import requests from requests import HTTPError from pbincli.utils import PBinCLIError def _config_requests(settings=None): if settings['proxy']: proxy = {settings['proxy'].split('://')[0]: settings['proxy']} else: proxy = {} if settings['no_insecure_warning']: from requests.packages.urllib3.exceptions import InsecureRequestWarning requests.packages.urllib3.disable_warnings(InsecureRequestWarning) session = requests.Session() session.verify = not settings['no_check_certificate'] return session, proxy class PrivateBin: def __init__(self, settings=None): self.server = settings['server'] self.headers = {'X-Requested-With': 'JSONHttpRequest'} self.session, self.proxy = _config_requests(settings) def post(self, request): result = url = self.server, headers = self.headers, proxies = self.proxy, data = request) try: return result.json() except ValueError: PBinCLIError("Unable parse response as json. Received (size = {}):\n{}".format(len(result.text), result.text)) def get(self, request): return self.session.get( url = self.server + "?" + request, headers = self.headers, proxies = self.proxy).json() def delete(self, request): # using try as workaround for versions < 1.3 due to we cant detect # if server used version 1.2, where auto-deletion is added try: result = url = self.server, headers = self.headers, proxies = self.proxy, data = request).json() except ValueError: # unable parse response as json because it can be empty (1.2), so simulate correct answer print("NOTICE: Received empty response. We interpret that as our paste has already been deleted.") from json import loads as json_loads result = json_loads('{"status":0}') if not result['status']: print("Paste successfully deleted!") elif result['status']: PBinCLIError("Something went wrong...\nError:\t\t{}".format(result['message'])) else: PBinCLIError("Something went wrong...\nError: Empty response.") def getVersion(self): jsonldSchema = self.session.get( url = self.server + '?jsonld=paste', proxies = self.proxy).json() return jsonldSchema['@context']['v']['@value'] \ if ('@context' in jsonldSchema and 'v' in jsonldSchema['@context'] and '@value' in jsonldSchema['@context']['v']) \ else 1 def getServer(self): return self.server class Shortener: """Some parts of this class was taken from python-yourls ( library """ def __init__(self, settings=None): self.api = settings['short_api'] # we checking which service is used, because some services doesn't require # any authentication, or have only one domain on which it working if self.api == 'yourls': self._yourls_init(settings) elif self.api == 'isgd' or self.api == 'vgd': self._gd_init() elif self.api == 'custom': self.apiurl == settings['short_url'] self.session, self.proxy = _config_requests(settings) def _yourls_init(self, settings): if not settings['short_url']: PBinCLIError("YOURLS: An API URL is required") # setting API URL apiurl = settings['short_url'] if apiurl.endswith('/yourls-api.php'): self.apiurl = apiurl elif apiurl.endswith('/'): self.apiurl = apiurl + 'yourls-api.php' else: PBinCLIError("YOURLS: Incorrect URL is provided.\n" + "It must contain full address to 'yourls-api.php' script (like\n" + "or just contain instance URL with '/' at the end (like") # validating for required credentials if settings['short_user'] and settings['short_pass'] and settings['short_token'] is None: self.auth_args = {'username': settings['short_user'], 'password': settings['short_pass']} elif settings['short_user'] is None and settings['short_pass'] is None and settings['short_token']: self.auth_args = {'signature': settings['short_token']} elif settings['short_user'] is None and settings['short_pass'] is None and settings['short_token'] is None: self.auth_args = {} else: PBinCLIError("YOURLS: either username and password or token are required. Otherwise set to default (None)") def _gd_init(self): if self.api == 'isgd': self.apiurl = '' else: self.apiurl = '' self.useragent = 'Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; pbincli -' def getlink(self, url): # that is api -> function mapper for running service-related function when getlink() used servicesList = { 'yourls': self._yourls, 'clckru': self._clckru, 'tinyurl': self._tinyurl, 'isgd': self._gd, 'vgd': self._gd, 'cuttly': self._cuttly 'custom': self._custom } # run function selected by choosen API servicesList[self.api](url) def _yourls(self,url): request = {'action': 'shorturl', 'format': 'json', 'url': url} request.update(self.auth_args) result = url = self.apiurl, proxies = self.proxy, data = request) try: result.raise_for_status() except HTTPError: try: response = result.json() except ValueError: PBinCLIError("YOURLS: Unable parse response. Received (size = {}):\n{}".format(len(result.text), result.text)) else: PBinCLIError("YOURLS: Received error from API: {} with JSON {}".format(result, response)) else: response = result.json() if {'status', 'statusCode', 'message'} <= set(response.keys()): if response['status'] == 'fail': PBinCLIError("YOURLS: Received error from API: {}".format(response['message'])) if not 'shorturl' in response: PBinCLIError("YOURLS: Unknown error: {}".format(response['message'])) else: print("Short Link:\t{}".format(response['shorturl'])) else: PBinCLIError("YOURLS: No status, statusCode or message fields in response! Received:\n{}".format(response)) def _clckru(self, url): request = {'url': url} try: result = url = "", proxies = self.proxy, data = request) print("Short Link:\t{}".format(result.text)) except Exception as ex: PBinCLIError(" unexcepted behavior: {}".format(ex)) def _tinyurl(self, url): request = {'url': url} try: result = url = "", proxies = self.proxy, data = request) print("Short Link:\t{}".format(result.text)) except Exception as ex: PBinCLIError("TinyURL: unexcepted behavior: {}".format(ex)) def _gd(self, url): request = { 'format': 'json', 'url': url, 'logstats': 0 # we don't want use any statistics } headers = { 'User-Agent': self.useragent} try: result = url = self.apiurl + "create.php", headers = headers, proxies = self.proxy, data = request) response = result.json() if 'shorturl' in response: print("Short Link:\t{}".format(response['shorturl'])) else: PBinCLIError("{}: got error {} from API: {}".format( "" if self.api == 'isgd' else '', response['errorcode'], response['errormessage'])) except Exception as ex: PBinCLIError("{}: unexcepted behavior: {}".format( "" if self.api == 'isgd' else '', ex)) def _cuttly(self, url): request = { 'url': url, 'domain': 0 } try: result = url = "", proxies = self.proxy, data = request) print("Short Link:\t{}".format(result.text)) except Exception as ex: PBinCLIError(" unexcepted behavior: {}".format(ex)) def _custom(self, url): from urllib.parse import quote qUrl = quote(url, safe="") # urlencoded paste url rUrl = self.apiurl.replace("{{url}}", qUrl) try: result = self.session.get( url = rUrl, proxies = self.proxy) print("Short Link:\t{}".format(result.text)) except Exception as ex: PBinCLIError("Shorter: unexcepted behavior: {}".format(ex))