Repository for chocolatey packages
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29 lines
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$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'; # stop on all errors
$packagename = 'i2pd'
$toolsDir = "$(Split-Path -parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition)"
$url = ''
$checksum = 'de405a45e4144c461b19a05055d74c806b106a19a41abab450be28e0608c371d'
$checksumType = 'sha256'
$url64 = ''
$checksum64 = '2f2e88ca23e5bfd3145799d6d46f217b0990e333183190be67928f93ca0619d2'
$checksumType64 = 'sha256'
Install-ChocolateyZipPackage -packageName "$packagename" `
-UnzipLocation "$toolsDir" `
-Url "$url" `
-checksum "$checksum" `
-checksumType "$checksumType" `
-Url64 "$url64" `
-checksum64 "$checksum64" `
-checksumType64 "$checksumType64"
# Install configs and certificates if i2pd dir not available, otherwise just update certificates
$dataDir = Join-Path $Env:APPDATA 'i2pd'
if (Test-Path -Path $dataDir) {
Write-Host "Updating i2pd certificates"
Remove-Item $dataDir\certificates -Recurse
Copy-Item $toolsDir\contrib\certificates -Destination $dataDir\certificates -Recurse
} else {
Write-Host "Copying default configs and certificates"
Copy-Item $toolsDir\contrib -Destination $dataDir -Recurse