Telegram Web K with changes to work inside I2P https://web.telegram.i2p/
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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class AppWebpManager {
private webpMachine: any = null;
private loaded: Promise<void>;
private busyPromise: Promise<Uint8Array | void>;
private queue: {bytes: Uint8Array, callback: (res: Uint8Array) => void}[] = [];
private testPromise: Promise<boolean> = null;
public webpSupport = false;
constructor() {
5 years ago
private loadWebpHero() {
5 years ago
if(this.loaded) return this.loaded;
this.loaded = new Promise(async(resolve, reject) => {
let res = await this.testWebpSupport();
5 years ago
if(!res) {
(window as any).webpLoaded = () => {
console.log('webpHero loaded');
this.webpMachine = new (window as any).WebpMachine();
5 years ago
let sc = document.createElement('script');
sc.src = 'npm.webp-hero.chunk.js';
sc.async = true;
sc.onload = (window as any).webpLoaded;
} else {
private convert(bytes: Uint8Array): AppWebpManager['busyPromise'] {
return this.webpMachine.decode(bytes);
private async processQueue() {
if(this.busyPromise) return;
this.busyPromise = Promise.resolve();
5 years ago
let {bytes, callback} = this.queue.pop();
5 years ago
if(!this.loaded) {
await this.loaded;
this.busyPromise = this.convert(bytes);
let res = await this.busyPromise;
console.log('converted webp', res);
callback(res as Uint8Array);
this.busyPromise = null;
if(this.queue.length) {
public testWebpSupport() {
if(this.testPromise) return this.testPromise;
5 years ago
return this.testPromise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
let webP = new Image();
webP.src = '' +
webP.onload = webP.onerror = () => {
resolve(this.webpSupport = webP.height === 2/* && false */);
public isSupported() {
return this.webpSupport;
public convertToPng(bytes: Uint8Array) {
return new Promise<Uint8Array>((resolve, reject) => {
// @ts-ignore
this.queue.push({bytes, callback: resolve});
const appWebpManager = new AppWebpManager();
(window as any).appWebpManager = appWebpManager;
export default appWebpManager;