#!/usr/bin/env python2.6 import re from django import forms from web.postkey.models import i2phost def validate_hostname(data): """ Here we do additional hostname validation as described in http://www.i2p2.i2p/naming.html """ # convert hostname to lowercase data = data.lower() # Must end with '.i2p'. if re.match(r'.*\.i2p$', data) == None: raise forms.ValidationError('Hostname doesn\'t ends with .i2p') # Base 32 hostnames (*.b32.i2p) are not allowed if re.match(r'.*\.b32\.i2p$', data): raise forms.ValidationError('Base 32 hostnames are not allowed') # Must contain only [a-z] [0-9] '.' and '-' h = re.match(r'([a-z0-9.-]+)\.i2p$', data) if h == None: raise forms.ValidationError('Illegal characters in hostname') else: namepart = h.groups()[0] # Must not contain '..' if re.search(r'\.\.', namepart): raise forms.ValidationError('".." in hostname') # Must not contain '.-' or '-.' (as of if re.search(r'(\.-)|(-\.)', namepart): raise forms.ValidationError('Hostname contain ".-" or "-."') # Must not contain '--' except in 'xn--' for IDN if re.search(r'(? 516 and re.match(r'[a-zA-Z0-9\-~]+$', data) == None: raise forms.ValidationError('Invalid characters in base64 hash') # base64-i2p if length == 516 and re.match(r'[a-zA-Z0-9\-~]+AA$', data) == None: raise forms.ValidationError('Invalid base64 hash') if check_uniq == True: # Avoid adding non-unique hashes qs = i2phost.objects.filter(b64hash=data) if qs.exists(): raise forms.ValidationError('Base64 hash must be unique') return data