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# This script creates a new release of Funkwhale for Android.
# Usage: ./ TAG
# tokenize_tag() - tokenize tag parameter, splitting at dot
# Expects a string parameter with format MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH, e.g. 1.2.3
# Returns an array containing elements for MAJOR, MINOR and PATCH
function tokenize_tag() {
IFS="." read -ra TOKENS <<< "$1"
# version_code() - create a numeric version code from a tokenized tag parameter
# that conforms to the version code format from the
# gradle build script
# Expects an array parameter with entries for MAJOR, MINOR and PATCH version parts
# Returns a formatted version code, leading zeroes are stripped
function version_code() {
# Every version part is filled with leading zeros to a string of size 2
for token in "$@"
for _ in $(seq 1 "$leadingZeros")
# strip leading zeroes, add three trailing zeroes and return
echo "${result#"${result%%[!0]*}"}000"
# Validate if script is used with correct number of params
if [ $# -lt 1 ]; then
echo 'Usage: ./ TAG' >&2
echo ' TAG format MAJOR.MINOR.PATH, e.g. 1.2.3' >&2
exit 1
tokenize_tag "$1"
# Validate tag parameter format
if [ ${#TOKENS[@]} != 3 ]; then
echo 'ERROR: Invalid tag parameter format.' >&2
echo 'Use MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH scheme, e.g. 1.2.3' >&2
exit 1
# Validate that git repository is not dirty
if [ "$(git diff --stat)" != '' ]; then
echo 'ERROR: repository is dirty.' >&2
exit 1
MESSAGE="Creating release version $TAG"
# Validate that git tag doesn't already exist
git fetch --all --tags
if [ "$(git tag -l | grep -e "^$TAG$")" != '' ]; then
echo "ERROR: tag $TAG already exists." >&2
exit 1
echo "Compiling the changelog..."
towncrier build --version="$TAG" --date $(date +"%Y-%m-%d") --yes
git commit --message "Update changelog for version $TAG"
# Write versionCode and versionName to a file that F-Droid can parse
echo "versionCode = $(version_code "${TOKENS[@]}")
versionName = $TAG" > fdroidversion.txt
git add fdroidversion.txt
git commit --message "Update version information for F-Droid"
# Create and push tag
# Push tag first to make sure the Tag Pipeline runs
echo "Tagging the application..."
git tag -a -s -m "$MESSAGE" "$TAG"
git push --tags
git push