {
needToDetachHeight -= child.height;
if(spliceTo === -1) {
spliceTo = fromIndex;
5 years ago
if((needToDetachHeight > 0 && !detachAll) || spliceTo === -1) return;
5 years ago
//if(this.splitMutateBottom) fastdom.clear(this.splitMutateBottom);
//return this.splitMutateBottom = fastdom.mutate(() => {
let spliced = this.visibleElements.splice(0, spliceTo + 1);
if(this.debug) {
this.log('spliced up', spliced);
spliced.forEach((child, idx) => {
if(!child.element.parentElement) {
this.log.error('no child in splitUp (up):', child, child.element, 0, spliceTo + 1, idx, spliced);
5 years ago
this.paddings.up += child.height;
5 years ago
this.hiddenElements.up.push(...spliced); = this.paddings.up + 'px';
5 years ago
public detachBottom(fromIndex: number, needHeight = 0, detachAll = false) {
//if(this.splitMeasureBottom) fastdom.clear(this.splitMeasureBottom);
5 years ago
if(this.splitMutateBottom) fastdom.clear(this.splitMutateBottom);
if(this.appendLocked) return;
//return this.splitMeasureBottom = fastdom.measure(() => {
return this.splitMutateBottom = fastdom.mutate(() => {
if(this.appendLocked) return;
let spliceFrom = -1;
let spliceTo = 0;
let needToDetachHeight = needHeight;
let length = this.visibleElements.length;
for(; fromIndex < length; ++fromIndex) {
let child = this.visibleElements[fromIndex];
5 years ago
if(needHeight > 0) {
needHeight -= child.height;
5 years ago
} else {
needToDetachHeight -= child.height;
if(spliceFrom === -1) spliceFrom = fromIndex;
spliceTo = fromIndex;
5 years ago
if((needToDetachHeight > 0 && !detachAll) || spliceFrom === -1) return;
5 years ago
//if(this.splitMutateBottom) fastdom.clear(this.splitMutateBottom);
//return this.splitMutateBottom = fastdom.mutate(() => {
let spliced = this.visibleElements.splice(spliceFrom, spliceTo - spliceFrom + 1);
if(this.debug) {
this.log('spliced down', spliced, spliceFrom, spliceTo - spliceFrom + 1, length);
spliced.forEach((child, idx) => {
if(!child.element.parentElement) {
this.log.error('no child in splitUp (down):', child, child.element, spliceFrom, spliceTo - spliceFrom + 1, idx, spliced);
5 years ago
5 years ago
this.paddings.down += child.height;
5 years ago
this.hiddenElements.down.unshift(...spliced); = this.paddings.down + 'px';
5 years ago
5 years ago
5 years ago
public resize() {
//console.time('scroll resize');
//fastdom.mutate(() => {
if(!this.size || this.size == this.scrollSize) {
this.thumbSize = 0;
// @ts-ignore[this.type] = this.thumbSize + 'px';
//console.timeEnd('scroll resize');
//if(!height) return;
let divider = this.scrollSize / this.size / 0.5;
this.thumbSize = this.size / divider;
if(this.thumbSize < 20) this.thumbSize = 20;
// @ts-ignore[this.type] = this.thumbSize + 'px';
5 years ago
//console.timeEnd('scroll resize');
// @ts-ignore
//console.log('onresize',[type], thumbHeight, height);
5 years ago
5 years ago
public setVirtualContainer(el?: HTMLElement) {
this.splitUp = el;
this.onScrolledBottomFired = this.onScrolledTopFired = false;
this.hiddenElements.up.length = this.hiddenElements.down.length = this.visibleElements.length = 0;
this.paddings.up = this.paddings.down = 0;
5 years ago
this.lastScrollTop = 0;
5 years ago = ''; = '';
5 years ago
5 years ago
this.log('setVirtualContainer:', el, this);
5 years ago
5 years ago
5 years ago
if(el) {
fastdom.mutate(() => {
el.parentElement.insertBefore(this.paddingTopDiv, el);
el.parentNode.insertBefore(this.paddingBottomDiv, el.nextSibling);
5 years ago
} else {
5 years ago
get state() {
return {
hiddenElements: {
up: this.hiddenElements.up.slice(),
down: this.hiddenElements.down.slice(),
paddings: {
up: this.paddings.up,
down: this.paddings.down
visibleElements: this.visibleElements.slice(),
scrollSize: this.scrollSize
set state(state: {
visibleElements: Scrollable['visibleElements'],
hiddenElements: Scrollable['hiddenElements'],
paddings: Scrollable['paddings'],
scrollSize: Scrollable['scrollSize']
}) {
this.visibleElements = state.visibleElements;
this.hiddenElements = state.hiddenElements;
this.paddings = state.paddings;
this.scrollSize = state.scrollSize;
fastdom.mutate(() => { = this.paddings.up + 'px'; = this.paddings.down + 'px';
5 years ago
public getScrollTopOffset() {
if(this.splitUp && this.splitUp.parentElement && this.splitUp.parentElement != this.container) { // need to find offset
fastdom.measure(() => {
let rect = this.splitUp.getBoundingClientRect();
let containerRect = this.container.getBoundingClientRect();
5 years ago
5 years ago
this.scrollTopOffset = -;
this.log('set scrollTopOffset to:', this.scrollTopOffset);
} else {
this.scrollTopOffset = 0;
public onScroll() {
if(this.debug) {
this.log('onScroll call', this.onScrollMeasure);
let appendTo = this.splitUp || this.appendTo;
if(this.el != this.appendTo && this.appendTo != this.container) {
if(!appendTo.classList.contains('disable-hover')) {
this.disableHoverTimeout = setTimeout(() => {
5 years ago
if(!this.measureMutex.isFulfilled) {
}, 100);
if(this.onScrollMeasure) return; //window.cancelAnimationFrame(this.onScrollMeasure);
this.onScrollMeasure = window.requestAnimationFrame(() => {
// @ts-ignore
5 years ago
let scrollPos = this.container[this.scrollSide];
if(this.measureMutex.isFulfilled) {
// @ts-ignore quick brown fix
this.size = this.container[this.clientSize];
// @ts-ignore
let scrollSize = this.container[this.scrollType];
if(scrollSize != this.scrollSize || this.thumbSize == 0) {
this.scrollSize = scrollSize;
} else this.scrollSize = scrollSize;
this.measureMutex = deferredPromise<void>();
5 years ago
// let value = scrollPos / (this.scrollSize - this.size) * 100;
// let maxValue = 100 - (this.thumbSize / this.size * 100);
let value = scrollPos / (this.scrollSize - this.size) * this.size;
let maxValue = this.size - this.thumbSize;
5 years ago
//this.log(scrollPos, this.scrollSize, this.size, value, scrollPos / (this.scrollSize - this.size) * this.size);
5 years ago
let scrollTop = scrollPos - this.scrollTopOffset;
let maxScrollTop = this.scrollSize - this.scrollTopOffset - this.size;
// @ts-ignore = this.translate + '(' + (value >= maxValue ? maxValue : value) + 'px)';
5 years ago
if(this.onScrolledBottom) {
if(!this.hiddenElements.down.length && (maxScrollTop - scrollTop) <= this.onScrollOffset) {
//if(!this.onScrolledBottomFired) {
this.onScrolledBottomFired = true;
5 years ago
} else {
this.onScrolledBottomFired = false;
5 years ago
if(this.onScrolledTop) {
//this.log('onScrolledTop:', scrollTop, this.onScrollOffset);
if(!this.hiddenElements.up.length && scrollTop <= this.onScrollOffset) {
if(/* !this.onScrolledTopFired */!this.prependLocked) {
5 years ago
this.onScrolledTopFired = true;
} else {
this.onScrolledTopFired = false;
5 years ago
if(!this.splitUp) {
this.onScrollMeasure = 0;
5 years ago
let perf =;
if(scrollTop < 0) scrollTop = 0;
else if(scrollTop > maxScrollTop) scrollTop = maxScrollTop;
let toBottom = scrollTop > this.lastScrollTop;
let visibleFrom = scrollTop - this.paddings.up;
5 years ago
let visibleUntil = visibleFrom + this.size;
5 years ago
let sum = 0;
let firstVisibleElementIndex = -1;
let lastVisibleElementIndex = -1;
5 years ago
let needHeight = this.splitOffset;
let length = this.visibleElements.length;
this.visibleElements.forEach((child, idx) => {
if(sum < visibleUntil && (sum + child.height) >= visibleFrom && firstVisibleElementIndex === -1) { // if any part is in viewport
firstVisibleElementIndex = idx;
5 years ago
if(sum < visibleUntil && firstVisibleElementIndex !== -1) {
lastVisibleElementIndex = idx;
5 years ago
5 years ago
sum += child.height;
5 years ago
//this.log(sum, element);
5 years ago
if(lastVisibleElementIndex === -1 && firstVisibleElementIndex !== -1) {
lastVisibleElementIndex = firstVisibleElementIndex;
5 years ago
// возможно устанавливать прошлый скролл нужно уже после этого промиса, т.к. он может очиститься
if(scrollTop == this.lastScrollTop) {
if(this.debug) {
this.log('onScroll ==', ( - perf).toFixed(3), length, scrollTop, maxScrollTop, toBottom, firstVisibleElementIndex, lastVisibleElementIndex, visibleFrom, visibleUntil, this.scrollTopOffset, this.scrollSize);
5 years ago
this.lastScrollTop = scrollTop;
if(firstVisibleElementIndex !== -1) this.detachTop(firstVisibleElementIndex, needHeight);
if(lastVisibleElementIndex !== -1) this.detachBottom(lastVisibleElementIndex, needHeight);
this.onScrollMeasure = 0;
5 years ago
/* {
this.log('onScroll', ( - perf).toFixed(3), length, scrollTop,
toBottom, firstVisibleElement, lastVisibleElement, visibleFrom, visibleUntil);
return {value, maxValue};
} */
if(toBottom) { // scrolling bottom
if(firstVisibleElementIndex !== -1) {
5 years ago
if(this.debug) {
this.log('will detach top by:', firstVisibleElementIndex, needHeight);
5 years ago
this.detachTop(firstVisibleElementIndex, needHeight);
5 years ago
for(let i = lastVisibleElementIndex + 1; i < length; ++i) {
needHeight -= this.visibleElements[i].height;
5 years ago
if(needHeight >= this.splitOffset) {
//this.detachTop(firstVisibleElementIndex, this.splitOffset);
5 years ago
5 years ago
} else if(length) { // scrolled manually or safari
if(this.debug) {
this.log.warn('will detach all of top', length, this.splitUp.childElementCount, maxScrollTop, this.paddings, this.lastScrollTop);
5 years ago
5 years ago
this.detachTop(this.visibleElements.length - 1, 0, true).then(() => { // now need to move from one hidden array to another one
5 years ago
this.onManualScrollBottom(scrollTop, needHeight);
} else if(this.paddings.down) { // scrolled manually or safari
if(this.debug) {
this.log.warn('seems manually scrolled bottom', this.paddings.up, this.lastScrollTop);
5 years ago
this.onManualScrollBottom(scrollTop, needHeight);
} else { // scrolling top
if(lastVisibleElementIndex !== -1) {
5 years ago
if(this.debug) {
this.log('will detach bottom by:', lastVisibleElementIndex, needHeight);
5 years ago
5 years ago
//if((lastVisibleElementIndex + 1) < length) {
this.detachBottom(lastVisibleElementIndex, needHeight);
5 years ago
for(let i = firstVisibleElementIndex - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
needHeight -= this.visibleElements[i].height;
if(needHeight >= this.splitOffset) {
//this.detachBottom(lastVisibleElementIndex, this.splitOffset);
5 years ago
5 years ago
} else if(length) { // scrolled manually or safari
if(this.debug) {
this.log.warn('will detach all of bottom', length, this.splitUp.childElementCount, maxScrollTop, this.paddings, this.lastScrollTop);
5 years ago
this.detachBottom(0, 0, true).then(() => { // now need to move from one hidden array to another one
5 years ago
this.onManualScrollTop(scrollTop, needHeight, maxScrollTop);
} else if(this.paddings.up) {
if(this.debug) {
this.log.warn('seems manually scrolled top', this.paddings.down, this.lastScrollTop);
5 years ago
this.onManualScrollTop(scrollTop, needHeight, maxScrollTop);
if(this.debug) {
this.log('onScroll', ( - perf).toFixed(3), length, scrollTop, maxScrollTop, toBottom, firstVisibleElementIndex, lastVisibleElementIndex, visibleFrom, visibleUntil, this.scrollTopOffset);
5 years ago
5 years ago
5 years ago
this.lastScrollTop = scrollTop;
this.onScrollMeasure = 0;
5 years ago
5 years ago
public onManualScrollTop(scrollTop: number, needHeight: number, maxScrollTop: number) {
//if(this.splitMutateRemoveBad) fastdom.clear(this.splitMutateRemoveBad);
this.splitMutateRemoveBad = fastdom.mutate(() => {
5 years ago
let h = maxScrollTop - (scrollTop + this.size);
5 years ago
5 years ago
while(this.paddings.down < h && this.paddings.up) {
let child = this.hiddenElements.up.pop();
5 years ago
this.paddings.down += child.height;
5 years ago
this.paddings.up -= child.height;
5 years ago
5 years ago
if(this.debug) {
this.log.warn('manual scroll top', this, length, this.splitUp.childElementCount, scrollTop, this.paddings.up, h);
5 years ago
} = this.paddings.up + 'px';
5 years ago = this.paddings.down + 'px';
if(!this.paddings.up) this.onBottomIntersection((this.size * 2) + (needHeight * 2));
else this.onTopIntersection((this.size * 2) + (needHeight * 2));
5 years ago
public onManualScrollBottom(scrollTop: number, needHeight: number) {
//if(this.splitMutateRemoveBad) fastdom.clear(this.splitMutateRemoveBad);
this.splitMutateRemoveBad = fastdom.mutate(() => {
let h = scrollTop - needHeight;
while(this.paddings.up < h && this.paddings.down) {
let child = this.hiddenElements.down.shift();
this.paddings.up += child.height;
this.paddings.down -= child.height;
if(this.debug) {
this.log.warn('manual scroll bottom', this, length, this.splitUp.childElementCount, scrollTop, this.paddings.down, h);
5 years ago
5 years ago
5 years ago = this.paddings.up + 'px'; = this.paddings.down + 'px';
if(!this.paddings.down) this.onTopIntersection(this.size + (needHeight * 2));
else this.onBottomIntersection(this.size + (needHeight * 2));
5 years ago
public onTopIntersection(needHeight: number) {
if(this.debug) {
this.log('onTopIntersection', needHeight, this);
if(this.splitMutateIntersectionBottom) fastdom.clear(this.splitMutateIntersectionBottom);
this.splitMutateIntersectionBottom = fastdom.mutate(() => {
5 years ago
if(this.hiddenElements.up.length && this.paddings.up) {
let fragment = document.createDocumentFragment();
while(needHeight > 0 && this.paddings.up) {
let child = this.hiddenElements.up.pop();
// console.log('top returning from hidden', child);
if(!child) {
this.paddings.up = 0;
5 years ago
needHeight -= child.height;
this.paddings.up -= child.height;
this.splitUp.prepend(fragment); = this.paddings.up + 'px';
5 years ago
} else { = '0px';
5 years ago
5 years ago
5 years ago
public onBottomIntersection(needHeight: number) {
if(this.debug) {
this.log('onBottomIntersection', needHeight, this);
5 years ago
5 years ago
if(this.splitMutateIntersectionBottom) fastdom.clear(this.splitMutateIntersectionBottom);
this.splitMutateIntersectionBottom = fastdom.mutate(() => {
if(this.hiddenElements.down.length && this.paddings.down) {
let fragment = document.createDocumentFragment();
while(needHeight > 0 && this.paddings.down) {
let child = this.hiddenElements.down.shift();
if(!child) {
this.paddings.down = 0;
5 years ago
needHeight -= child.height;
this.paddings.down -= child.height;
5 years ago
this.splitUp.appendChild(fragment); = this.paddings.down + 'px';
5 years ago
5 years ago
/* if(this.debug) {
this.log('onBottomIntersection append:', fragment, needHeight);
} */
if(this.onAddedBottom) this.onAddedBottom();
} else { = '0px';
5 years ago
5 years ago
public prepend(element: HTMLElement) {
if(this.splitUp) {
5 years ago
if(this.hiddenElements.up.length && !this.prependLocked) {
let height = element.scrollHeight;
this.log('will append element to up hidden', element, height);
this.paddings.up += height;
element: element,
height: height
5 years ago
5 years ago = this.paddings.up + 'px';
5 years ago
} else {
let el = {element, height: 0};
fastdom.measure(() => {
if(!element.parentElement) return;
let height = element.scrollHeight;
el.height = height;
this.scrollSize += height;
5 years ago
5 years ago
} else {
5 years ago
this.visibleElements.unshift({element, height: 0});
5 years ago
5 years ago
5 years ago
public append(element: HTMLElement) {
if(this.splitUp) {
5 years ago
if(this.hiddenElements.down.length && !this.appendLocked) {
5 years ago
fastdom.mutate(() => {
5 years ago
}).then(() => {
return fastdom.measure(() => {
let height = element.scrollHeight;
this.log('will append element to down hidden', element, height);
this.paddings.down += height;
element: element,
height: height
5 years ago
5 years ago
}).then(() => {
fastdom.mutate(() => {
if(element.parentElement) {
5 years ago = this.paddings.down + 'px';
5 years ago
} else {
let el = {element, height: 0};
fastdom.measure(() => {
if(!element.parentElement) return;
let height = element.scrollHeight;
el.height = height;
this.scrollSize += height;
5 years ago
5 years ago
} else {
5 years ago
this.visibleElements.push({element, height: 0});
5 years ago
5 years ago
5 years ago
public prependByBatch(element: HTMLElement) {
let perf =;
let fragment = this.prependFragment ?? (this.prependFragment = document.createDocumentFragment());
if(this.prependFragmentId) window.cancelAnimationFrame(this.prependFragmentId);
this.prependFragmentId = window.requestAnimationFrame(() => {
this.prependFragment = null;
this.prependFragmentId = 0;
for(let length = fragment.childElementCount, i = length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
let element = fragment.children[i];
this.visibleElements.unshift({element, height: 0});
this.log('prependByBatch perf:', - perf, fragment.childElementCount);
public appendByBatch(element: HTMLElement) {
let fragment = this.appendFragment ?? (this.appendFragment = document.createDocumentFragment());
if(this.appendFragmentId) window.cancelAnimationFrame(this.appendFragmentId);
this.appendFragmentId = window.requestAnimationFrame(() => {
this.appendFragment = null;
this.appendFragmentId = 0;
for(let i = 0, length = fragment.childElementCount; i < length; ++i) {
let element = fragment.children[i];
this.visibleElements.push({element, height: 0});
5 years ago
public contains(element: Element) {
if(!this.splitUp) {
return this.appendTo.contains(element);
return !!element.parentElement || !!this.hiddenElements.up.find(c => c.element == element) || !!this.hiddenElements.down.find(c => c.element == element);
5 years ago
public removeElement(element: Element) {
if(!this.splitUp) {
if(element.parentElement) {
5 years ago
} else {
if(this.splitUp.contains(element)) {
//fastdom.mutate(() => this.splitUp.removeChild(element));
5 years ago
let child = this.hiddenElements.up.findAndSplice(c => c.element == element);
5 years ago
let foundUp = false;
5 years ago
if(child) {
5 years ago
this.paddings.up -= child.height;
foundUp = true;
} else {
5 years ago
child = this.hiddenElements.down.findAndSplice(c => c.element == element);
if(child) {
5 years ago
this.paddings.down -= child.height;
if(!child) return;
//fastdom.mutate(() => {
if(foundUp) { = this.paddings.up + 'px';
} else { = this.paddings.down + 'px';
return child;
5 years ago
5 years ago
public insertBefore(newChild: Element, refChild: Element, height?: number) {
this.log('insertBefore', newChild, newChild.textContent, refChild);
if(!this.splitUp) {
let ret = this.appendTo.insertBefore(newChild, refChild);
return ret;
5 years ago
if(this.splitUp) {
5 years ago
let index = -1;
index = this.hiddenElements.up.findIndex(c => c.element == refChild);
5 years ago
let child = this.removeElement(newChild);
if(child) {
height = child.height;
} else if(height === undefined) {
let p = this.getScrollHeightPromises.find(p => p.element == newChild);
if(!p) p = {element: newChild, task: null};
else fastdom.clear(p.task);
let promise: any;
return p.task = promise = fastdom.mutate(() => {
return fastdom.measure(() => {
if(p.task != promise) return;
let height = newChild.scrollHeight;
return fastdom.mutate(() => {
if(p.task != promise || !newChild.parentElement) return;
this.insertBefore(newChild, refChild, height);
this.getScrollHeightPromises = this.getScrollHeightPromises.filter(p => p.element != newChild);
return height;
5 years ago
if(index !== -1) {
5 years ago
this.hiddenElements.up.splice(index, 0, {element: newChild, height: height});
this.paddings.up += height;
fastdom.mutate(() => { = this.paddings.up + 'px';
5 years ago
return index;
} else {
5 years ago
index = this.hiddenElements.down.findIndex(c => c.element == refChild);
5 years ago
if(index !== -1) {
5 years ago
this.hiddenElements.down.splice(index, 0, {element: newChild, height: height});
this.paddings.down += height;
fastdom.mutate(() => { = this.paddings.down + 'px';
5 years ago
return index;
5 years ago
fastdom.mutate(() => {
this.log('inserting', newChild, 'before', refChild, this.splitUp.contains(refChild));
if(!this.splitUp.contains(refChild)) {
this.log.error('no refChild in splitUp', refChild, newChild, this.hiddenElements);
this.splitUp.insertBefore(newChild, refChild);
5 years ago
public scrollIntoView(element: Element) {
if(element.parentElement) {
} else if(this.splitUp) {
let index = this.hiddenElements.up.findIndex(e => e.element == element);
let y = 0;
if(index !== -1) {
for(let i = 0; i < index; ++i) {
y += this.hiddenElements.up[i].height;
5 years ago
this.scrollTop = y;
} else if((index = this.hiddenElements.down.findIndex(e => e.element == element)) !== -1) {
y += this.paddings.up + this.size;
for(let i = 0; i < index; ++i) {
y += this.hiddenElements.down[i].height;
5 years ago
this.scrollTop = y;
5 years ago
public lock(side: 'top' | 'down' | 'both' = 'down') {
if(side == 'top') this.prependLocked = true;
else if(side == 'down') this.appendLocked = true;
else this.prependLocked = this.appendLocked = true;
public unlock(side: 'top' | 'down' | 'both' = 'down') {
if(side == 'top') this.prependLocked = false;
else if(side == 'down') this.appendLocked = false;
else this.prependLocked = this.appendLocked = false;
5 years ago
set scrollTop(y: number) {
5 years ago
//fastdom.mutate(() => {
5 years ago
this.container.scrollTop = y;
5 years ago
5 years ago
5 years ago
5 years ago
get scrollTop() {
return this.container.scrollTop;
5 years ago
5 years ago
get scrollHeight() {
return this.container.scrollHeight;
5 years ago
get innerHeight() {
return this.size;
5 years ago
5 years ago
get parentElement() {
return this.container.parentElement;
5 years ago
5 years ago
get offsetHeight() {
return this.container.offsetHeight;
get length() {
return this.hiddenElements.up.length + this.visibleElements.length + this.hiddenElements.down.length;