Repository for chocolatey packages
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59 lines
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$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop';
$toolsDir = "$(Split-Path -parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition)"
$appDir = "$([Environment]::GetFolderPath('ProgramFiles'))\Yggdrasil"
$confDir = "$([Environment]::GetFolderPath('CommonApplicationData'))\Yggdrasil"
$startMenuDir = "$([Environment]::GetFolderPath('CommonStartMenu'))\Programs\Yggdrasil"
$url = ''
$url64 = ''
$checksum = '83fe0bb7bb351e13cfcab534aa715e7dd5cf4c2ee8b531c38ee83b47a7403f78'
$checksum64 = '9882d4d1773a91d26ea32287ccc1d169d0b3751b6db2f165ae5529d6b750da5f'
$packageArgs = @{
packageName = $env:ChocolateyPackageName
fileType = 'msi'
url = $url
url64bit = $url64
checksum = $checksum
checksumType = 'sha256'
checksum64 = $checksum64
checksumType64 = 'sha256'
softwareName = 'Yggdrasil Network*'
silentArgs = '/quiet'
validExitCodes = @(0)
# Backup old configuration
if (Test-Path "$confDir\yggdrasil.conf" -PathType Leaf) {
$date = Get-Date -format "yyyyMMdd"
Write-Host "Backing up configuration file to yggdrasil.conf.$date"
Copy-Item $confDir\yggdrasil.conf -Destination $confDir\yggdrasil.conf.$date
Install-ChocolateyPackage @packageArgs
Install-BinFile "yggdrasil" "$appDir\yggdrasil.exe"
Install-BinFile "yggdrasilctl" "$appDir\yggdrasilctl.exe"
# Creating shortcuts in Start Menu
if (-not (Test-Path -Path $startMenuDir)) {
New-Item -Path $startMenuDir -ItemType Directory
# Get PowerShell executable path
$psPath = (Get-Command powershell.exe).Path
Install-ChocolateyShortcut -shortcutFilePath "$startMenuDir\Start service.lnk" `
-targetPath $psPath -Arguments "Start-Service -name 'Yggdrasil'" `
-workDirectory "$appDir" -description "Start yggdrasil service" -IconLocation "$toolsDir\yggdrasil.ico" -RunAsAdmin
Install-ChocolateyShortcut -shortcutFilePath "$startMenuDir\Restart service.lnk" `
-targetPath $psPath -Arguments "Restart-Service -name 'Yggdrasil'" `
-workDirectory "$appDir" -description "Restart yggdrasil service" -IconLocation "$toolsDir\yggdrasil.ico" -RunAsAdmin
Install-ChocolateyShortcut -shortcutFilePath "$startMenuDir\Stop service.lnk" `
-targetPath $psPath -Arguments "Stop-Service -name 'Yggdrasil'" `
-workDirectory "$appDir" -description "Stop yggdrasil service" -IconLocation "$toolsDir\yggdrasil.ico" -RunAsAdmin