hostnames registration application for I2P
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

62 lines
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import simplejson as json
from django.http import HttpResponse
from pyi2phosts.postkey.models import i2phost
from pyi2phosts.lib.utils import get_b32
def all(request):
"""Return all hosts in { "b32": "last seen timestamp" } form. Implemented by zzz request. """
# all hosts seen at least once
queryset = i2phost.objects.exclude(last_seen=None)
json_dict = {}
for host in queryset:
# pass last_seen to json in unixtime
json_dict[get_b32(host.b64hash)] = host.last_seen.strftime("%s")
return HttpResponse(json.dumps(json_dict), content_type="application/json")
def status(request):
Return all hosts in {
"hostname": hostname,
"b64": b64,
"b32": b32,
"last-seen": timestamp
} form.
Implemented by MXPLRS|Kirill request.
# host status
if 'q' in request.GET and request.GET['q'] is not None and request.GET['q'] != '':
hostname = request.GET['q']
json_dict = {
'error': 'Bad request',
return HttpResponse(json.dumps(json_dict), content_type="application/json")
host = i2phost.objects.get(name=hostname)
host = None
if host and host.last_seen:
json_dict = {
'b64': host.b64hash,
'b32': get_b32(host.b64hash),
'last-seen': host.last_seen.strftime("%s"),
elif host and not host.last_seen:
json_dict = {
'b64': host.b64hash,
'b32': get_b32(host.b64hash),
'error': 'Never seen',
json_dict = {
'hostname': hostname,
'error': 'Not found',
return HttpResponse(json.dumps(json_dict), content_type="application/json")