Telegram Web K with changes to work inside I2P https://web.telegram.i2p/
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

165 lines
3.5 KiB

export type MTDocument = {
_: 'document' | 'documentEmpty',
pFlags: any,
flags: number,
id: string,
access_hash: string,
file_reference: Uint8Array | number[],
date: number,
mime_type: string,
size: number,
thumbs: MTPhotoSize[],
video_thumbs?: MTVideoSize[],
dc_id: number,
attributes: any[],
4 years ago
type?: 'gif' | 'sticker' | 'audio' | 'voice' | 'video' | 'round' | 'photo',
h?: number,
w?: number,
file_name?: string,
file?: File,
duration?: number,
downloaded?: boolean,
url?: string,
audioTitle?: string,
audioPerformer?: string,
sticker?: number,
stickerEmoji?: string,
stickerEmojiRaw?: string,
stickerSetInput?: any,
stickerThumbConverted?: true,
4 years ago
animated?: boolean,
supportsStreaming?: boolean
export type MTPhotoSize = {
_: string,
w?: number,
h?: number,
size?: number,
type?: string, // i, m, x, y, w by asc
location?: FileLocation,
bytes?: Uint8Array, // if type == 'i',
url?: string
export type MTVideoSize = Omit<MTPhotoSize, '_'> & {_: 'videoSize'};
export type InvokeApiOptions = Partial<{
dcID: number,
timeout: number,
noErrorBox: boolean,
fileUpload: boolean,
ignoreErrors: boolean,
fileDownload: boolean,
createNetworker: boolean,
singleInRequest: boolean,
startMaxLength: number,
afterMessageID: string,
resultType: boolean,
waitTime: number,
stopTime: number,
rawError: any
type Algo = {
salt1: Uint8Array,
salt2: Uint8Array,
p: Uint8Array,
g: number
export type AccountPassword = {
_?: 'accont.password',
flags?: number,
pFlags?: Partial<{
has_recovery: true,
has_secure_values: true,
has_password: true
current_algo: Algo,
new_algo?: Algo,
new_secure_algo?: Algo,
hint?: string,
email_unconfirmed_pattern?: string,
srp_B?: Uint8Array,
srp_id?: string,
secure_random: Uint8Array,
export type storageFileType = 'storage.fileUnknown' | 'storage.filePartial' | 'storage.fileJpeg' |
'storage.fileGif' | 'storage.filePng' | 'storage.filePdf' | 'storage.fileMp3' | 'storage.fileMov' |
'storage.fileMp4' | 'storage.fileWebp';
export type UploadFile = {
_: 'upload.file',
type: storageFileType,
mtime: number,
bytes: Uint8Array
export type FileLocation = {
_: 'fileLocationToBeDeprecated',
volume_id: string,
local_id: number
export type inputFileLocation = {
_: 'inputFileLocation',
volume_id: string,
local_id: number,
secret: string,
file_reference: Uint8Array | number[]
export type inputDocumentFileLocation = {
_: 'inputDocumentFileLocation',
id: string,
access_hash: string,
file_reference: Uint8Array | number[],
thumb_size: string
export type inputPhotoFileLocation = Omit<inputDocumentFileLocation, '_'> & {_: 'inputPhotoFileLocation'};
export type inputPeerPhotoFileLocation = {
_: 'inputPeerPhotoFileLocation',
flags: number,
big?: true,
peer: any,
volume_id: string,
local_id: number
export type inputStickerSetThumb = {
_: 'inputStickerSetThumb',
stickerset: any,
volume_id: string,
local_id: number
export type InputFileLocation = inputFileLocation | inputDocumentFileLocation | inputPhotoFileLocation | inputPeerPhotoFileLocation | inputStickerSetThumb;
export type WorkerTaskTemplate = {
type: string,
id: number,
payload: any
export type inputFile = {
_: 'inputFile',
parts: number,
id: [number, number],
name: string,
md5_checksum: string
export type inputFileBig = Omit<inputFile, 'md5_checksum' | '_'> & {_: 'inputFileBig'};
export type InputFile = inputFile | inputFileBig;