27 lines
936 B
27 lines
936 B
SETLOCAL enabledelayedexpansion
SET "target=android-21"
RMDIR external\appcompat /s /q
XCOPY "%ANDROID_HOME%\extras\android\support\v7\appcompat" "external\appcompat\*" /s /e /y /q
REM This library is already included by netcipher, but SHA1 of JARs differ
DEL /f /q external\appcompat\libs\android-support-v4.jar
RMDIR external\palette /s /q
XCOPY "%ANDROID_HOME%\extras\android\support\v7\palette" "external\palette\*" /s /e /y /q
MKDIR external\palette\src
REM Update ant setup in project and all sub-projects
SET "pattern=project.properties"
FOR /R "./external/" %%# in (*.properties) DO (
ECHO %%~nx# | FIND "%pattern%" 1>NUL && (
SET current_dir=%~d0%%~p#
SET current_dir=!current_dir:\=/!
ECHO Updating ant setup in "!current_dir!"
CALL android update lib-project -t %target% -p "!current_dir!"
CALL android update project -p . --subprojects -t %target% --name Lightning