PrivateBin CLI on python 3
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

238 lines
6.4 KiB

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:alt: GitHub license
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:alt: GitHub tag
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:alt: Codacy Badge
PBinCLI is a command line client for `PrivateBin <>`_ written in Python 3.
Installing globally using pip3:
.. code-block:: bash
pip3 install pbincli
Installing with ``virtualenv``\ :
.. code-block:: bash
python3 -m virtualenv --python=python3 venv
. venv/bin/activate
pip install pbincli
*Note*\ : if you used ``virtualenv`` installation method, don't forget to activate your virtual environment before running the tool: call ``. /path/to/venv/bin/activate`` in terminal
By default PBinCLI is configured to use ```` for sending and receiving pastes. No proxy is used by default.
You can always create a config file to use different settings.
Configuration file is expected to be found in ``~/.config/pbincli/pbincli.conf``\ , ``%APPDATA%/pbincli/pbincli.conf`` (Windows) and ``~/Library/Application Support/pbincli/pbincli.conf`` (MacOS)
Example of config file content
.. code-block:: ini
List of OPTIONS available
.. list-table::
:header-rows: 1
* - Option
- Default
- Possible value
* - server
- Domain ending with slash
* - mirrors
- None
- Domains separated with comma, like ``http://privatebin.ygg/,http://privatebin.i2p/``
* - proxy
- None
- Proxy address starting with scheme ``http://`` or ``socks5://``
* - expire
- 1day
- 5min / 10min / 1hour / 1day / 1week / 1month / 1year / never
* - burn
- False
- True / False
* - discus
- False
- True / False
* - format
- plaintext
- plaintext / syntaxhighlighting / markdown
* - short
- False
- True / False
* - short_api
- None
- ``tinyurl``\ , ``clckru``\ , ``isgd``\ , ``vgd``\ , ``cuttly``\ , ``yourls``\ , ``custom``
* - short_url
- None
- Domain name of shortener service for ``yourls``\ , or URL (with required parameters) for ``custom``
* - short_user
- None
- Used only in ``yourls``
* - short_pass
- None
- Used only in ``yourls``
* - short_token
- None
- Used only in ``yourls``
* - output
- None
- Path to the directory where the received data will be saved
* - no_check_certificate
- False
- True / False
* - no_insecure_warning
- False
- True / False
* - compression
- zlib
- zlib / none
* - auth
- None
- ``basic``\ , ``custom``
* - auth_user
- None
- Basic authorization username
* - auth_pass
- None
- Basic authorization password
* - auth_custom
- None
- Custom authorization headers in JSON format, like ``{'Authorization': 'Bearer token'}``
* - json
- False
- Print sending result in JSON format
PBinCLI tool is started with ``pbincli`` command. Detailed help on command usage is provided with ``-h`` option:
.. code-block:: bash
pbincli {send|get|delete} -h
Sending text:
.. code-block:: bash
pbincli send -t "Hello! This is a test paste!"
Using stdin input to read text into a paste:
.. code-block:: bash
pbincli send - <<EOF
Hello! This is a test paste!
Sending a file with text attached into a paste:
.. code-block:: bash
pbincli send -f info.pdf -t "I'm sending my document."
Sending a file only with no text attached:
.. code-block:: bash
pbincli send -q -f info.pdf
Other options
It is also possible to set-up paste parameters such as "burn after reading", expiritaion time, formatting, enabling discussions and changing compression algorithm. Please refer to ``pbincli send -h`` output for more information.
To retrieve a paste from a server, you need to use ``get`` command with the paste info.
Paste info must be formated as ``pasteID#Passphrase`` or just use full URL to a paste. Example:
.. code-block:: bash
pbincli get "xxx#yyy" ### receive paste xxx from by default
pbincli get "" ### receive paste xxx from
To delete a paste from a server, use ``delete`` command with paste info:
.. code-block:: bash
pbincli delete "pasteid=xxx&deletetoken=yyy" ### delete paste xxx from by default
pbincli delete "" ### delete paste xxx from
If you need to delete a paste on different server than the configured one, use ``-s`` option together with the instance URL.
Additional examples
Here you can find additional examples.
Usage with I2P enabled services
Change settings to set server to ``http://privatebin.i2p/`` and proxy to ````. Configuration file for this example is:
.. code-block:: ini
Using aliases
Example of alias to send a paste from ``stdin`` direclty to I2P service:
.. code-block:: bash
alias pastei2p="echo 'paste the text to stdin' && pbincli send -s http://privatebin.i2p/ -x -"
Call it by running ``pastei2p`` in terminal.
This project is licensed under the MIT license, which can be found in the file `LICENSE <>`_ in the root of the project source code.