Telegram Web K with changes to work inside I2P https://web.telegram.i2p/
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

248 lines
6.8 KiB

4 years ago
import MTTransport from './transport';
//import aesjs from 'aes-js';
import {CTR} from '@cryptography/aes';
//import abridgetPacketCodec from './abridged';
import intermediatePacketCodec from './intermediate';
4 years ago
import {MTPNetworker} from '../networker';
import { logger } from '../../polyfill';
import { bytesFromWordss } from '../../bin_utils';
import { Codec } from './codec';
4 years ago
@cryptography/aes не работает с массивами которые не кратны 4, поэтому использую intermediate а не abridged
4 years ago
export class Obfuscation {
/* public enc: aesjs.ModeOfOperation.ModeOfOperationCTR;
public dec: aesjs.ModeOfOperation.ModeOfOperationCTR; */
4 years ago
public encNew: CTR;
public decNew: CTR;
public init(codec: Codec) {
4 years ago
const initPayload = new Uint8Array(64);
4 years ago
while(true) {
let val = (initPayload[3] << 24) | (initPayload[2] << 16) | (initPayload[1] << 8) | (initPayload[0]);
let val2 = (initPayload[7] << 24) | (initPayload[6] << 16) | (initPayload[5] << 8) | (initPayload[4]);
if(initPayload[0] != 0xef &&
val != 0x44414548 &&
val != 0x54534f50 &&
val != 0x20544547 &&
val != 0x4954504f &&
val != 0xeeeeeeee &&
val != 0xdddddddd &&
4 years ago
val2 != 0x00000000) {
//initPayload[56] = initPayload[57] = initPayload[58] = initPayload[59] = transport;
////////////////////////initPayload.subarray(60, 62).hex = dcID;
const reversedPayload = initPayload.slice().reverse();
let encKey = initPayload.slice(8, 40);
let encIv = initPayload.slice(40, 56);
let decKey = reversedPayload.slice(8, 40);
let decIv = reversedPayload.slice(40, 56);
/* this.enc = new aesjs.ModeOfOperation.ctr(encKey, new aesjs.Counter(encIv as any));
this.dec = new aesjs.ModeOfOperation.ctr(decKey, new aesjs.Counter(decIv as any)); */
this.encNew = new CTR(encKey, encIv);
this.decNew = new CTR(decKey, decIv);
4 years ago
initPayload.set(intermediatePacketCodec.obfuscateTag, 56);
4 years ago
const encrypted = this.encode(initPayload);
initPayload.set(encrypted.slice(56, 64), 56);
return initPayload;
4 years ago
/* public encode(payload: Uint8Array) {
let res = this.enc.encrypt(payload);
try {
let arr = this.encNew.encrypt(payload);
//let resNew = bytesFromWords({words: arr, sigBytes: arr.length});
let resNew = new Uint8Array(bytesFromWordss(arr));
console.log('Obfuscation: encode comparison:', res, arr, resNew, res.hex == resNew.hex);
} catch(err) {
console.error('Obfuscation: error:', err);
return res;
public decode(payload: Uint8Array) {
let res = this.dec.encrypt(payload);
try {
let arr = this.decNew.decrypt(payload);
//let resNew = bytesFromWords({words: arr, sigBytes: arr.length});
let resNew = new Uint8Array(bytesFromWordss(arr));
console.log('Obfuscation: decode comparison:', res, arr, resNew, res.hex == resNew.hex);
} catch(err) {
console.error('Obfuscation: error:', err);
return res;
} */
4 years ago
public encode(payload: Uint8Array) {
let res = this.encNew.encrypt(payload);
let bytes = new Uint8Array(bytesFromWordss(res));
return bytes;
4 years ago
public decode(payload: Uint8Array) {
let res = this.decNew.decrypt(payload);
let bytes = new Uint8Array(bytesFromWordss(res));
return bytes;
4 years ago
export default class Socket extends MTTransport {
ws: WebSocket | undefined;
pending: Array<{resolve?: any, reject?: any, body?: Uint8Array}> = [];
4 years ago
connected = false;
transport = 'websocket';
obfuscation = new Obfuscation();
networker: MTPNetworker;
log: ReturnType<typeof logger>;
debug = false;
codec = intermediatePacketCodec;
4 years ago
constructor(dcID: number, url: string) {
super(dcID, url);
this.log = logger(`WS-${dcID}`);
connect = () => {
if( {'open', this.handleOpen);'close', this.handleClose);'message', this.handleMessage);;
} = new WebSocket(this.url, 'binary');
4 years ago = 'arraybuffer'; = this.handleOpen; = this.handleClose; = this.handleMessage;
handleOpen = () => {
4 years ago
this.connected = true;
handleClose = (event: CloseEvent) => {
this.log('closed', event);
this.connected = false;
this.pending.length = 0;
if(this.networker) {
this.log('trying to reconnect...');
handleMessage = (event: MessageEvent) => {
this.debug && this.log('<-', 'handleMessage', event);
let data = this.obfuscation.decode(new Uint8Array(;
data = this.codec.readPacket(data);
4 years ago
if(this.networker) { // authenticated!
//this.pending = this.pending.filter(p => p.body); // clear pending
this.debug && this.log('redirecting to networker');
return this.networker.parseResponse(data).then(response => {
this.debug && this.log('redirecting to networker response:', response);
this.networker.processMessage(response.response, response.messageID, response.sessionID);
//console.log('got hex:', data.hex);
let pending = this.pending.shift();
if(!pending) {
return this.log('no pending for res:', data.hex);
send = (body: Uint8Array) => {
4 years ago
this.debug && this.log('-> body length to pending:', body.length);
if(this.networker) {
} else {
let promise = new Promise<Uint8Array>((resolve, reject) => {
this.pending.push({resolve, reject, body});
return promise;
releasePending() {
if(!this.connected) {
let length = this.pending.length;
for(let i = length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
let pending = this.pending[i];
let {body} = pending;
if(body) {
let toEncode = this.codec.encodePacket(body);
4 years ago
//console.log('send before obf:', /* body.hex, nonce.hex, */ toEncode.hex);
let enc = this.obfuscation.encode(toEncode);
//console.log('send after obf:', enc.hex);
this.debug && this.log('-> body length to send:', enc.length);;
if(!pending.resolve) { // remove if no response needed
this.pending.splice(i, 1);
delete pending.body;