Anthony Restaino 54d01d6a48
Advanced Settings are all a go, except "Incognito mode all the time",
that one isn't functioning yet. Also, Incognito Mode isn't as up to date
as the normal mode... I'll get around to it.
2013-07-29 20:39:47 -04:00

21 lines
997 B

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<string name="app_name">Lightning</string>
<string name="google">Google</string>
<string name="settings">Impostazioni del browser</string>
<string name="location">Consenti ai siti di accedere alla tua posizione</string>
<string name="password">Salva le tue password</string>
<string name="agent">User Agent</string>
<string name="history">Clear history on exit</string>
<string name="email">Email me</string>
<string name="flash">Abilita Adobe Flash</string>
<string name="mobile">Visualizza come mobile</string>
<string name="desk">Visualizza come desktop</string>
<string name="custom">Visualizza come agente utente personalizzata</string>
<string name="home">Homepage</string>
<string name="settingshelp">Impostazioni valgono solo per le nuove schede</string>
<string name="fullscreen">Enable fullscreen mode</string>
<string name="java">Enable JavaScript</string>