mirror of https://github.com/r4sas/ExtraMirror
8 years ago
committed by
3 changed files with 643 additions and 0 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,380 @@ |
#include "offset.h" |
cOffset offset; |
void cOffset::GetRenderType() |
{ |
HwDll = (DWORD)GetModuleHandleA(HW_DLL); |
SwDll = (DWORD)GetModuleHandleA(SW_DLL); |
HlMod = (DWORD)GetModuleHandleA(NULL); |
} |
bool cOffset::GetModuleInfo() |
{ |
GetRenderType(); |
if (HwDll) |
HwBase = HwDll; |
else if (SwDll) |
HwBase = SwDll; |
else |
HwBase = HlMod; |
HwSize = GetModuleSize(HwBase); |
HwEnd = HwBase + HwSize - 1; |
HlBase = HlMod; |
HlSize = (DWORD)GetModuleSize(HlBase); |
HlEnd = HlBase + HlSize - 1; |
ClBase = (DWORD)GetModuleHandleA(CLIENT_DLL); |
if (ClBase) |
{ |
ClSize = GetModuleSize(ClBase); |
ClEnd = ClBase + ClSize - 1; |
} |
else |
{ |
ClBase = HwBase; |
ClEnd = HwEnd; |
ClSize = HwSize; |
} |
VgBase = (DWORD)GetModuleHandleA(GAMEUI_DLL); |
if (VgBase) |
{ |
VgSize = (DWORD)GetModuleSize(VgBase); |
VgEnd = VgBase + VgSize - 1; |
} |
return (HwBase && ClBase && HlBase && VgBase); |
} |
void cOffset::Error(char* Msg) |
{ |
MessageBoxA(0, Msg, OFF_ERROR, MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR); |
} |
DWORD cOffset::FindClientTable() |
{ |
BYTE ClientOffset[2] = { 0x10, 0x13 }; |
DWORD PatternAddress = FindPattern(OFF_CLIENT_PATTERN, HwBase, HwEnd, 0); |
if (PatternAddress) |
{ |
for (byte i = 0; i < sizeof(ClientOffset); i++) |
{ |
DWORD ClientTablePtr = *(PDWORD)(FindReference(HwBase, HwEnd, PatternAddress) + ClientOffset[i]); |
if (!FarProc((DWORD)ClientTablePtr, HwBase, HwEnd) && |
!IsBadReadPtr((PVOID)ClientTablePtr, sizeof(cl_clientfunc_t))) |
{ |
return ClientTablePtr; |
} |
} |
} |
return 0; |
} |
DWORD cOffset::FindEngineTable() |
{ |
DWORD PatternAddress = FindPattern(OFF_ENGINE_PATTERN, OFF_ENGINE_MASK, ClBase, ClEnd, 0x02); |
if (PatternAddress) |
{ |
if (!FarProc((DWORD)PatternAddress, ClBase, ClEnd)) |
{ |
return *(PDWORD)PatternAddress; |
} |
} |
else |
{ |
PatternAddress = FindPattern(OFF_ENGINE_PATTERN, OFF_ENGINE_MASK, HlBase, HlEnd, 0x02); |
if (PatternAddress) |
{ |
if (!FarProc((DWORD)PatternAddress, HlBase, HlEnd)) |
{ |
return *(PDWORD)PatternAddress; |
} |
} |
} |
return 0; |
} |
DWORD cOffset::FindStudioTable() |
{ |
DWORD StudioTablePtr = *(DWORD*)((DWORD)g_pClient->HUD_GetStudioModelInterface + 0x30); // old patch, dod
if (FarProc((DWORD)StudioTablePtr, HwBase, HwEnd) && FarProc((DWORD)StudioTablePtr, HlBase, HlEnd) && |
FarProc((DWORD)StudioTablePtr, ClBase, ClEnd)) |
{ |
StudioTablePtr = *(DWORD*)((DWORD)g_pClient->HUD_GetStudioModelInterface + 0x1A); // new patch / steam
if (FarProc((DWORD)StudioTablePtr, ClBase, ClEnd)) |
return 0; |
} |
return StudioTablePtr; |
} |
DWORD cOffset::FindUserMsgBase() |
{ |
BYTE Pattern_UserMsg[9] = |
{ |
0x52, 0x50, 0xE8, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x83, 0x00 |
}; |
BYTE Pattern_UserMsg2[13] = |
{ |
0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x0C, |
0x56, 0x8B, 0x35, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x57, 0x00 |
}; |
DWORD Address = (DWORD)g_Engine.pfnHookUserMsg; |
DWORD UserMsgBase = Absolute(FindPattern((PCHAR)Pattern_UserMsg, OFF_MSG_USER_MASK1, Address, Address + 0x32, 3)); |
if (FarProc(UserMsgBase, HwBase, HwEnd)) |
{ |
return 0; |
} |
UserMsgBase = FindPattern((PCHAR)Pattern_UserMsg2, OFF_MSG_USER_MASK2, UserMsgBase, UserMsgBase + 0x32, 7); |
if (FarProc(UserMsgBase, HwBase, HwEnd)) |
{ |
return 0; |
} |
return **(PDWORD*)UserMsgBase; |
} |
DWORD cOffset::FindGameConsole() |
{ |
DWORD PatternAddress = FindPattern(OFF_GAME_CONSOLE_P, VgBase, VgEnd, 0); |
DWORD ReferenAddress = FindReference(VgBase, VgEnd, PatternAddress) + 0x21; |
if (FarProc(ReferenAddress, VgBase, VgEnd)) |
{ |
return 0; |
} |
DWORD GameConsole = *(PDWORD)ReferenAddress; |
return GameConsole; |
} |
DWORD cOffset::FindSVCMessages() |
{ |
DWORD EngineMsgBase = FindPattern(OFF_SVC_MSG_PATTERN, OFF_SVC_MSG_MASK, HwBase, HwEnd, 1); |
PEngineMsg pEngineMsgBase = (PEngineMsg)(*(PDWORD)EngineMsgBase - sizeof(DWORD)); |
if (pEngineMsgBase) |
{ |
MSG_ReadByte = (HL_MSG_ReadByte)offset.Absolute(((DWORD)pEngineMsgBase[SVC_CDTRACK].pfn) + 1); |
MSG_ReadShort = (HL_MSG_ReadShort)offset.Absolute(((DWORD)pEngineMsgBase[SVC_STOPSOUND].pfn) + 1); |
MSG_ReadLong = (HL_MSG_ReadLong)offset.Absolute(((DWORD)pEngineMsgBase[SVC_VERSION].pfn) + 1); |
MSG_ReadFloat = (HL_MSG_ReadFloat)offset.Absolute(((DWORD)pEngineMsgBase[SVC_TIMESCALE].pfn) + 1); |
MSG_ReadString = (HL_MSG_ReadString)offset.Absolute(((DWORD)pEngineMsgBase[SVC_PRINT].pfn) + 1); |
DWORD CallMSG_ReadCoord = offset.Absolute((DWORD)(pEngineMsgBase[SVC_PARTICLE].pfn) + 1); |
if (*(PBYTE)(CallMSG_ReadCoord + 0x13) == 0xE8) // STEAM
MSG_ReadCoord = (HL_MSG_ReadCoord)offset.Absolute((CallMSG_ReadCoord + 0x14)); |
else if (*(PBYTE)(CallMSG_ReadCoord + 0x15) == 0xE8) // OLD PATCH (SOFTWARE)
MSG_ReadCoord = (HL_MSG_ReadCoord)offset.Absolute((CallMSG_ReadCoord + 0x16)); |
else if (*(PBYTE)(CallMSG_ReadCoord + 0x0E) == 0xE8) // OLD PATCH
MSG_ReadCoord = (HL_MSG_ReadCoord)offset.Absolute((CallMSG_ReadCoord + 0x0F)); |
else if (*(PBYTE)(CallMSG_ReadCoord + 0x0B) == 0xE8) // OLD OLD PATCH
MSG_ReadCoord = (HL_MSG_ReadCoord)offset.Absolute((CallMSG_ReadCoord + 0x0C)); |
else |
offset.Error(OFF_MSG_READ_CORD); |
MSG_ReadCount = *(PINT*)((INT)(MSG_ReadByte)+1); |
MSG_CurrentSize = *(PINT*)((INT)(MSG_ReadByte)+7); |
MSG_BadRead = *(PINT*)((INT)(MSG_ReadByte)+20); |
DWORD SVC_SoundBase = (DWORD)pEngineMsgBase[SVC_SOUND].pfn; |
if (*(PBYTE)(SVC_SoundBase + 0x0E) == 0xE8) |
{ |
MSG_Buffer = (sizebuf_t *)(*(PDWORD)(SVC_SoundBase + 0x0A)); |
MSG_StartBitReading = (HL_MSG_StartBitReading)offset.Absolute(SVC_SoundBase + 0x0F); |
MSG_ReadBits = (HL_MSG_ReadBits)offset.Absolute(SVC_SoundBase + 0x16); |
} |
else if (*(PBYTE)(SVC_SoundBase + 0x0C) == 0xE8) |
{ |
MSG_Buffer = (sizebuf_t *)(*(PDWORD)(SVC_SoundBase + 0x08)); |
MSG_StartBitReading = (HL_MSG_StartBitReading)offset.Absolute(SVC_SoundBase + 0x0D); |
MSG_ReadBits = (HL_MSG_ReadBits)offset.Absolute(SVC_SoundBase + 0x14); |
} |
else |
offset.Error(OFF_MSG_STR_READING); |
if (*(PBYTE)(SVC_SoundBase + 0xD6) == 0xE8) |
{ |
MSG_EndBitReading = (HL_MSG_EndBitReading)offset.Absolute(SVC_SoundBase + 0xD7); |
MSG_ReadBitVec3Coord = (HL_MSG_ReadBitVec3Coord)offset.Absolute(SVC_SoundBase + 0xAF); |
} |
else if (*(PBYTE)(SVC_SoundBase + 0xE2) == 0xE8) |
{ |
MSG_EndBitReading = (HL_MSG_EndBitReading)offset.Absolute(SVC_SoundBase + 0xE3); |
MSG_ReadBitVec3Coord = (HL_MSG_ReadBitVec3Coord)offset.Absolute(SVC_SoundBase + 0xBE); |
} |
else |
offset.Error(OFF_MSG_END_READING); |
} |
else |
offset.Error(OFF_ENGINE_MSG_BASE); |
return (DWORD)pEngineMsgBase; |
} |
#define equali !stricmp |
DWORD cOffset::FindEventMsgBase() |
{ |
DWORD PatternAddress = FindPattern(OFF_EVENT_MSG_BASE, HwBase, HwEnd, 0); |
DWORD ReferenAddress; |
if (equali(BuildInfo.GameVersion,"4554")){ |
ReferenAddress = FindReference(HwBase, HwEnd, PatternAddress) - 0x06; |
} |
else { ReferenAddress = FindReference(HwBase, HwEnd, PatternAddress) - 0x07; } |
if (FarProc(ReferenAddress, HwBase, HwEnd)) |
{ |
return 0; |
} |
return *(PDWORD)(*(PDWORD)ReferenAddress); |
} |
void cOffset::ConsoleColorInitalize() |
{ |
DWORD GameConsole = FindGameConsole(); |
if (GameConsole) |
{ |
DWORD Panel = (*(PDWORD)(GameConsole + 8) - GameConsole); |
Console_TextColor = PColor24(Panel + GameConsole + 288 + sizeof(DWORD)); |
if (*(PDWORD)(DWORD(Console_TextColor) + 8) != 0) |
{ |
Console_TextColor = PColor24(Panel + GameConsole + 288 + (sizeof(DWORD) * 2)); |
} |
} |
} |
void cOffset::GetGameInfo(pGameInfo_s GameInfo) |
{ |
typedef int(*function)(); |
pcmd_t cmd = CommandByName("version"); |
DWORD Address = (DWORD)cmd->function; |
GameInfo->GameName = *(PCHAR*)(UINT(Address) + 1); |
GameInfo->GameVersion = *(PCHAR*)(UINT(Address) + 6); |
GameInfo->Protocol = *(PBYTE)(UINT(Address) + 11); |
Address = Absolute(UINT(Address) + 23); |
if (FarProc(Address, HwBase, HwEnd)) |
function GetBuild = (function)Address; |
GameInfo->Build = GetBuild(); |
} |
void cOffset::CopyClient() |
{ |
native_memcpy(&g_Client, g_pClient, sizeof(cl_clientfunc_t)); |
} |
void cOffset::CopyEngine() |
{ |
native_memcpy(&g_Engine, g_pEngine, sizeof(cl_enginefunc_t)); |
} |
void cOffset::CopyStudio() |
{ |
native_memcpy(&g_Studio, g_pStudio, sizeof(engine_studio_api_t)); |
} |
DWORD cOffset::Absolute(DWORD Address) |
{ |
return Address + *(PDWORD)Address + 4; |
} |
DWORD cOffset::FarProc(DWORD Address, DWORD LB, DWORD HB) |
{ |
return ((Address < LB) || (Address > HB)); |
} |
DWORD cOffset::FindReference(DWORD start, DWORD end, DWORD Address) |
{ |
char szPattern[] = { 0x68, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 }; |
*(PDWORD)&szPattern[1] = Address; |
return FindPattern(szPattern, start, end, 0); |
} |
DWORD cOffset::FindPattern(PCHAR pattern, PCHAR mask, DWORD start, DWORD end, DWORD offset) |
{ |
int patternLength = native_strlen(pattern); |
bool found = false; |
for (DWORD i = start; i < end - patternLength; i++) |
{ |
found = true; |
for (int idx = 0; idx < patternLength; idx++) |
{ |
if (mask[idx] == 'x' && pattern[idx] != *(PCHAR)(i + idx)) |
{ |
found = false; |
break; |
} |
} |
if (found) |
{ |
return i + offset; |
} |
} |
return 0; |
} |
DWORD cOffset::FindPattern(PCHAR pattern, DWORD start, DWORD end, DWORD offset) |
{ |
int patternLength = native_strlen(pattern); |
bool found = false; |
for (DWORD i = start; i < end - patternLength; i++) |
{ |
found = true; |
for (int idx = 0; idx < patternLength; idx++) |
{ |
if (pattern[idx] != *(PCHAR)(i + idx)) |
{ |
found = false; |
break; |
} |
} |
if (found) |
{ |
return i + offset; |
} |
} |
return 0; |
} |
DWORD cOffset::GetModuleSize(DWORD Address) |
{ |
return PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS(Address + (DWORD)PIMAGE_DOS_HEADER(Address)->e_lfanew)->OptionalHeader.SizeOfImage; |
} |
Binary file not shown.
Reference in new issue