2018-10-16 17:53:36 +00:00
< ? php
$supress_master = 1 ;
define ( 'TGAPI_URL' , 'https://api.telegram.org/bot' . $config [ 'push' ][ 'telegram' ][ 'api_key' ]);
// https://gist.github.com/theMiddleBlue/6d5e9082e0c3c378bfb037795b2570b8
if ( ! preg_match ( '/^149\.154\.167\.(19[7-9]|20[0-9]|21[0-9]|22[0-9]|23[0-3])$/' , $_SERVER [ 'REMOTE_ADDR' ])) {
die ( 'IP Address not allowed.' );
if ( $_SERVER [ 'REQUEST_METHOD' ] != 'POST' ) {
die ( 'Request method not allowed.' );
$content = file_get_contents ( " php://input " );
$update = json_decode ( $content , true );
$chatID = $update [ " message " ][ " chat " ][ " id " ];
$message = $update [ " message " ][ " text " ];
2018-12-15 08:23:36 +00:00
$prepareResponse = function ( $message ) use ( $chatID , $api , $bitcoin , $block , $setting , $statistics , $transaction , $user , $worker , $mysqli ){
// Get userID in MPOS by chatID
$stmt = $mysqli -> prepare ( " SELECT account_id as user_id FROM user_settings WHERE value LIKE '% " . $chatID . " %' LIMIT 1 " );
if ( $stmt && $stmt -> execute () && $result = $stmt -> get_result ())
$user_id = $result -> fetch_object () -> user_id ;
if ( ! $interval = $setting -> getValue ( 'statistics_ajax_data_interval' )) $interval = 300 ;
$response = '' ;
2018-10-16 17:53:36 +00:00
switch ( $message ){
case " /start " :
$response = " Hi there! I'm " . ( $setting -> getValue ( 'website_title' ) ? : " PHP-MPOS " ) . " notifications bot. " . PHP_EOL . " Type /help to see all commands! " ;
break ;
case " /help " :
2018-12-15 08:23:36 +00:00
$response = " /api - Get API state of pool frontend " . PHP_EOL . " /getid - Show your id, required for pool notifications " . PHP_EOL . " /help - Print this text " . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL .
" *Commands for registered users:* " . PHP_EOL . " /hashrate - Show your hashrate " . PHP_EOL . " /status - Show information about network and pool " . PHP_EOL . " /workers - Show information about your workers " ;
2018-10-16 17:53:36 +00:00
break ;
case " /api " :
$response = " API state: " . ( $api -> isActive () ? " enabled " : " disabled " );
break ;
case " /getid " :
$response = " Your ID is " . $chatID . PHP_EOL . " Use that ID on pool notifications settings page. " ;
break ;
// That is example of command, which will send information to user about his workers.
2018-12-15 08:23:36 +00:00
case " /hashrate " :
if ( $user_id ){
$username = $user -> getUsername ( $user_id );
$stats = $statistics -> getUserMiningStats ( $username , $user_id , $interval );
$response = sprintf ( " Your workers hashrate is %.4f KH/s " , $stats [ 'hashrate' ]);
break ;
case " /status " :
if ( $user_id ){
$poolHashrate = $statistics -> getCurrentHashrate ();
$poolWorkers = $worker -> getCountAllActiveWorkers ();
$poolLastBlock = $block -> getLast ();
$now = new DateTime ( " now " );
if ( ! empty ( $poolLastBlock )) {
$poolTimeSinceLast = ( $now -> getTimestamp () - $poolLastBlock [ 'time' ]);
} else {
$poolTimeSinceLast = 0 ;
if ( $bitcoin -> can_connect () === true ){
$netDiff = $bitcoin -> getdifficulty ();
$netBlock = $bitcoin -> getblockcount ();
$netHashrate = $bitcoin -> getnetworkhashps ();
} else {
$netDiff = 0 ;
$netBlock = unknown ;
$netHashrate = 0 ;
$response = sprintf ( " *Network* \n Block: %s \n Diff: %.4f \n Hashrate: %.4f MH/s \n \n *Pool* \n Hashrate: %.4f MH/s \n Workers: %d \n Last found block: %d \n Time since block: %d min " ,
$netBlock , $netDiff , $netHashrate / 1000000 , $poolHashrate / 1000 , $poolWorkers , $poolLastBlock [ 'height' ], $poolTimeSinceLast / 60 );
break ;
2018-10-16 17:53:36 +00:00
case " /workers " :
2018-12-15 08:23:36 +00:00
if ( $user_id ){
$workers = $worker -> getWorkers ( $user_id , $interval );
2018-10-16 17:53:36 +00:00
foreach ( $workers as $worker )
2018-10-17 08:04:45 +00:00
$response .= sprintf ( " *Username: %s* \n Shares: %.4f \n Hashrate: %.4f \n Difficulty: %.4f \n \n " , $worker [ 'username' ], $worker [ 'shares' ], $worker [ 'hashrate' ], $worker [ 'difficulty' ]);
2018-10-16 17:53:36 +00:00
break ;
default :
$response = " mumble-mumble... " ;
break ;
return $response ;
function sendMessage ( $chatID , $reply ){
curl_setopt_array ( $ch = curl_init (), array (
CURLOPT_URL => TGAPI_URL . " /sendMessage " ,
CURLOPT_POST => true ,
CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS => http_build_query ( $data = array (
" chat_id " => $chatID ,
" text " => $reply ,
" parse_mode " => " Markdown " ,
curl_exec ( $ch );
curl_close ( $ch );
$reply = $prepareResponse ( $message );
sendMessage ( $chatID , $reply );