Telegram Web K with changes to work inside I2P https://web.telegram.i2p/
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

299 lines
9.2 KiB

import appDialogsManager from "../lib/appManagers/appDialogsManager";
import Scrollable from "./scrollable";
import appMessagesIDsManager from "../lib/appManagers/appMessagesIDsManager";
import appUsersManager from "../lib/appManagers/appUsersManager";
import appPeersManager from '../lib/appManagers/appPeersManager';
import appMessagesManager from "../lib/appManagers/appMessagesManager";
import { escapeRegExp } from "../lib/utils";
import { formatPhoneNumber } from "./misc";
import appChatsManager from "../lib/appManagers/appChatsManager";
import SearchInput from "./searchInput";
import { Peer } from "../layer";
import $rootScope from "../lib/rootScope";
export class SearchGroup {
container: HTMLDivElement;
nameEl: HTMLDivElement;
list: HTMLUListElement;
constructor(public name: string, public type: string, private clearable = true, className?: string, clickable = true) {
this.list = document.createElement('ul');
this.container = document.createElement('div');
if(className) this.container.className = className;
if(name) {
this.nameEl = document.createElement('div');
this.nameEl.innerText = name;
this.container.classList.add('search-group', 'search-group-' + type);
this.container.append(this.list); = 'none';
if(clickable) {
clear() { = 'none';
if(this.clearable) {
this.list.innerHTML = '';
setActive() { = '';
* * Saved будет использована только для вывода одного элемента - избранное
type SearchGroupType = 'saved' | 'contacts' | 'globalContacts' | 'messages' | string;
export default class AppSearch {
private minMsgID = 0;
4 years ago
private loadedCount = -1;
private foundCount = -1;
private offsetRate = 0;
4 years ago
private loadedContacts = false;
private searchPromise: Promise<void> = null;
private searchTimeout: number = 0;
private query = '';
public listsContainer: HTMLDivElement = null;
private peerID = 0; // 0 - means global
private scrollable: Scrollable;
constructor(public container: HTMLElement, public searchInput: SearchInput, public searchGroups: {[group in SearchGroupType]: SearchGroup}, public onSearch?: (count: number) => void) {
this.scrollable = new Scrollable(this.container);
4 years ago
this.listsContainer = this.scrollable.container as HTMLDivElement;
for(let i in this.searchGroups) {
this.listsContainer.append(this.searchGroups[i as SearchGroupType].container);
if(this.searchGroups.messages) {
this.searchInput.onChange = (value) => {
/* if(!value.trim()) {
//this.peerID = 0;
} */
this.query = value;
this.scrollable.onScrolledBottom = () => {
if(!this.query.trim()) return;
if(!this.searchTimeout) {
this.searchTimeout = window.setTimeout(() => {
this.searchTimeout = 0;
}, 0);
public reset(all = true) {
if(all) {
this.searchInput.value = '';
this.query = '';
this.peerID = 0;
this.minMsgID = 0;
4 years ago
this.loadedCount = -1;
this.foundCount = -1;
this.offsetRate = 0;
4 years ago
this.loadedContacts = false;
for(let i in this.searchGroups) {
this.searchGroups[i as SearchGroupType].clear();
this.searchPromise = null;
public beginSearch(peerID?: number) {
if(peerID) {
this.peerID = peerID;
private renderSaved() {
const group = this.searchGroups.contacts;
let {dialog, dom} = appDialogsManager.addDialog($rootScope.myID, group.list, false);
dom.lastMessageSpan.innerHTML = 'chat with yourself';
public searchMore() {
if(this.searchPromise) return this.searchPromise;
4 years ago
const query = this.query;
if(!query.trim()) {
this.onSearch && this.onSearch(0);
4 years ago
if(this.foundCount != -1 && this.loadedCount >= this.foundCount) {
return Promise.resolve();
4 years ago
const maxID = appMessagesIDsManager.getMessageIDInfo(this.minMsgID)[0] || 0;
4 years ago
if(!this.peerID && !maxID && !this.loadedContacts) {
let renderedSaved = false;
if('saved messages'.includes(query.toLowerCase())
|| appUsersManager.getUser($rootScope.myID).sortName.includes(query.toLowerCase())/* && this.searchGroups.hasOwnProperty('saved') */) {
renderedSaved = true;
appUsersManager.searchContacts(query, 20).then((contacts) => {
if(this.searchInput.value != query) {
4 years ago
this.loadedContacts = true;
// set saved message as first peer to render
const peer = contacts.my_results.findAndSplice(p => (p as Peer.peerUser).user_id == $rootScope.myID);
if(peer) {
//console.log('input search contacts result:', contacts);
let setResults = (results: Peer[], group: SearchGroup, showMembersCount = false) => {
results.forEach((inputPeer) => {
let peerID = appPeersManager.getPeerID(inputPeer);
if(peerID == $rootScope.myID) {
if(!renderedSaved) {
let peer = appPeersManager.getPeer(peerID);
let originalDialog = appMessagesManager.getDialogByPeerID(peerID)[0];
//////////this.log('contacts peer', peer);
if(!originalDialog) {
/////////this.log('no original dialog by peerID:', peerID);
originalDialog = {
peerID: peerID,
pFlags: {},
peer: peer
} as any;
let {dialog, dom} = appDialogsManager.addDialog(originalDialog, group.list, false);
if(showMembersCount && (peer.participants_count || peer.participants)) {
let regExp = new RegExp(`(${escapeRegExp(query)})`, 'gi');
dom.titleSpan.innerHTML = dom.titleSpan.innerHTML.replace(regExp, '<i>$1</i>');
dom.lastMessageSpan.innerText = appChatsManager.getChatMembersString(-peerID);
} else {
let username = appPeersManager.getPeerUsername(peerID);
if(!username) {
let user = appUsersManager.getUser(peerID);
if(user && {
username = '+' + formatPhoneNumber(;
} else {
username = '@' + username;
dom.lastMessageSpan.innerHTML = '<i>' + username + '</i>';
if(results.length) group.setActive();
else if(renderedSaved) { // удалить все пункты снизу
Array.from(group.list.children).slice(1).forEach(c => c.remove());
} else {
setResults(contacts.my_results, this.searchGroups.contacts, true);
setResults(contacts.results, this.searchGroups.globalContacts);
return this.searchPromise = appMessagesManager.getSearch(this.peerID, query, null, maxID, 20, this.offsetRate).then(res => {
this.searchPromise = null;
if(this.searchInput.value != query) {
//console.log('input search result:', this.peerID, query, null, maxID, 20, res);
4 years ago
const {count, history, next_rate} = res;
if(history[0] == this.minMsgID) {
const searchGroup = this.searchGroups.messages;
history.forEach((msgID: number) => {
4 years ago
const message = appMessagesManager.getMessage(msgID);
let originalDialog = appMessagesManager.getDialogByPeerID(message.peerID)[0];
if(!originalDialog) {
////////this.log('no original dialog by message:', message);
originalDialog = {
peerID: message.peerID,
pFlags: {},
peer: message.peer_id
} as any;
4 years ago
const {dialog, dom} = appDialogsManager.addDialog(originalDialog, this.scrollable/* searchGroup.list */, false);
appDialogsManager.setLastMessage(dialog, message, dom, query);
this.minMsgID = history[history.length - 1];
this.offsetRate = next_rate;
4 years ago
if(this.loadedCount == -1) {
this.loadedCount = 0;
this.loadedCount += history.length;
4 years ago
if(this.foundCount == -1) {
this.foundCount = count;
this.onSearch && this.onSearch(this.foundCount);
}).catch(err => {
console.error('search error', err);
this.searchPromise = null;