hostnames registration application for I2P
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

18 lines
424 B

include = /etc/py-i2phosts/common.conf
log_level = info # debug, info, warning, error, critical
log_file = /var/log/py-i2phosts/master.log
pid_file = /var/run/py-i2phosts/
runas = _pyi2phosts
# number of seconds between checks
check_interval = 43200 #12 hours
# number of seconds between fetching new hosts
fetch_interval = 1800 # 30 mins
run_fetcher = yes
run_checker = yes
run_maint = yes
run_builder = yes