Anthony Restaino 0cd7d6d74a
pre-release push of code to github. not guaranteed to work the way you
want. This is what is fixed to far:

- added History viewer
- added better bookmarks (fixed bug in fullscreen mode)
- better full screen URL bar handling
- added some more animations
- incognito mode
-notify user of SSL errors
-popup tabs now work
-fixed bug where certain sites wouldn’t display until touched
2013-06-22 22:44:45 -04:00

10 lines
934 B

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<item android:id="@id/history" android:orderInCategory="1" android:title="History" android:titleCondensed="History" />
<item android:id="@id/bookmark" android:orderInCategory="2" android:title="加入到書簽" android:titleCondensed="加入書簽" />
<item android:id="@id/allBookmarks" android:orderInCategory="3" android:title="我的書簽" android:titleCondensed="我的書簽清單" />
<item android:id="@id/share" android:orderInCategory="4" android:title="分享頁面" android:titleCondensed="分享頁面" />
<item android:id="@id/settings" android:orderInCategory="6" android:title="設定" android:titleCondensed="瀏覽器設定" />
<item android:id="@id/forward" android:orderInCategory="5" android:title="前往下個頁面" android:titleCondensed="前往下個頁面" />