{% extends "base.html" %} {% block content %}


{{ title }} is a domain name registration service for I2P. Hostnames in I2P aren't globally unique. {{ title }} doesn't act as "central authority", it only provides a way to publish hosts as an easy means of access to them. You can read more about how I2P naming works in the official docs.

To find out how we're registering and publishing hosts, look at FAQ page.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask here publicly. Private questions can be asked through i2pbote using uxGqmWz4HxLqjPVm7eSGGRqaGInm5hh8lZYubYdUX4Cih4Qhna2tSSMrupbWdDj80zDNoXvBc-le0GsywgVulw identity.

Addressbook service

To start getting new hostnames from {{ title }}, add this subscription link into your router's addressbook. Of course, you should add INR's destination before.

Jump service

{{ title }} also provides a jump service. For accessing hosts through it, use urls like http://{{ domain }}{% url pyi2phosts.jump.views.jumper "example.i2p" %}. I2P since 0.8.3 gives possibility to add a custom jump-servers. Go to the i2ptunnel eeproxy configuration page and add http://{{ domain }}{% url pyi2phosts.jump.views.index %} to "Jump URL List" section.

Registration service

If you are running an eepsite or another service and want a human-readable domain name for them, consider registering it.

{% endblock %} {%block footer-addon %} b32 | add | {% endblock %}