#!/usr/bin/python # vim: set fileencoding=utf-8 : import os import sys import datetime import argparse import logging import configobj # parse command line options parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='Hosts maintainer for py-i2phosts.', epilog='Report bugs to http://zzz.i2p/topics/733') parser.add_argument('-d', '--debug', action='store_true', help='write debug messages to stdout') parser.add_argument('-c', '--config', default='/etc/py-i2phosts/maintainer.conf', dest='config_file', help='config file to use') args = parser.parse_args() # read config spec = ''' log_file = string(default='/var/log/py-i2phosts/maintainer.log') log_level = option('debug', 'info', 'warning', 'error', 'critical', default='info') external_inactive_max = integer(default=365) internal_inactive_max = integer(default=14) external_expires = integer(default=30) internal_expires = integer(default=30) activate_min_delay = integer(default=3) keep_expired = integer(default=730) ''' spec = spec.split('\n') config = configobj.ConfigObj(args.config_file, configspec=spec) if 'include' in config: config_included = configobj.ConfigObj(config['include']) config.merge(config_included) # django setup DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE = 'settings' if 'DJANGO_PROJECT_PATH' in config: DJANGO_PROJECT_PATH = config['DJANGO_PROJECT_PATH'] else: DJANGO_PROJECT_PATH = os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]) + '/web' sys.path.insert(1, DJANGO_PROJECT_PATH) os.environ['DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE'] = DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE from web.postkey.models import i2phost from web.lib.utils import get_logger from web.lib.utils import validate_config # validate config validate_config(config) # configure logger if args.debug == True: log_level = 'debug' log_file = None else: log_level = config['log_level'] log_file = config['log_file'] log = get_logger(filename=log_file, log_level=log_level) all_hosts = i2phost.objects.all() log.info('starting maintaince') for host in all_hosts: # how long host was added dl = datetime.datetime.now() - host.date_added if host.last_seen == None: # delete external hosts which we never seen after X days of inactivity if host.external == True: if dl > datetime.timedelta(days=config['external_inactive_max']): log.info('deleting %s, reason: external host, never seen for %s days', host.name, config['external_inactive_max']) host.delete() continue # delete hosts added by us and never seen after X days of inactivity else: if dl > datetime.timedelta(days=config['internal_inactive_max']): log.info('deleting %s, reason: internal host, never seen for %s days', host.name, config['internal_inactive_max']) host.delete() continue else: # configure registration period for hosts if host.external == True: timedelta = datetime.timedelta(days=config['external_expires']) else: timedelta = datetime.timedelta(days=config['internal_expires']) # get current host expiration date from database if host.expires == None: # workaround for situation when we updating expires first time expires_current = datetime.datetime.now().date() else: expires_current = host.expires # calculate new expiration date expires_new = host.last_seen + timedelta expires_new = expires_new.date() # update expiration date only if changed if expires_new > expires_current: log.debug('updating expires for %s', host.name) host.expires = expires_new # deactivate if expired min_dl = datetime.timedelta(days=config['activate_min_delay']) if host.expires < datetime.datetime.now().date(): log.info('deactivating %s, reason: expired', host.name) host.activated = False # if not expired and added more than X days ago and approved then activate elif dl > min_dl and host.activated == False and host.approved == True: log.info('activating %s, reason: host up and added more than %s days ago', host.name, config['activate_min_delay']) host.activated = True # if expired X days ago then delete dl_e = datetime.datetime.now().date() - host.expires if dl_e > datetime.timedelta(days=config['keep_expired']): log.info('deleting %s, reason: expired % days ago', host.name, config['keep_expired']) host.delete() continue host.save()