Lightning browser with I2P configuration
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package acr.browser.lightning.react;
public interface Subscriber<T> extends Subscription {
* Called immediately upon subscribing
* and before the Observable begins
* emitting items. This should not be
* called by the creator of the Observable
* and is rather called internally by the
* Observable class itself.
void onStart();
* Called when the observable
* runs into an error that will
* cause it to abort and not finish.
* Receiving this callback means that
* the observable is dead and no
* {@link #onComplete()} or {@link #onNext(Object)}
* callbacks will be called.
* @param throwable an optional throwable that could
* be sent.
void onError(@NonNull Throwable throwable);
* Called when the Observer emits an
* item. It can be called multiple times.
* It cannot be called after onComplete
* has been called.
* @param item the item that has been emitted,
* can be null.
void onNext(@Nullable T item);
* This method is called when the observer is
* finished sending the subscriber events. It
* is guaranteed that no other methods will be
* called on the OnSubscribe after this method
* has been called.
void onComplete();