2021-04-08 17:52:31 +04:00
* https://github.com/morethanwords/tweb
* Copyright (C) 2019-2021 Eduard Kuzmenko
* https://github.com/morethanwords/tweb/blob/master/LICENSE
2020-05-26 18:04:06 +03:00
export default class StickyIntersector {
private headersObserver: IntersectionObserver;
private elementsObserver: IntersectionObserver;
constructor(private container: HTMLElement, private handler: (stuck: boolean, target: HTMLElement) => void) {
* Sets up an intersection observer to notify when elements with the class
* `.sticky_sentinel--top` become visible/invisible at the top of the container.
* @param {!Element} container
private observeHeaders() {
this.headersObserver = new IntersectionObserver((entries) => {
for(const entry of entries) {
const targetInfo = entry.boundingClientRect;
const stickyTarget = entry.target.parentElement;
const rootBoundsInfo = entry.rootBounds;
// Started sticking.
if(targetInfo.bottom < rootBoundsInfo.top) {
this.handler(true, stickyTarget);
// Stopped sticking.
if(targetInfo.bottom >= rootBoundsInfo.top &&
targetInfo.bottom < rootBoundsInfo.bottom) {
this.handler(false, stickyTarget);
}, {threshold: 0, root: this.container});
private observeElements() {
this.elementsObserver = new IntersectionObserver((entries) => {
let entry = entries.filter(entry => entry.boundingClientRect.top < 0).sort((a, b) => a.boundingClientRect.top - b.boundingClientRect.top)[0];
if(!entry) return;
let container = entry.isIntersecting ? entry.target : entry.target.nextElementSibling;
this.handler(true, container as HTMLElement);
}, {root: this.container});
* @param {!Element} container
* @param {string} className
private addSentinel(container: HTMLElement, className: string) {
const sentinel = document.createElement('div');
sentinel.classList.add('sticky_sentinel', className);
return container.appendChild(sentinel);
* Notifies when elements w/ the `sticky` class begin to stick or stop sticking.
* Note: the elements should be children of `container`.
* @param {!Element} container
public observeStickyHeaderChanges(element: HTMLElement) {
const headerSentinel = this.addSentinel(element, 'sticky_sentinel--top');
public disconnect() {
public unobserve(element: HTMLElement, headerSentinel: HTMLElement) {