#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Edited SJCL.py library (https://github.com/berlincode/sjcl/) for AES.MODE_GCM support, work begin. pip3.5 install pycryptodome """ from Crypto.Hash import SHA256, HMAC from Crypto.Protocol.KDF import PBKDF2 from Crypto.Cipher import AES from Crypto.Random import get_random_bytes import base64 def truncate_iv(iv, ol, tlen): # ol and tlen in bits ivl = len(iv) # iv length in bytes ol = (ol - tlen) // 8 # "compute the length of the length" (see gcm.js) L = 2 while (L < 4) and ((ol >> (8*L))) > 0: L += 1 if L < 15 - ivl: L = 15 - ivl return iv[:(15-L)] def check_mode_gcm(): # checks if pycrypto has support for gcm try: AES.MODE_GCM except: raise Exception( "Pycrypto does not seem to support MODE_gcm. " + "You need a version >= 2.7a1 (or a special branch)." ) class SJCL(object): def __init__(self): self.salt_size = 8 # bytes self.tag_size = 16 # bytes self.mac_size = 16 # bytes; mac = message authentication code (MAC) self.prf = lambda p, s: HMAC.new(p, s, SHA256).digest() def decrypt(self, data, passphrase): check_mode_gcm() # check gcm support if data["cipher"] != "aes": raise Exception("only aes cipher supported") print(data["mode"]) if data["mode"] != "gcm": raise Exception("unknown mode(!=gcm)") if data["adata"] != "": raise Exception("additional authentication data not equal ''") if data["v"] != 1: raise Exception("only version 1 is currently supported") if data["ts"] != self.tag_size * 8: raise Exception("desired tag length != %d" % (self.tag_size * 8)) salt = base64.b64decode(data["salt"]) # print "salt", hex_string(salt) if len(salt) != self.salt_size: raise Exception("salt should be %d bytes long" % self.salt_size) dkLen = data["ks"]//8 if dkLen != 16: raise Exception("key length should be 16 bytes") key = PBKDF2( passphrase, salt, count=data['iter'], dkLen=dkLen, prf=self.prf ) # print "key", hex_string(key) ciphertext = base64.b64decode(data["ct"]) iv = base64.b64decode(data["iv"]) # print AES.block_size nonce = truncate_iv(iv, len(ciphertext)*8, data["ts"]) # split tag from ciphertext (tag was simply appended to ciphertext) mac = ciphertext[-(data["ts"]//8):] # print len(ciphertext) ciphertext = ciphertext[:-(data["ts"]//8)] # print len(ciphertext) # print len(tag) # print "len", len(nonce) cipher = AES.new(key, AES.MODE_GCM, nonce) plaintext = cipher.decrypt(ciphertext) print(mac) # cipher.verify(mac) return plaintext def encrypt(self, plaintext, passphrase, count=10000, dkLen=32): # dkLen = key length in bytes check_mode_gcm() # check gcm support salt = get_random_bytes(self.salt_size) iv = get_random_bytes(16) # TODO dkLen? key = PBKDF2(passphrase, salt, count=count, dkLen=dkLen, prf=self.prf) # TODO plaintext padding? nonce = truncate_iv(iv, len(plaintext) * 8, self.tag_size * 8) # print len(nonce) cipher = AES.new( key, AES.MODE_GCM, nonce, mac_len=self.mac_size ) ciphertext = cipher.encrypt(plaintext) mac = cipher.digest() ciphertext = ciphertext + mac return { "salt": base64.b64encode(salt).decode('UTF-8'), "iter": count, "ks": dkLen*8, "ct": base64.b64encode(ciphertext).decode('UTF-8'), "iv": base64.b64encode(iv).decode('UTF-8'), "cipher": "aes", "mode": "gcm", "adata": "", "v": 1, "ts": self.tag_size * 8 }