Telegram Web K with changes to work inside I2P https://web.telegram.i2p/
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

214 lines
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import CryptoWorker from "../crypto/cryptoworker";
import {str2bigInt, isZero,
bigInt2str, powMod, int2bigInt, mult, mod, sub, bitSize, negative, add, greater} from '../../vendor/leemon';
import {logger, LogTypes} from '../logger';
import { AccountPassword, PasswordKdfAlgo } from "../../layer";
import { bufferConcats, bytesToHex, bytesFromHex, bufferConcat, bytesXor } from "../../helpers/bytes";
//import { MOUNT_CLASS_TO } from "../../config/debug";
const log = logger('SRP', LogTypes.Error);
//MOUNT_CLASS_TO && Object.assign(MOUNT_CLASS_TO, {str2bigInt, bigInt2str, int2bigInt});
export async function makePasswordHash(password: string, client_salt: Uint8Array, server_salt: Uint8Array): Promise<number[]> {
// ! look into crypto_methods.test.ts
let buffer: any = await CryptoWorker.sha256Hash(bufferConcats(client_salt, new TextEncoder().encode(password), client_salt));
//log('encoded 1', bytesToHex(new Uint8Array(buffer)));
buffer = bufferConcats(server_salt, buffer, server_salt);
buffer = await CryptoWorker.sha256Hash(buffer);
//log('encoded 2', buffer, bytesToHex(new Uint8Array(buffer)));
let hash = await CryptoWorker.pbkdf2(new Uint8Array(buffer), client_salt, 100000);
//log('encoded 3', hash, bytesToHex(new Uint8Array(hash)));
hash = bufferConcats(server_salt, hash, server_salt);
buffer = await CryptoWorker.sha256Hash(hash);
//log('got password hash:', buffer, bytesToHex(new Uint8Array(buffer)));
return buffer;
3 years ago
export async function computeSRP(password: string, state: AccountPassword, isNew: boolean) {
const algo = (isNew ? state.new_algo : state.current_algo) as PasswordKdfAlgo.passwordKdfAlgoSHA256SHA256PBKDF2HMACSHA512iter100000SHA256ModPow;
//console.log('computeSRP:', password, state, isNew, algo);
const p = str2bigInt(bytesToHex(algo.p), 16);
const B = str2bigInt(bytesToHex(state.srp_B), 16);
const g = int2bigInt(algo.g, 32, 256);
//log('p', bigInt2str(p, 16));
//log('B', bigInt2str(B, 16));
/* if(B.compareTo(BigInteger.ZERO) < 0) {
console.error('srp_B < 0')
if(B.compareTo(p) <= 0) {
console.error('srp_B <= p');
} */
/* let check_prime_and_good = (bytes: any, g: number) => {
let good_prime = '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';
if(bytesToHex(bytes) === good_prime && [3, 4, 5, 7].indexOf(g) !== -1) {
return true;
// TO-DO check_prime_and_good_check
}; */
//check_prime_and_good(algo.p, g);
const pw_hash = await makePasswordHash(password, new Uint8Array(algo.salt1), new Uint8Array(algo.salt2));
const x = str2bigInt(bytesToHex(new Uint8Array(pw_hash)), 16);
//log('computed pw_hash:', pw_hash, x, bytesToHex(new Uint8Array(pw_hash)));
const padArray = function(arr: any[], len: number, fill = 0) {
return new Uint8Array(Array(len).fill(fill).concat(arr).slice(-len));
const pForHash = padArray(bytesFromHex(bigInt2str(p, 16)), 256);
const gForHash = padArray(bytesFromHex(bigInt2str(g, 16)), 256); // like uint8array
const b_for_hash = padArray(bytesFromHex(bigInt2str(B, 16)), 256);
/* log(bytesToHex(pForHash));
log(bytesToHex(b_for_hash)); */
const v = powMod(g, x, p);
const flipper = (arr: Uint8Array | number[]) => {
const out = new Uint8Array(arr.length);
for(let i = 0; i < arr.length; i += 4) {
out[i] = arr[i + 3];
out[i + 1] = arr[i + 2];
out[i + 2] = arr[i + 1];
out[i + 3] = arr[i];
return out;
3 years ago
// *
if(isNew) {
const bytes = bytesFromHex(bigInt2str(v, 16));
return padArray(/* (isBigEndian ? bytes.reverse() : bytes) */bytes, 256);
3 years ago
//log('g_x', bigInt2str(g_x, 16));
let k: any = await CryptoWorker.sha256Hash(bufferConcat(pForHash, gForHash));
k = str2bigInt(bytesToHex(new Uint8Array(k)), 16);
//log('k', bigInt2str(k, 16));
// kg_x = (k * g_x) % p
const k_v = mod(mult(k, v), p);
// good
//log('kg_x', bigInt2str(kg_x, 16));
const is_good_mod_exp_first = (modexp: any, prime: any) => {
const diff = sub(prime, modexp);
const min_diff_bits_count = 2048 - 64;
const max_mod_exp_size = 256;
if(negative(diff) ||
bitSize(diff) < min_diff_bits_count ||
bitSize(modexp) < min_diff_bits_count ||
Math.floor((bitSize(modexp) + 7) / 8) > max_mod_exp_size)
return false;
return true;
const generate_and_check_random = async() => {
while(true) {
const a = str2bigInt(bytesToHex(flipper(state.secure_random)), 16);
//const a = str2bigInt('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', 16);
//log('g a p', bigInt2str(g, 16), bigInt2str(a, 16), bigInt2str(p, 16));
const A = powMod(g, a, p);
//log('A MODPOW', bigInt2str(A, 16));
if(is_good_mod_exp_first(A, p)) {
const a_for_hash = bytesFromHex(bigInt2str(A, 16));
const s: any = await CryptoWorker.sha256Hash(
bufferConcat(new Uint8Array(a_for_hash), new Uint8Array(b_for_hash)));
const u = str2bigInt(bytesToHex(new Uint8Array(s)), 16);
if(!isZero(u) && !negative(u))
return {a, a_for_hash, u};
let {a, a_for_hash, u} = await generate_and_check_random();
/* log('a', bigInt2str(a, 16));
log('a_for_hash', bytesToHex(a_for_hash));
log('u', bigInt2str(u, 16)); */
// g_b = (B - kg_x) % p
/* log('B - kg_x', bigInt2str(sub(B, kg_x), 16));
log('subtract', bigInt2str(B, 16), bigInt2str(kg_x, 16));
log('B - kg_x', bigInt2str(sub(B, kg_x), 16)); */
let g_b;
if(!greater(B, k_v)) {
g_b = add(B, p);
} else g_b = B;
g_b = mod(sub(g_b, k_v), p);
/* let g_b = sub(B, kg_x);
if(negative(g_b)) g_b = add(g_b, p); */
//log('g_b', bigInt2str(g_b, 16));
/* if(!is_good_mod_exp_first(g_b, p))
throw new Error('bad g_b'); */
let ux = mult(u, x);
//log('u and x multiply', bigInt2str(u, 16), bigInt2str(x, 16), bigInt2str(ux, 16));
let a_ux = add(a, ux);
let S = powMod(g_b, a_ux, p);
let K = await CryptoWorker.sha256Hash(padArray(bytesFromHex(bigInt2str(S, 16)), 256));
//log('K', bytesToHex(K), new Uint32Array(new Uint8Array(K).buffer));
let h1 = await CryptoWorker.sha256Hash(pForHash);
let h2 = await CryptoWorker.sha256Hash(gForHash);
h1 = bytesXor(new Uint8Array(h1), new Uint8Array(h2));
let buff = bufferConcats(h1,
await CryptoWorker.sha256Hash(algo.salt1),
await CryptoWorker.sha256Hash(algo.salt2),
let M1: any = await CryptoWorker.sha256Hash(buff);
let out = {
_: 'inputCheckPasswordSRP',
srp_id: state.srp_id,
A: new Uint8Array(a_for_hash),
M1: new Uint8Array(M1)
//log('out', bytesToHex(out.A), bytesToHex(out.M1));
return out;
/* console.log(gForHash, pForHash, bForHash); */