Telegram Web K with changes to work inside I2P https://web.telegram.i2p/
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

616 lines
21 KiB

* Copyright (C) 2019-2021 Eduard Kuzmenko
* Originally from:
* Copyright (C) 2014 Igor Zhukov <>
import { MOUNT_CLASS_TO } from "../../config/debug";
import { tsNow } from "../../helpers/date";
3 years ago
import { numberThousandSplitter } from "../../helpers/number";
import { ChannelParticipantsFilter, ChannelsChannelParticipants, Chat, ChatFull, ChatParticipants, ChatPhoto, ExportedChatInvite, InputChannel, InputFile, InputFileLocation, PhotoSize, SendMessageAction, Update, UserFull, UserProfilePhoto } from "../../layer";
import { LangPackKey, i18n } from "../langPack";
//import apiManager from '../mtproto/apiManager';
import apiManager from '../mtproto/mtprotoworker';
import { RichTextProcessor } from "../richtextprocessor";
import rootScope from "../rootScope";
import SearchIndex from "../searchIndex";
import apiUpdatesManager from "./apiUpdatesManager";
import appChatsManager from "./appChatsManager";
import appNotificationsManager from "./appNotificationsManager";
import appPeersManager from "./appPeersManager";
3 years ago
import appPhotosManager from "./appPhotosManager";
import appUsersManager, { User } from "./appUsersManager";
3 years ago
export type UserTyping = Partial<{userId: number, action: SendMessageAction, timeout: number}>;
export class AppProfileManager {
//private botInfos: any = {};
private usersFull: {[id: string]: UserFull.userFull} = {};
public chatsFull: {[id: string]: ChatFull} = {};
private fullPromises: {[peerId: string]: Promise<ChatFull.chatFull | ChatFull.channelFull | UserFull>} = {};
3 years ago
private megagroupOnlines: {[id: number]: {timestamp: number, onlines: number}};
private typingsInPeer: {[peerId: number]: UserTyping[]};
constructor() {
updateChatParticipants: (update) => {
const participants = update.participants;
if(participants._ === 'chatParticipants') {
const chatId = participants.chat_id;
const chatFull = this.chatsFull[chatId] as ChatFull.chatFull;
if(chatFull !== undefined) {
chatFull.participants = participants;
rootScope.dispatchEvent('chat_full_update', chatId);
updateChatParticipantAdd: (update) => {
const chatFull = this.chatsFull[update.chat_id] as ChatFull.chatFull;
if(chatFull !== undefined) {
const _participants = chatFull.participants as ChatParticipants.chatParticipants;
const participants = _participants.participants || [];
for(let i = 0, length = participants.length; i < length; i++) {
if(participants[i].user_id === update.user_id) {
_: 'chatParticipant',
user_id: update.user_id,
inviter_id: update.inviter_id,
date: tsNow(true)
_participants.version = update.version;
rootScope.dispatchEvent('chat_full_update', update.chat_id);
updateChatParticipantDelete: (update) => {
const chatFull = this.chatsFull[update.chat_id] as ChatFull.chatFull;
if(chatFull !== undefined) {
const _participants = chatFull.participants as ChatParticipants.chatParticipants;
const participants = _participants.participants || [];
for(let i = 0, length = participants.length; i < length; i++) {
if(participants[i].user_id === update.user_id) {
participants.splice(i, 1);
_participants.version = update.version;
rootScope.dispatchEvent('chat_full_update', update.chat_id);
3 years ago
updateUserTyping: this.onUpdateUserTyping,
updateChatUserTyping: this.onUpdateUserTyping,
updateChannelUserTyping: this.onUpdateUserTyping
rootScope.addEventListener('chat_update', (chatId) => {
const fullChat = this.chatsFull[chatId];
3 years ago
const chat: = appChatsManager.getChat(chatId);
if(! || !fullChat) {
3 years ago
const emptyPhoto = === 'chatPhotoEmpty';
//////console.log('chat_update:', fullChat);
if(fullChat.chat_photo && emptyPhoto !== (fullChat.chat_photo._ === 'photoEmpty')) {
delete this.chatsFull[chatId];
rootScope.dispatchEvent('chat_full_update', chatId);
if(emptyPhoto) {
3 years ago
const photoId = ( as ChatPhoto.chatPhoto).photo_id;
const chatFullPhotoId = fullChat.chat_photo?.id;
if(chatFullPhotoId !== photoId) {
delete this.chatsFull[chatId];
rootScope.dispatchEvent('chat_full_update', chatId);
3 years ago
rootScope.addEventListener('invalidate_participants', chatId => {
this.megagroupOnlines = {};
this.typingsInPeer = {};
/* public saveBotInfo(botInfo: any) {
const botId = botInfo && botInfo.user_id;
if(!botId) {
return null;
const commands: any = {};
botInfo.commands.forEach((botCommand: any) => {
commands[botCommand.command] = botCommand.description;
return this.botInfos[botId] = {
id: botId,
version: botInfo.version,
shareText: botInfo.share_text,
description: botInfo.description,
commands: commands
} */
public getProfile(id: number, override?: true): Promise<UserFull> {
if(this.usersFull[id] && !override) {
return Promise.resolve(this.usersFull[id]);
if(this.fullPromises[id]) {
return this.fullPromises[id] as any;
return this.fullPromises[id] = apiManager.invokeApi('users.getFullUser', {
id: appUsersManager.getUserInput(id)
}).then((userFull) => {
const user = userFull.user as User;
appUsersManager.saveApiUser(user, true);
if(userFull.profile_photo) {
userFull.profile_photo = appPhotosManager.savePhoto(userFull.profile_photo, {type: 'profilePhoto', peerId: id});
if(userFull.about !== undefined) {
userFull.rAbout = RichTextProcessor.wrapRichText(userFull.about, {noLinebreaks: true});
appNotificationsManager.savePeerSettings(id, userFull.notify_settings);
/* if(userFull.bot_info) {
userFull.bot_info = this.saveBotInfo(userFull.bot_info) as any;
} */
//appMessagesManager.savePinnedMessage(id, userFull.pinned_msg_id);
delete this.fullPromises[id];
return this.usersFull[id] = userFull;
}) as any;
public getProfileByPeerId(peerId: number, override?: true): Promise<ChatFull.chatFull | ChatFull.channelFull | UserFull.userFull> {
if(peerId < 0) return this.getChatFull(-peerId, override);
else return this.getProfile(peerId, override);
public getFullPhoto(peerId: number) {
return this.getProfileByPeerId(peerId).then(profile => {
switch(profile._) {
case 'userFull':
return profile.profile_photo;
case 'channelFull':
case 'chatFull':
return profile.chat_photo;
/* public getPeerBots(peerId: number) {
var peerBots: any[] = [];
if(peerId >= 0 && !appUsersManager.isBot(peerId) ||
(appPeersManager.isChannel(peerId) && !appPeersManager.isMegagroup(peerId))) {
return Promise.resolve(peerBots);
if(peerId >= 0) {
return this.getProfile(peerId).then((userFull: any) => {
var botInfo = userFull.bot_info;
if(botInfo && botInfo._ !== 'botInfoEmpty') {
return peerBots;
return this.getChatFull(-peerId).then((chatFull: any) => {
chatFull.bot_info.forEach((botInfo: any) => {
return peerBots;
} */
public getChatFull(id: number, override?: true): Promise<ChatFull.chatFull | ChatFull.channelFull> {
if(appChatsManager.isChannel(id)) {
return this.getChannelFull(id, override);
const fullChat = this.chatsFull[id] as ChatFull.chatFull;
if(fullChat && !override) {
const chat = appChatsManager.getChat(id);
if(chat.version === (fullChat.participants as ChatParticipants.chatParticipants).version ||
chat.pFlags.left) {
return Promise.resolve(fullChat);
const peerId = -id;
if(this.fullPromises[peerId] !== undefined) {
return this.fullPromises[peerId] as any;
// console.trace(dT(), 'Get chat full', id, appChatsManager.getChat(id))
return this.fullPromises[peerId] = apiManager.invokeApi('messages.getFullChat', {
chat_id: id
}).then((result) => {
appChatsManager.saveApiChats(result.chats, true);
const fullChat = result.full_chat as ChatFull.chatFull;
if(fullChat && fullChat.chat_photo && {
fullChat.chat_photo = appPhotosManager.savePhoto(fullChat.chat_photo, {type: 'profilePhoto', peerId: peerId});
//appMessagesManager.savePinnedMessage(peerId, fullChat.pinned_msg_id);
appNotificationsManager.savePeerSettings(peerId, fullChat.notify_settings);
delete this.fullPromises[peerId];
this.chatsFull[id] = fullChat;
rootScope.dispatchEvent('chat_full_update', id);
return fullChat;
}) as any;
public getChatInviteLink(id: number, force?: boolean) {
return this.getChatFull(id).then((chatFull) => {
if(!force &&
chatFull.exported_invite &&
chatFull.exported_invite._ == 'chatInviteExported') {
return apiManager.invokeApi('messages.exportChatInvite', {
peer: appPeersManager.getInputPeerById(-id)
}).then((exportedInvite) => {
if(this.chatsFull[id] !== undefined) {
this.chatsFull[id].exported_invite = exportedInvite;
return (exportedInvite as ExportedChatInvite.chatInviteExported).link;
public getChannelParticipants(id: number, filter: ChannelParticipantsFilter = {_: 'channelParticipantsRecent'}, limit = 200, offset = 0) {
if(filter._ === 'channelParticipantsRecent') {
const chat = appChatsManager.getChat(id);
if(chat &&
chat.pFlags && (
chat.pFlags.kicked ||
chat.pFlags.broadcast && !chat.pFlags.creator && !chat.admin_rights
)) {
return Promise.reject();
return apiManager.invokeApiCacheable('channels.getParticipants', {
channel: appChatsManager.getChannelInput(id),
hash: 0
}, {cacheSeconds: 60}).then(result => {
appUsersManager.saveApiUsers((result as ChannelsChannelParticipants.channelsChannelParticipants).users);
return result as ChannelsChannelParticipants.channelsChannelParticipants;
/* let maybeAddSelf = (participants: any[]) => {
let chat = appChatsManager.getChat(id);
let selfMustBeFirst = filter._ === 'channelParticipantsRecent' &&
!offset &&
!chat.pFlags.kicked &&
if(selfMustBeFirst) {
participants = copy(participants);
let myID = appUsersManager.getSelf().id;
let myIndex = participants.findIndex(p => p.user_id === myID);
let myParticipant;
if(myIndex !== -1) {
myParticipant = participants[myIndex];
participants.splice(myIndex, 1);
} else {
myParticipant = {_: 'channelParticipantSelf', user_id: myID};
return participants;
} */
3 years ago
public getChannelParticipant(id: number, peerId: number) {
return apiManager.invokeApiSingle('channels.getParticipant', {
channel: appChatsManager.getChannelInput(id),
3 years ago
participant: appPeersManager.getInputPeerById(peerId),
}).then(channelParticipant => {
return channelParticipant.participant;
public getChannelFull(id: number, override?: true): Promise<ChatFull.channelFull> {
if(this.chatsFull[id] !== undefined && !override) {
return Promise.resolve(this.chatsFull[id] as ChatFull.channelFull);
const peerId = -id;
if(this.fullPromises[peerId] !== undefined) {
return this.fullPromises[peerId] as any;
return this.fullPromises[peerId] = apiManager.invokeApi('channels.getFullChannel', {
channel: appChatsManager.getChannelInput(id)
}).then((result) => {
appChatsManager.saveApiChats(result.chats, true);
const fullChannel = result.full_chat as ChatFull.channelFull;
if(fullChannel && {
fullChannel.chat_photo = appPhotosManager.savePhoto(fullChannel.chat_photo, {type: 'profilePhoto', peerId});
appNotificationsManager.savePeerSettings(peerId, fullChannel.notify_settings);
delete this.fullPromises[peerId];
this.chatsFull[id] = fullChannel;
rootScope.dispatchEvent('chat_full_update', id);
return fullChannel;
}, (error) => {
switch (error.type) {
let channel = appChatsManager.getChat(id);
channel = {_: 'channelForbidden', access_hash: channel.access_hash, title: channel.title};
_: 'updates',
updates: [{
_: 'updateChannel',
channel_id: id
3 years ago
} as Update.updateChannel],
chats: [channel],
users: []
return Promise.reject(error);
}) as any;
public getMentions(chatId: number, query: string, threadId?: number): Promise<number[]> {
const processUserIds = (userIds: number[]) => {
/* const startsWithAt = query.charAt(0) === '@';
if(startsWithAt) query = query.slice(1);
const index = new SearchIndex<number>(!startsWithAt, !startsWithAt); */
const index = new SearchIndex<number>(true, true);
userIds.forEach(userId => {
index.indexObject(userId, appUsersManager.getUserSearchText(userId));
return Array.from(;
if(appChatsManager.isChannel(chatId)) {
return this.getChannelParticipants(chatId, {
_: 'channelParticipantsMentions',
q: query,
top_msg_id: threadId
}, 50, 0).then(cP => {
return processUserIds( => appChatsManager.getParticipantPeerId(p)));
} else {
return (this.getChatFull(chatId) as Promise<ChatFull.chatFull>).then(chatFull => {
return processUserIds((chatFull.participants as ChatParticipants.chatParticipants) => p.user_id));
public invalidateChannelParticipants(id: number) {
delete this.chatsFull[id];
delete this.fullPromises[-id];
apiManager.clearCache('channels.getParticipants', (params) => ( as InputChannel.inputChannel).channel_id === id);
rootScope.dispatchEvent('chat_full_update', id);
public updateProfile(first_name: string, last_name: string, about: string) {
return apiManager.invokeApi('account.updateProfile', {
}).then(user => {
return this.getProfile(rootScope.myId, true);
public uploadProfilePhoto(inputFile: InputFile) {
return apiManager.invokeApi('photos.uploadProfilePhoto', {
file: inputFile
}).then((updateResult) => {
const myId = rootScope.myId;
appPhotosManager.savePhoto(, {
type: 'profilePhoto',
peerId: myId
_: 'updateUserPhoto',
user_id: myId,
date: tsNow(true),
photo: appUsersManager.getUser(myId).photo,
previous: true
3 years ago
public getChatMembersString(id: number) {
const chat: Chat = appChatsManager.getChat(id);
if(chat._ === 'chatForbidden') {
return i18n('YouWereKicked');
3 years ago
const chatFull = this.chatsFull[id];
let count: number;
if(chatFull) {
if(chatFull._ === 'channelFull') {
count = chatFull.participants_count;
} else {
count = (chatFull.participants as ChatParticipants.chatParticipants).participants?.length;
} else {
count = (chat as || (chat as any).participants?.participants.length;
3 years ago
const isChannel = appChatsManager.isBroadcast(id);
count = count || 1;
let key: LangPackKey = isChannel ? 'Peer.Status.Subscribers' : 'Peer.Status.Member';
return i18n(key, [numberThousandSplitter(count)]);
3 years ago
public async getOnlines(id: number): Promise<number> {
if(appChatsManager.isMegagroup(id)) {
const timestamp = / 1000 | 0;
const cached = this.megagroupOnlines[id] ?? (this.megagroupOnlines[id] = {timestamp: 0, onlines: 1});
if((timestamp - cached.timestamp) < 60) {
return cached.onlines;
3 years ago
const res = await apiManager.invokeApi('messages.getOnlines', {
peer: appChatsManager.getChannelInputPeer(id)
3 years ago
const onlines = res.onlines ?? 1;
cached.timestamp = timestamp;
cached.onlines = onlines;
3 years ago
return onlines;
} else if(appChatsManager.isBroadcast(id)) {
return 1;
3 years ago
const chatInfo = await this.getChatFull(id);
const _participants = (chatInfo as ChatFull.chatFull).participants as ChatParticipants.chatParticipants;
if(_participants && _participants.participants) {
const participants = _participants.participants;
3 years ago
return participants.reduce((acc: number, participant) => {
const user = appUsersManager.getUser(participant.user_id);
if(user && user.status && user.status._ === 'userStatusOnline') {
return acc + 1;
3 years ago
return acc;
}, 0);
} else {
3 years ago
return 1;
3 years ago
private onUpdateUserTyping = (update: Update.updateUserTyping | Update.updateChatUserTyping | Update.updateChannelUserTyping) => {
const fromId = (update as Update.updateUserTyping).user_id || appPeersManager.getPeerId((update as Update.updateChatUserTyping).from_id);
if(rootScope.myId === fromId || update.action._ === 'speakingInGroupCallAction') {
const peerId = update._ === 'updateUserTyping' ?
fromId :
-((update as Update.updateChatUserTyping).chat_id || (update as Update.updateChannelUserTyping).channel_id);
const typings = this.typingsInPeer[peerId] ?? (this.typingsInPeer[peerId] = []);
let typing = typings.find(t => t.userId === fromId);
const cancelAction = () => {
delete typing.timeout;
//typings.findAndSplice(t => t === typing);
const idx = typings.indexOf(typing);
if(idx !== -1) {
typings.splice(idx, 1);
3 years ago
rootScope.dispatchEvent('peer_typings', {peerId, typings});
3 years ago
if(!typings.length) {
delete this.typingsInPeer[peerId];
3 years ago
if(typing && typing.timeout !== undefined) {
3 years ago
if(update.action._ === 'sendMessageCancelAction') {
if(!typing) {
3 years ago
3 years ago
if(!typing) {
typing = {
userId: fromId
3 years ago
//console.log('updateChatUserTyping', update, typings);
typing.action = update.action;
const hasUser = appUsersManager.hasUser(fromId);
if(!hasUser) {
// let's load user here
if(update._ === 'updateChatUserTyping') {
if(update.chat_id && appChatsManager.hasChat(update.chat_id) && !appChatsManager.isChannel(update.chat_id)) {
appProfileManager.getChatFull(update.chat_id).then(() => {
if(typing.timeout !== undefined && appUsersManager.hasUser(fromId)) {
rootScope.dispatchEvent('peer_typings', {peerId, typings});
3 years ago
} else {
3 years ago
typing.timeout = window.setTimeout(cancelAction, 6000);
if(hasUser) {
rootScope.dispatchEvent('peer_typings', {peerId, typings});
3 years ago
public getPeerTypings(peerId: number) {
return this.typingsInPeer[peerId];
const appProfileManager = new AppProfileManager();
MOUNT_CLASS_TO.appProfileManager = appProfileManager;
export default appProfileManager;