#!/usr/bin/python import os import sys import pwd import errno import argparse import time import configobj import validate import subprocess import threading import daemon # workaround for python-daemon >= 1.6 try: import daemon.pidlockfile as pidfile except ImportError: import daemon.pidfile as pidfile class Thread(threading.Thread): def __init__(self): threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.setDaemon(True) class FetcherThread(Thread): """ Run py-i2phosts-fetcher periodically """ def run(self): while True: run_prog('py-i2phosts-fetcher') time.sleep(float(config['fetch_interval'])) class CheckerThread(Thread): """ Run py-i2phosts-checker, py-i2phosts-maint, py-i2phosts-builder periodically """ def run(self): while True: run_prog('py-i2phosts-checker') run_prog('py-i2phosts-maint') run_prog('py-i2phosts-builder') time.sleep(float(config['check_interval'])) def run_prog(prog): try: log.info('starting: %s', prog) sp_args = [prog] if args.debug or args.verbose: sp_args.append('-d') p = subprocess.Popen(sp_args, shell=False) except OSError, e: log.error('failed to exec %s: %s', prog, e) if e.errno == errno.ENOENT: log.error(' maybe it isn\'t in PATH?') else: p.wait() log.info('finished: %s', prog) def main(): def run_fetcher(): fetcher = FetcherThread() fetcher.start() return fetcher def run_checker(): checker = CheckerThread() checker.start() return checker # if we're just started, wait while fetcher get some new hosts fetcher = run_fetcher() log.debug('just started, delaying checker run for 300 secs') fetcher.join(300) # wait for 5 mins # start checker and other checker = run_checker() while True: log.debug('checking fetcher and checker threads status') if fetcher.isAlive() == False: log.warning('fetcher thread is dead, respawning...') fetcher = run_fetcher() else: log.debug('fetcher thread: alive') if checker.isAlive() == False: log.warning('checker thread is dead, respawning...') checker = run_checker() else: log.debug('checker thread: alive') # do check every 30 mins time.sleep(1800) # parse command line options parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='Master daemon for py-i2phosts.', epilog='Report bugs to http://zzz.i2p/topics/733') parser.add_argument('-d', '--debug', action='store_true', help='run in debug mode without detaching from terminal'), parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true', help='run in verbose mode without detaching from terminal'), parser.add_argument('-c', '--config', default='/etc/py-i2phosts/master.conf', dest='config_file', help='config file to use') args = parser.parse_args() # read and validate config spec = ''' log_file = string(default='/var/log/py-i2phosts/master.log') log_level = option('debug', 'info', 'warning', 'error', 'critical', default='info') pid_file = string(default='/var/run/py-i2phosts/master.pid') runas = string(default='_pyi2phosts') check_interval = integer(default=43200) fetch_interval = integer(default=1800) ''' spec = spec.split('\n') config = configobj.ConfigObj(args.config_file, configspec=spec) if 'include' in config: config_included = configobj.ConfigObj(config['include']) config.merge(config_included) # django setup DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE = 'pyi2phosts.settings' if 'DJANGO_PROJECT_PATH' in config: DJANGO_PROJECT_PATH = config['DJANGO_PROJECT_PATH'] else: DJANGO_PROJECT_PATH = os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]) + '/..' sys.path.insert(1, DJANGO_PROJECT_PATH) os.environ['DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE'] = DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE from pyi2phosts.lib.utils import get_logger from pyi2phosts.lib.utils import validate_config # validate config validate_config(config) # configure logger if args.debug == True: log_level = 'debug' log_file = None elif args.verbose == True: log_level = 'info' log_file = None else: log_level = config['log_level'] log_file = config['log_file'] if not args.debug and not args.verbose: # get pid object for daemon pid = pidfile.TimeoutPIDLockFile(config['pid_file'], 10) # create daemon context d = daemon.DaemonContext(pidfile=pid, umask=077) # write stderr to logfile # FIXME: and how we will deal with log rotation? logfile = open(config['log_file'], 'a') d.stderr = logfile d.stdout = logfile # drop privileges when started as root if os.getuid() == 0: runas = config['runas'] pw_entry = pwd.getpwnam(runas) d.uid = pw_entry[2] d.gid = pw_entry[3] os.chown(config['log_file'], d.uid, d.gid) d.open() # become daemon log = get_logger(filename=log_file, log_level=log_level) log.info('started') main()