prepare("SELECT account_id as user_id FROM user_settings WHERE value LIKE '%".$chatID."%' LIMIT 1"); if($stmt && $stmt->execute() && $result = $stmt->get_result()) $user_id = $result->fetch_object()->user_id; if ( ! $interval = $setting->getValue('statistics_ajax_data_interval')) $interval = 300; $response = ''; switch($message){ case "/start": $response = "Hi there! I'm ".($setting->getValue('website_title')?:"PHP-MPOS")." notifications bot.".PHP_EOL."Type /help to see all commands!"; break; case "/help": $response = "/api - Get API state of pool frontend".PHP_EOL."/getid - Show your id, required for pool notifications".PHP_EOL."/help - Print this text".PHP_EOL.PHP_EOL. "*Commands for registered users:*".PHP_EOL."/hashrate - Show your hashrate".PHP_EOL."/status - Show information about network and pool".PHP_EOL."/workers - Show information about your workers"; break; case "/api": $response = "API state: ".($api->isActive()?"enabled":"disabled"); break; case "/getid": $response = "Your ID is ".$chatID.PHP_EOL."Use that ID on pool notifications settings page."; break; // That is example of command, which will send information to user about his workers. case "/hashrate": if($user_id){ $username = $user->getUsername($user_id); $stats = $statistics->getUserMiningStats($username, $user_id, $interval); $response = sprintf("Your workers hashrate is %.4f KH/s", $stats['hashrate']); } break; case "/status": if($user_id){ $poolHashrate = $statistics->getCurrentHashrate(); $poolWorkers = $worker->getCountAllActiveWorkers(); $poolLastBlock = $block->getLast(); $now = new DateTime( "now" ); if (!empty($poolLastBlock)) { $poolTimeSinceLast = ($now->getTimestamp() - $poolLastBlock['time']); } else { $poolTimeSinceLast = 0; } if ($bitcoin->can_connect() === true){ $netDiff = $bitcoin->getdifficulty(); $netBlock = $bitcoin->getblockcount(); $netHashrate = $bitcoin->getnetworkhashps(); } else { $netDiff = 0; $netBlock = unknown; $netHashrate = 0; } $response = sprintf("*Network*\nBlock: %s\nDiff: %.4f\nHashrate: %.4f MH/s\n\n*Pool*\nHashrate: %.4f MH/s\nWorkers: %d\nLast found block: %d\nTime since block: %d min", $netBlock, $netDiff, $netHashrate/1000000, $poolHashrate/1000, $poolWorkers, $poolLastBlock['height'], $poolTimeSinceLast/60); } break; case "/workers": if($user_id){ $workers = $worker->getWorkers($user_id, $interval); foreach ($workers as $worker) $response .= sprintf("*Username: %s*\nShares: %.4f\nHashrate: %.4f\nDifficulty: %.4f\n\n", $worker['username'], $worker['shares'], $worker['hashrate'], $worker['difficulty']); } break; default: $response = "mumble-mumble..."; break; } return $response; }; function sendMessage($chatID, $reply){ curl_setopt_array($ch = curl_init(), array( CURLOPT_URL => TGAPI_URL . "/sendMessage", CURLOPT_POST => true, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER => true, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS => http_build_query($data = array( "chat_id" => $chatID, "text" => $reply, "parse_mode" => "Markdown", )), )); curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch); } $reply = $prepareResponse($message); sendMessage($chatID, $reply);