Telegram Web K with changes to work inside I2P https://web.telegram.i2p/
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

61 lines
3.7 KiB

import { getFullDate } from "../../helpers/date";
import { formatNumber } from "../../helpers/number";
import appImManager from "../../lib/appManagers/appImManager";
import RichTextProcessor from "../../lib/richtextprocessor";
type Message = any;
export namespace MessageRender {
/* export const setText = () => {
}; */
export const setTime = (message: Message, bubble: HTMLElement, bubbleContainer: HTMLElement, messageDiv: HTMLElement) => {
const date = new Date( * 1000);
let time = ('0' + date.getHours()).slice(-2) + ':' + ('0' + date.getMinutes()).slice(-2);
if(message.views) {
const postAuthor = message.post_author || message.fwd_from?.post_author;
time = formatNumber(message.views, 1) + ' <i class="tgico-channelviews"></i> ' + (postAuthor ? RichTextProcessor.wrapEmojiText(postAuthor) + ', ' : '') + time;
if(!message.savedFrom) {
const forward = document.createElement('div');
forward.classList.add('bubble-beside-button', 'forward');
forward.innerHTML = `
<svg version="1.1" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet" viewBox="0 0 24 24">
<path d="M13.55 3.24L13.64 3.25L13.73 3.27L13.81 3.29L13.9 3.32L13.98 3.35L14.06 3.39L14.14 3.43L14.22 3.48L14.29 3.53L14.36 3.59L14.43 3.64L22.23 10.85L22.36 10.99L22.48 11.15L22.57 11.31L22.64 11.48L22.69 11.66L22.72 11.85L22.73 12.04L22.71 12.22L22.67 12.41L22.61 12.59L22.53 12.76L22.42 12.93L22.29 13.09L22.23 13.15L14.43 20.36L14.28 20.48L14.12 20.58L13.95 20.66L13.77 20.72L13.58 20.76L13.4 20.77L13.22 20.76L13.03 20.73L12.85 20.68L12.68 20.61L12.52 20.52L12.36 20.4L12.22 20.27L12.16 20.2L12.1 20.13L12.05 20.05L12.01 19.98L11.96 19.9L11.93 19.82L11.89 19.73L11.87 19.65L11.84 19.56L11.83 19.47L11.81 19.39L11.81 19.3L11.8 19.2L11.8 16.42L11 16.49L10.23 16.58L9.51 16.71L8.82 16.88L8.18 17.09L7.57 17.33L7.01 17.6L6.48 17.91L5.99 18.26L5.55 18.64L5.14 19.05L4.77 19.51L4.43 19.99L4.29 20.23L4.21 20.35L4.11 20.47L4 20.57L3.88 20.65L3.75 20.72L3.62 20.78L3.48 20.82L3.33 20.84L3.19 20.84L3.04 20.83L2.9 20.79L2.75 20.74L2.62 20.68L2.53 20.62L2.45 20.56L2.38 20.5L2.31 20.43L2.25 20.36L2.2 20.28L2.15 20.19L2.11 20.11L2.07 20.02L2.04 19.92L2.02 19.83L2.01 19.73L2 19.63L2.04 17.99L2.19 16.46L2.46 15.05L2.85 13.75L3.35 12.58L3.97 11.53L4.7 10.6L5.55 9.8L6.51 9.12L7.59 8.56L8.77 8.13L10.07 7.83L11.48 7.65L11.8 7.63L11.8 4.8L11.91 4.56L12.02 4.35L12.14 4.16L12.25 3.98L12.37 3.82L12.48 3.68L12.61 3.56L12.73 3.46L12.85 3.38L12.98 3.31L13.11 3.27L13.24 3.24L13.37 3.23L13.46 3.23L13.55 3.24Z" id="b13RmHDQtl"></path>
<use xlink:href="#b13RmHDQtl" opacity="1" fill="#fff" fill-opacity="1"></use>
if(message.edit_date) {
time = '<i class="edited">edited</i> ' + time;
if( != 'pinned' && message.pFlags.pinned) {
time = '<i class="tgico tgico-pinnedchat"></i>' + time;
const title = getFullDate(date)
+ (message.edit_date ? `\nEdited: ${getFullDate(new Date(message.edit_date * 1000))}` : '')
+ (message.fwd_from ? `\nOriginal: ${getFullDate(new Date( * 1000))}` : '');
const timeSpan = document.createElement('span');
timeSpan.classList.add('time', 'tgico');
timeSpan.title = title;
timeSpan.innerHTML = `${time}<div class="inner tgico" title="${title}">${time}</div>`;
return timeSpan;