package org.purplei2p.lightning.preference; import android.content.Context; import android.content.SharedPreferences; import; import; import javax.inject.Inject; import javax.inject.Singleton; import org.purplei2p.lightning.constant.Constants; import org.purplei2p.lightning.utils.FileUtils; @Singleton public class PreferenceManager { private static class Name { static final String ADOBE_FLASH_SUPPORT = "enableflash"; static final String BLOCK_ADS = "AdBlock"; static final String BLOCK_IMAGES = "blockimages"; static final String CLEAR_CACHE_EXIT = "cache"; static final String COOKIES = "cookies"; static final String DOWNLOAD_DIRECTORY = "downloadLocation"; static final String FULL_SCREEN = "fullscreen"; static final String HIDE_STATUS_BAR = "hidestatus"; static final String HOMEPAGE = "home"; static final String INCOGNITO_COOKIES = "incognitocookies"; static final String JAVASCRIPT = "java"; static final String LOCATION = "location"; static final String OVERVIEW_MODE = "overviewmode"; static final String POPUPS = "newwindows"; static final String RESTORE_LOST_TABS = "restoreclosed"; static final String SAVE_PASSWORDS = "passwords"; static final String SEARCH = "search"; static final String SEARCH_URL = "searchurl"; static final String TEXT_REFLOW = "textreflow"; static final String TEXT_SIZE = "textsize"; static final String USE_WIDE_VIEWPORT = "wideviewport"; static final String USER_AGENT = "agentchoose"; static final String USER_AGENT_STRING = "userAgentString"; static final String CLEAR_HISTORY_EXIT = "clearHistoryExit"; static final String CLEAR_COOKIES_EXIT = "clearCookiesExit"; static final String SAVE_URL = "saveUrl"; static final String RENDERING_MODE = "renderMode"; static final String BLOCK_THIRD_PARTY = "thirdParty"; static final String ENABLE_COLOR_MODE = "colorMode"; static final String URL_BOX_CONTENTS = "urlContent"; static final String INVERT_COLORS = "invertColors"; static final String READING_TEXT_SIZE = "readingTextSize"; static final String THEME = "Theme"; static final String TEXT_ENCODING = "textEncoding"; static final String CLEAR_WEBSTORAGE_EXIT = "clearWebStorageExit"; static final String SHOW_TABS_IN_DRAWER = "showTabsInDrawer"; static final String DO_NOT_TRACK = "doNotTrack"; static final String IDENTIFYING_HEADERS = "removeIdentifyingHeaders"; static final String SWAP_BOOKMARKS_AND_TABS = "swapBookmarksAndTabs"; static final String SEARCH_SUGGESTIONS = "searchSuggestions"; static final String BLACK_STATUS_BAR = "blackStatusBar"; static final String USE_PROXY = "useProxy"; static final String PROXY_CHOICE = "proxyChoice"; static final String USE_PROXY_HOST = "useProxyHost"; static final String USE_PROXY_PORT = "useProxyPort"; static final String INITIAL_CHECK_FOR_TOR = "checkForTor"; static final String INITIAL_CHECK_FOR_I2P = "checkForI2P"; static final String LEAK_CANARY = "leakCanary"; } public enum Suggestion { SUGGESTION_LEGWORK, SUGGESTION_DUCK, SUGGESTION_NONE } @NonNull private final SharedPreferences mPrefs; private static final String PREFERENCES = "settings"; @Inject PreferenceManager(@NonNull final Context context) { mPrefs = context.getSharedPreferences(PREFERENCES, 0); } @NonNull public Suggestion getSearchSuggestionChoice() { try { return Suggestion.valueOf(mPrefs.getString(Name.SEARCH_SUGGESTIONS,; } catch (IllegalArgumentException ignored) { return Suggestion.SUGGESTION_NONE; } } public void setSearchSuggestionChoice(@NonNull Suggestion suggestion) { putString(Name.SEARCH_SUGGESTIONS,; } public boolean getBookmarksAndTabsSwapped() { return mPrefs.getBoolean(Name.SWAP_BOOKMARKS_AND_TABS, false); } public void setBookmarkAndTabsSwapped(boolean swap) { putBoolean(Name.SWAP_BOOKMARKS_AND_TABS, swap); } public boolean getAdBlockEnabled() { return mPrefs.getBoolean(Name.BLOCK_ADS, false); } public boolean getBlockImagesEnabled() { return mPrefs.getBoolean(Name.BLOCK_IMAGES, false); } public boolean getBlockThirdPartyCookiesEnabled() { return mPrefs.getBoolean(Name.BLOCK_THIRD_PARTY, false); } public boolean getCheckedForTor() { return mPrefs.getBoolean(Name.INITIAL_CHECK_FOR_TOR, false); } public boolean getCheckedForI2P() { return mPrefs.getBoolean(Name.INITIAL_CHECK_FOR_I2P, false); } public boolean getClearCacheExit() { return mPrefs.getBoolean(Name.CLEAR_CACHE_EXIT, false); } public boolean getClearCookiesExitEnabled() { return mPrefs.getBoolean(Name.CLEAR_COOKIES_EXIT, false); } public boolean getClearWebStorageExitEnabled() { return mPrefs.getBoolean(Name.CLEAR_WEBSTORAGE_EXIT, false); } public boolean getClearHistoryExitEnabled() { return mPrefs.getBoolean(Name.CLEAR_HISTORY_EXIT, false); } public boolean getColorModeEnabled() { return mPrefs.getBoolean(Name.ENABLE_COLOR_MODE, true); } public boolean getCookiesEnabled() { return mPrefs.getBoolean(Name.COOKIES, true); } @NonNull public String getDownloadDirectory() { return mPrefs.getString(Name.DOWNLOAD_DIRECTORY, FileUtils.DEFAULT_DOWNLOAD_PATH); } public int getFlashSupport() { return mPrefs.getInt(Name.ADOBE_FLASH_SUPPORT, 0); } public boolean getFullScreenEnabled() { return mPrefs.getBoolean(Name.FULL_SCREEN, true); } public boolean getHideStatusBarEnabled() { return mPrefs.getBoolean(Name.HIDE_STATUS_BAR, false); } @NonNull public String getHomepage() { return mPrefs.getString(Name.HOMEPAGE, Constants.SCHEME_HOMEPAGE); } public boolean getIncognitoCookiesEnabled() { return mPrefs.getBoolean(Name.INCOGNITO_COOKIES, false); } public boolean getInvertColors() { return mPrefs.getBoolean(Name.INVERT_COLORS, false); } public boolean getJavaScriptEnabled() { return mPrefs.getBoolean(Name.JAVASCRIPT, true); } public boolean getLocationEnabled() { return mPrefs.getBoolean(Name.LOCATION, false); } public boolean getOverviewModeEnabled() { return mPrefs.getBoolean(Name.OVERVIEW_MODE, true); } public boolean getPopupsEnabled() { return mPrefs.getBoolean(Name.POPUPS, true); } @NonNull public String getProxyHost() { return mPrefs.getString(Name.USE_PROXY_HOST, "localhost"); } public int getProxyPort() { return mPrefs.getInt(Name.USE_PROXY_PORT, 4444); } public int getReadingTextSize() { return mPrefs.getInt(Name.READING_TEXT_SIZE, 2); } public int getRenderingMode() { return mPrefs.getInt(Name.RENDERING_MODE, 0); } public boolean getRestoreLostTabsEnabled() { return mPrefs.getBoolean(Name.RESTORE_LOST_TABS, true); } @Nullable public String getSavedUrl() { return mPrefs.getString(Name.SAVE_URL, null); } public boolean getSavePasswordsEnabled() { return mPrefs.getBoolean(Name.SAVE_PASSWORDS, true); } public int getSearchChoice() { return mPrefs.getInt(Name.SEARCH, 1); } @NonNull public String getSearchUrl() { return mPrefs.getString(Name.SEARCH_URL, Constants.LEGWORK_SEARCH); } public boolean getTextReflowEnabled() { return mPrefs.getBoolean(Name.TEXT_REFLOW, false); } public int getTextSize() { return mPrefs.getInt(Name.TEXT_SIZE, 3); } public int getUrlBoxContentChoice() { return mPrefs.getInt(Name.URL_BOX_CONTENTS, 0); } public int getUseTheme() { return mPrefs.getInt(Name.THEME, 0); } public boolean getUseProxy() { return mPrefs.getBoolean(Name.USE_PROXY, true); } @Constants.Proxy public int getProxyChoice() { @Constants.Proxy int proxy = mPrefs.getInt(Name.PROXY_CHOICE, Constants.PROXY_I2P); switch (proxy) { case Constants.NO_PROXY: case Constants.PROXY_ORBOT: case Constants.PROXY_I2P: case Constants.PROXY_MANUAL: return proxy; default: return Constants.PROXY_I2P; } } public int getUserAgentChoice() { return mPrefs.getInt(Name.USER_AGENT, 1); } @Nullable public String getUserAgentString(@Nullable String def) { return mPrefs.getString(Name.USER_AGENT_STRING, def); } public boolean getUseWideViewportEnabled() { return mPrefs.getBoolean(Name.USE_WIDE_VIEWPORT, true); } @NonNull public String getTextEncoding() { return mPrefs.getString(Name.TEXT_ENCODING, Constants.DEFAULT_ENCODING); } public boolean getShowTabsInDrawer(boolean defaultValue) { return mPrefs.getBoolean(Name.SHOW_TABS_IN_DRAWER, defaultValue); } public boolean getDoNotTrackEnabled() { return mPrefs.getBoolean(Name.DO_NOT_TRACK, false); } public boolean getRemoveIdentifyingHeadersEnabled() { return mPrefs.getBoolean(Name.IDENTIFYING_HEADERS, false); } public boolean getUseBlackStatusBar() { return mPrefs.getBoolean(Name.BLACK_STATUS_BAR, false); } private void putBoolean(@NonNull String name, boolean value) { mPrefs.edit().putBoolean(name, value).apply(); } private void putInt(@NonNull String name, int value) { mPrefs.edit().putInt(name, value).apply(); } private void putString(@NonNull String name, @Nullable String value) { mPrefs.edit().putString(name, value).apply(); } public void setUseBlackStatusBar(boolean enabled) { putBoolean(Name.BLACK_STATUS_BAR, enabled); } public void setRemoveIdentifyingHeadersEnabled(boolean enabled) { putBoolean(Name.IDENTIFYING_HEADERS, enabled); } public void setDoNotTrackEnabled(boolean doNotTrack) { putBoolean(Name.DO_NOT_TRACK, doNotTrack); } public void setShowTabsInDrawer(boolean show) { putBoolean(Name.SHOW_TABS_IN_DRAWER, show); } public void setTextEncoding(@NonNull String encoding) { putString(Name.TEXT_ENCODING, encoding); } public void setAdBlockEnabled(boolean enable) { putBoolean(Name.BLOCK_ADS, enable); } public void setBlockImagesEnabled(boolean enable) { putBoolean(Name.BLOCK_IMAGES, enable); } public void setBlockThirdPartyCookiesEnabled(boolean enable) { putBoolean(Name.BLOCK_THIRD_PARTY, enable); } public void setCheckedForTor(boolean check) { putBoolean(Name.INITIAL_CHECK_FOR_TOR, check); } public void setCheckedForI2P(boolean check) { putBoolean(Name.INITIAL_CHECK_FOR_I2P, check); } public void setClearCacheExit(boolean enable) { putBoolean(Name.CLEAR_CACHE_EXIT, enable); } public void setClearCookiesExitEnabled(boolean enable) { putBoolean(Name.CLEAR_COOKIES_EXIT, enable); } public void setClearWebStorageExitEnabled(boolean enable) { putBoolean(Name.CLEAR_WEBSTORAGE_EXIT, enable); } public void setClearHistoryExitEnabled(boolean enable) { putBoolean(Name.CLEAR_HISTORY_EXIT, enable); } public void setColorModeEnabled(boolean enable) { putBoolean(Name.ENABLE_COLOR_MODE, enable); } public void setCookiesEnabled(boolean enable) { putBoolean(Name.COOKIES, enable); } public void setDownloadDirectory(@NonNull String directory) { putString(Name.DOWNLOAD_DIRECTORY, directory); } public void setFlashSupport(int n) { putInt(Name.ADOBE_FLASH_SUPPORT, n); } public void setFullScreenEnabled(boolean enable) { putBoolean(Name.FULL_SCREEN, enable); } public void setHideStatusBarEnabled(boolean enable) { putBoolean(Name.HIDE_STATUS_BAR, enable); } public void setHomepage(@NonNull String homepage) { putString(Name.HOMEPAGE, homepage); } public void setIncognitoCookiesEnabled(boolean enable) { putBoolean(Name.INCOGNITO_COOKIES, enable); } public void setInvertColors(boolean enable) { putBoolean(Name.INVERT_COLORS, enable); } public void setJavaScriptEnabled(boolean enable) { putBoolean(Name.JAVASCRIPT, enable); } public void setLocationEnabled(boolean enable) { putBoolean(Name.LOCATION, enable); } public void setOverviewModeEnabled(boolean enable) { putBoolean(Name.OVERVIEW_MODE, enable); } public void setPopupsEnabled(boolean enable) { putBoolean(Name.POPUPS, enable); } public void setReadingTextSize(int size) { putInt(Name.READING_TEXT_SIZE, size); } public void setRenderingMode(int mode) { putInt(Name.RENDERING_MODE, mode); } public void setRestoreLostTabsEnabled(boolean enable) { putBoolean(Name.RESTORE_LOST_TABS, enable); } public void setSavedUrl(@Nullable String url) { putString(Name.SAVE_URL, url); } public void setSavePasswordsEnabled(boolean enable) { putBoolean(Name.SAVE_PASSWORDS, enable); } public void setSearchChoice(int choice) { putInt(Name.SEARCH, choice); } public void setSearchUrl(@NonNull String url) { putString(Name.SEARCH_URL, url); } public void setTextReflowEnabled(boolean enable) { putBoolean(Name.TEXT_REFLOW, enable); } public void setTextSize(int size) { putInt(Name.TEXT_SIZE, size); } public void setUrlBoxContentChoice(int choice) { putInt(Name.URL_BOX_CONTENTS, choice); } public void setUseTheme(int theme) { putInt(Name.THEME, theme); } public void setUseLeakCanary(boolean useLeakCanary) { putBoolean(Name.LEAK_CANARY, useLeakCanary); } public boolean getUseLeakCanary() { return mPrefs.getBoolean(Name.LEAK_CANARY, false); } /** * Valid choices: * * * @param choice the proxy to use. */ public void setProxyChoice(@Constants.Proxy int choice) { putBoolean(Name.USE_PROXY, choice != Constants.NO_PROXY); putInt(Name.PROXY_CHOICE, choice); } public void setProxyHost(@NonNull String proxyHost) { putString(Name.USE_PROXY_HOST, proxyHost); } public void setProxyPort(int proxyPort) { putInt(Name.USE_PROXY_PORT, proxyPort); } public void setUserAgentChoice(int choice) { putInt(Name.USER_AGENT, choice); } public void setUserAgentString(@Nullable String agent) { putString(Name.USER_AGENT_STRING, agent); } public void setUseWideViewportEnabled(boolean enable) { putBoolean(Name.USE_WIDE_VIEWPORT, enable); } }