mirror of https://github.com/r4sas/py-i2phosts synced 2025-03-13 05:41:37 +00:00
Hidden Z c6f6c0ce26 Use b32 address when verifying subdomain
This prevents situation when user registered 2nd level domain and then
tries to register a subdomain. In such case i2p router doesn't know yet
this 2nd level domain and cannot access it. Using b32 address avoids
such situation.
2015-10-27 19:42:07 +00:00

175 lines
7.3 KiB

import re
import datetime
import string
import random
import urllib2
from django import forms
from django.shortcuts import render_to_response
from django.shortcuts import redirect
from django.template import RequestContext
from django.conf import settings
from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _
from pyi2phosts.postkey.models import i2phost
from pyi2phosts.lib.utils import get_logger
from pyi2phosts.lib.utils import get_b32
from pyi2phosts.lib.validation import validate_hostname
from pyi2phosts.lib.validation import validate_b64hash
class AddForm(forms.ModelForm):
This is our class for host-add form. It's based on django's ModelForm
and uses our model "i2phost" (see postkey/models.py)
class Meta:
model = i2phost
fields = ('name', 'b64hash', 'description')
widgets = {
'name': forms.TextInput(attrs={'size': '67'}),
'b64hash': forms.Textarea(attrs={'rows': '1', 'cols': '100'}),
'description': forms.Textarea(attrs={'rows': '2', 'cols': '72'})
def clean_name(self):
"""Validate hostname"""
data = self.cleaned_data['name']
log.debug(u'hostname: %s', self.data['name'])
data = validate_hostname(data)
# Another set of reserved hostnames (suggested by zzz)
if re.search(r'(^|\.)(i2p|i2p2|geti2p|mail|project|i2project|i2pproject|i2p-project).i2p$', data):
raise forms.ValidationError(_('Trying to use hostname from additional reserved set'))
return data
def clean_b64hash(self):
"""Validate base64 hash"""
data = self.cleaned_data['b64hash']
log.debug(u'hash: %s', self.data['b64hash'])
data = validate_b64hash(data)
return data
def is_valid(self):
"""Log validation errors"""
is_valid = super(AddForm, self).is_valid()
if not is_valid:
for field in self.errors.keys():
log.info('ValidationError: [%s]: \"%s\" %s',
field, self.data[field], self.errors[field].as_text())
return is_valid
class SubdomainVerifyForm(forms.Form):
"""Form for displaying verification filename and code when verifying a subdomain"""
filename = forms.CharField(label=_('Filename'), widget=forms.TextInput(attrs={
'size': '20',
'readonly': 'readonly',
'onclick': 'this.select();',
def save_host(request):
"""Function for saving hosts after validation or subdomain verification"""
# avoid race conditions
h = i2phost.objects.get(name=request.session['hostname'])
except i2phost.DoesNotExist:
host = i2phost(name=request.session['hostname'],
return redirect('pyi2phosts.postkey.views.success')
log.warning('refusing to save already existed host: %s', request.session['hostname'])
return redirect('/')
def addkey(request):
if request.method == 'POST':
form = AddForm(request.POST)
if form.is_valid():
request.session['hostname'] = form.cleaned_data['name']
request.session['b64hash'] = form.cleaned_data['b64hash']
request.session['description'] = form.cleaned_data['description']
if form.cleaned_data['name'].count('.') > 1:
return redirect('pyi2phosts.postkey.views.subdomain')
log.debug('submit is valid, saving')
s = save_host(request)
return s
form = AddForm()
return render_to_response('postkey.html', {
'title': settings.SITE_NAME,
'form': form,
}, context_instance=RequestContext(request))
def success(request):
if 'hostname' in request.session:
hn = request.session['hostname']
return render_to_response('success_submission.html', {
'title': settings.SITE_NAME,
'hostname': hn,
}, context_instance=RequestContext(request))
return redirect('/')
def subdomain(request):
"""Subdomain verification"""
if request.method == 'POST':
form = SubdomainVerifyForm(request.POST)
if form.is_valid():
# do verification here, then redirect to success
proxy_handler = urllib2.ProxyHandler({'http': settings.EEPROXY_URL})
opener = urllib2.build_opener(proxy_handler)
if 'topdomain' in request.session and 'v_filename' in request.session:
# get base64 for 2nd-level domain
h = i2phost.objects.get(name=request.session['topdomain'])
except i2phost.DoesNotExist:
log.warning('refusing to verify subdomain for inexistent 2nd-level domain: %s', request.session['topdomain'])
return redirect('/')
topdomain_b32 = get_b32(h.b64hash)
url = 'http://' + topdomain_b32 + '/' + request.session['v_filename']
log.warning('trying to call subdomain validation without a session')
return redirect('/')
log.info('starting http-verification of subdomain: %s', request.session['hostname'])
log.debug('trying to open %s', url)
resp = opener.open(url, timeout=60)
except urllib2.URLError, e:
error = ''
if hasattr(e, 'code'):
error = str(e.code)
log.warning('%s can\'t finish the request, error code: %s',
request.session['topdomain'], e.code)
if hasattr(e, 'reason'):
error += ' - ' + str(e.reason)
log.warning('%s: failed to reach server, reason: %s', request.session['topdomain'], e.reason)
return render_to_response('subdomain_http_verify_failure.html', {
'title': settings.SITE_NAME,
'error': error,
}, context_instance=RequestContext(request))
log.debug('subdomain verification success, saving host')
s = save_host(request)
return s
# generate verification code and display info page to user
v_filename = ''.join([random.choice(string.letters + string.digits) for x in xrange(16)])
if 'hostname' in request.session:
m = re.match('.+\.(.+\.i2p$)', request.session['hostname'])
topdomain = m.group(1)
return redirect('/')
# save needed variables in session data because otherwise it will be lost
request.session['v_filename'] = v_filename
request.session['topdomain'] = topdomain
form = SubdomainVerifyForm({'filename': v_filename})
return render_to_response('subdomain_http_verify.html', {
'title': settings.SITE_NAME,
'hostname': request.session['hostname'],
'topdomain': topdomain,
'form': form,
}, context_instance=RequestContext(request))
log = get_logger(filename=settings.LOG_FILE, log_level=settings.LOG_LEVEL)