.. image:: https://img.shields.io/github/license/r4sas/PBinCLI.svg :target: https://github.com/r4sas/PBinCLI/blob/master/LICENSE :alt: GitHub license .. image:: https://img.shields.io/github/tag/r4sas/PBinCLI.svg :target: https://github.com/r4sas/PBinCLI/tags/ :alt: GitHub tag .. image:: https://app.codacy.com/project/badge/Grade/4f24f43356a84621bbd9078c4b3f1b70 :target: https://www.codacy.com/gh/r4sas/PBinCLI/dashboard?utm_source=github.com&utm_medium=referral&utm_content=r4sas/PBinCLI&utm_campaign=Badge_Grade :alt: Codacy Badge PBinCLI ======= PBinCLI is command line client for `PrivateBin `_ written on Python 3. Installing ========== Installation inside ``virtualenv``\ : .. code-block:: bash python3 -m virtualenv --python=python3 venv . venv/bin/activate pip install pbincli Installation to system with pip3: .. code-block:: bash pip3 install pbincli *Note*\ : if you used installation with ``virtualenv``\ , don't forget to activate it before usage: call ``. /path/to/venv/bin/activate`` in terminal Configuration ============= By default pbincli configured to use ``https://paste.i2pd.xyz/`` for sending and receiving pastes. No proxy used by default. You can create config file to use different settings. Configuration file is searched in ``~/.config/pbincli/pbincli.conf``\ , ``%APPDATA%/pbincli/pbincli.conf`` (Windows) and ``~/Library/Application Support/pbincli/pbincli.conf`` (MacOS) Example contents ---------------- .. code-block:: ini server=https://paste.i2pd.xyz/ proxy= All possible options for configuration file ------------------------------------------- .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 * - Option - Default - Possible value * - server - https://paste.i2pd.xyz/ - Domain ending with slash * - mirrors - None - Domains separated with comma, like ``http://privatebin.ygg/,http://privatebin.i2p/`` * - proxy - None - Proxy address starting with scheme ``http://`` or ``socks5://`` * - short - False - True / False * - short_api - None - ``tinyurl``\ , ``clckru``\ , ``isgd``\ , ``vgd``\ , ``cuttly``\ , ``yourls``\ , ``custom`` * - short_url - None - Domain name of shortener service for ``yourls``\ , or sortener URL (with required parameters) for ``custom`` * - short_user - None - Used only in ``yourls`` * - short_pass - None - Used only in ``yourls`` * - short_token - None - Used only in ``yourls`` * - no_check_certificate - False - True / False * - no_insecure_warning - False - True / False Usage ===== Tool available by command ``pbincli``\ , help for every command can be called with ``-h`` option: .. code-block:: bash pbincli {send|get|delete} -h Sending ------- * Sending text: .. code-block:: bash pbincli send -t "Hello! This is test paste!" * Use stdin input to read text for paste: .. code-block:: bash pbincli send - <`_ in the root of the project source code.