import VTooltip from 'v-tooltip' // Notifications plugin import Notifications from 'vue-notifyjs' // A plugin file where you could register global components used across the app import GlobalComponents from './globalComponents' // A plugin file where you could register global directives import GlobalDirectives from './globalDirectives' // Sidebar on the right. Used as a local plugin in DashboardLayout.vue import SideBar from './components/UIComponents/SidebarPlugin' // asset imports import 'bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.css' import 'vue-notifyjs/themes/default.scss' import './assets/sass/light-bootstrap-dashboard.scss' import './assets/css/demo.css' // library auto imports import 'es6-promise/auto' /** * This is the main Light Bootstrap Dashboard Vue plugin where dashboard related plugins are registerd. */ export default { install (Vue) { Vue.use(GlobalComponents) Vue.use(GlobalDirectives) Vue.use(SideBar) Vue.use(Notifications) Vue.use(VTooltip) } }