#!/usr/bin/env bash # Copyright 2023-2024 New Vector Ltd. # # SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only # Please see LICENSE in the repository root for full details. # do not exit when any command fails (issue with git flow) set +e printf "\n================================================================================\n" printf "| Welcome to the release script! |\n" printf "================================================================================\n" printf "Checking environment...\n" envError=0 # Check that bundletool is installed if ! command -v bundletool &> /dev/null then printf "Fatal: bundletool is not installed. You can install it running \`brew install bundletool\`\n" envError=1 fi # Path of the key store (it's a file) keyStorePath="${ELEMENT_X_KEYSTORE_PATH}" if [[ -z "${keyStorePath}" ]]; then printf "Fatal: ELEMENT_X_KEYSTORE_PATH is not defined in the environment.\n" envError=1 fi # Keystore password keyStorePassword="${ELEMENT_X_KEYSTORE_PASSWORD}" if [[ -z "${keyStorePassword}" ]]; then printf "Fatal: ELEMENT_X_KEYSTORE_PASSWORD is not defined in the environment.\n" envError=1 fi # Key password keyPassword="${ELEMENT_X_KEY_PASSWORD}" if [[ -z "${keyPassword}" ]]; then printf "Fatal: ELEMENT_X_KEY_PASSWORD is not defined in the environment.\n" envError=1 fi # GitHub token gitHubToken="${ELEMENT_GITHUB_TOKEN}" if [[ -z "${gitHubToken}" ]]; then printf "Fatal: ELEMENT_GITHUB_TOKEN is not defined in the environment.\n" envError=1 fi # Android home androidHome="${ANDROID_HOME}" if [[ -z "${androidHome}" ]]; then printf "Fatal: ANDROID_HOME is not defined in the environment.\n" envError=1 fi # @elementbot:matrix.org matrix token / Not mandatory elementBotToken="${ELEMENT_BOT_MATRIX_TOKEN}" if [[ -z "${elementBotToken}" ]]; then printf "Warning: ELEMENT_BOT_MATRIX_TOKEN is not defined in the environment.\n" fi if [ ${envError} == 1 ]; then exit 1 fi minSdkVersion=24 buildToolsVersion="35.0.0" buildToolsPath="${androidHome}/build-tools/${buildToolsVersion}" if [[ ! -d ${buildToolsPath} ]]; then printf "Fatal: ${buildToolsPath} folder not found, ensure that you have installed the SDK version ${buildToolsVersion}.\n" exit 1 fi # Check if git flow is enabled gitFlowDevelop=$(git config gitflow.branch.develop) if [[ ${gitFlowDevelop} != "" ]] then printf "Git flow is initialized\n" else printf "Git flow is not initialized. Initializing...\n" ./tools/gitflow/gitflow-init.sh fi printf "OK\n" printf "\n================================================================================\n" printf "Ensuring main and develop branches are up to date...\n" git checkout main git pull git checkout develop git pull printf "\n================================================================================\n" # Guessing version to propose a default version versionsFile="./plugins/src/main/kotlin/Versions.kt" versionMajorCandidate=$(grep "val versionMajor" ${versionsFile} | cut -d " " -f6) versionMinorCandidate=$(grep "val versionMinor" ${versionsFile} | cut -d " " -f6) versionPatchCandidate=$(grep "val versionPatch" ${versionsFile} | cut -d " " -f6) versionCandidate="${versionMajorCandidate}.${versionMinorCandidate}.${versionPatchCandidate}" read -p "Please enter the release version (example: ${versionCandidate}). Just press enter if ${versionCandidate} is correct. " version version=${version:-${versionCandidate}} # extract major, minor and patch for future use versionMajor=$(echo "${version}" | cut -d "." -f1) versionMinor=$(echo "${version}" | cut -d "." -f2) versionPatch=$(echo "${version}" | cut -d "." -f3) nextPatchVersion=$((versionPatch + 1)) printf "\n================================================================================\n" printf "Starting the release ${version}\n" git flow release start "${version}" # Note: in case the release is already started and the script is started again, checkout the release branch again. ret=$? if [[ $ret -ne 0 ]]; then printf "Mmh, it seems that the release is already started. Checking out the release branch...\n" git checkout "release/${version}" fi # Ensure version is OK versionsFileBak="${versionsFile}.bak" cp ${versionsFile} ${versionsFileBak} sed "s/private const val versionMajor = .*/private const val versionMajor = ${versionMajor}/" ${versionsFileBak} > ${versionsFile} sed "s/private const val versionMinor = .*/private const val versionMinor = ${versionMinor}/" ${versionsFile} > ${versionsFileBak} sed "s/private const val versionPatch = .*/private const val versionPatch = ${versionPatch}/" ${versionsFileBak} > ${versionsFile} rm ${versionsFileBak} # This commit may have no effect because generally we do not change the version during the release. git commit -a -m "Setting version for the release ${version}" printf "\n================================================================================\n" printf "Creating fastlane file...\n" printf -v versionMajor2Digits "%02d" "${versionMajor}" printf -v versionMinor2Digits "%02d" "${versionMinor}" printf -v versionPatch2Digits "%02d" "${versionPatch}" fastlaneFile="4${versionMajor2Digits}${versionMinor2Digits}${versionPatch2Digits}0.txt" fastlanePathFile="./fastlane/metadata/android/en-US/changelogs/${fastlaneFile}" printf "Main changes in this version: TODO.\nFull changelog: https://github.com/element-hq/element-x-android/releases" > "${fastlanePathFile}" read -p "I have created the file ${fastlanePathFile}, please edit it and press enter to continue. " git add "${fastlanePathFile}" git commit -a -m "Adding fastlane file for version ${version}" printf "\n================================================================================\n" printf "OK, finishing the release...\n" git flow release finish "${version}" printf "\n================================================================================\n" read -p "Done, push the branch 'main' and the new tag (yes/no) default to yes? " doPush doPush=${doPush:-yes} if [ "${doPush}" == "yes" ]; then printf "Pushing branch 'main' and tag 'v${version}'...\n" git push origin main git push origin "v${version}" else printf "Not pushing, do not forget to push manually!\n" fi printf "\n================================================================================\n" printf "Checking out develop...\n" git checkout develop # Set next version printf "\n================================================================================\n" printf "Setting next version on file '${versionsFile}'...\n" cp ${versionsFile} ${versionsFileBak} sed "s/private const val versionPatch = .*/private const val versionPatch = ${nextPatchVersion}/" ${versionsFileBak} > ${versionsFile} rm ${versionsFileBak} printf "\n================================================================================\n" read -p "I have updated the versions to prepare the next release, please check that the change are correct and press enter so I can commit. " printf "Committing...\n" git commit -a -m 'version++' printf "\n================================================================================\n" printf "The GitHub action https://github.com/element-hq/element-x-android/actions/workflows/release.yml?query=branch%%3Amain should have start a new run.\n" read -p "Please enter the url of the run, no need to wait for it to complete (example: https://github.com/element-hq/element-x-android/actions/runs/9065756777): " runUrl targetPath="./tmp/Element/${version}" printf "\n================================================================================\n" printf "Downloading the artifacts...\n" python3 ./tools/github/download_all_github_artifacts.py \ --token "${gitHubToken}" \ --runUrl "${runUrl}" \ --directory "${targetPath}" printf "\n================================================================================\n" printf "Unzipping the F-Droid artifact...\n" fdroidTargetPath="${targetPath}/fdroid" unzip "${targetPath}"/elementx-app-fdroid-apks-unsigned.zip -d "${fdroidTargetPath}" printf "\n================================================================================\n" printf "Patching the FDroid APKs using inplace-fix.py...\n" inplaceFixScript="./tools/release/inplace-fix.py" python3 "${inplaceFixScript}" --page-size 16 fix-pg-map-id "${fdroidTargetPath}"/app-fdroid-arm64-v8a-release.apk '0000000' python3 "${inplaceFixScript}" --page-size 16 fix-pg-map-id "${fdroidTargetPath}"/app-fdroid-armeabi-v7a-release.apk '0000000' python3 "${inplaceFixScript}" --page-size 16 fix-pg-map-id "${fdroidTargetPath}"/app-fdroid-x86-release.apk '0000000' python3 "${inplaceFixScript}" --page-size 16 fix-pg-map-id "${fdroidTargetPath}"/app-fdroid-x86_64-release.apk '0000000' printf "\n================================================================================\n" printf "Signing the FDroid APKs...\n" cp "${fdroidTargetPath}"/app-fdroid-arm64-v8a-release.apk \ "${fdroidTargetPath}"/app-fdroid-arm64-v8a-release-signed.apk "${buildToolsPath}"/apksigner sign \ -v \ --alignment-preserved true \ --ks "${keyStorePath}" \ --ks-pass pass:"${keyStorePassword}" \ --ks-key-alias elementx \ --key-pass pass:"${keyPassword}" \ --min-sdk-version ${minSdkVersion} \ "${fdroidTargetPath}"/app-fdroid-arm64-v8a-release-signed.apk cp "${fdroidTargetPath}"/app-fdroid-armeabi-v7a-release.apk \ "${fdroidTargetPath}"/app-fdroid-armeabi-v7a-release-signed.apk "${buildToolsPath}"/apksigner sign \ -v \ --alignment-preserved true \ --ks "${keyStorePath}" \ --ks-pass pass:"${keyStorePassword}" \ --ks-key-alias elementx \ --key-pass pass:"${keyPassword}" \ --min-sdk-version ${minSdkVersion} \ "${fdroidTargetPath}"/app-fdroid-armeabi-v7a-release-signed.apk cp "${fdroidTargetPath}"/app-fdroid-x86-release.apk \ "${fdroidTargetPath}"/app-fdroid-x86-release-signed.apk "${buildToolsPath}"/apksigner sign \ -v \ --alignment-preserved true \ --ks "${keyStorePath}" \ --ks-pass pass:"${keyStorePassword}" \ --ks-key-alias elementx \ --key-pass pass:"${keyPassword}" \ --min-sdk-version ${minSdkVersion} \ "${fdroidTargetPath}"/app-fdroid-x86-release-signed.apk cp "${fdroidTargetPath}"/app-fdroid-x86_64-release.apk \ "${fdroidTargetPath}"/app-fdroid-x86_64-release-signed.apk "${buildToolsPath}"/apksigner sign \ -v \ --alignment-preserved true \ --ks "${keyStorePath}" \ --ks-pass pass:"${keyStorePassword}" \ --ks-key-alias elementx \ --key-pass pass:"${keyPassword}" \ --min-sdk-version ${minSdkVersion} \ "${fdroidTargetPath}"/app-fdroid-x86_64-release-signed.apk printf "\n================================================================================\n" printf "Please check the information below:\n" printf "File app-fdroid-arm64-v8a-release-signed.apk:\n" "${buildToolsPath}"/aapt dump badging "${fdroidTargetPath}"/app-fdroid-arm64-v8a-release-signed.apk | grep package printf "File app-fdroid-armeabi-v7a-release-signed.apk:\n" "${buildToolsPath}"/aapt dump badging "${fdroidTargetPath}"/app-fdroid-armeabi-v7a-release-signed.apk | grep package printf "File app-fdroid-x86-release-signed.apk:\n" "${buildToolsPath}"/aapt dump badging "${fdroidTargetPath}"/app-fdroid-x86-release-signed.apk | grep package printf "File app-fdroid-x86_64-release-signed.apk:\n" "${buildToolsPath}"/aapt dump badging "${fdroidTargetPath}"/app-fdroid-x86_64-release-signed.apk | grep package printf "\n" read -p "Does it look correct? Press enter when it's done. " printf "\n================================================================================\n" printf "The APKs in ${fdroidTargetPath} have been signed!\n" printf "\n================================================================================\n" printf "Unzipping the Gplay artifact...\n" gplayTargetPath="${targetPath}/gplay" unzip "${targetPath}"/elementx-app-gplay-bundle-unsigned.zip -d "${gplayTargetPath}" unsignedBundlePath="${gplayTargetPath}/app-gplay-release.aab" signedBundlePath="${gplayTargetPath}/app-gplay-release-signed.aab" printf "\n================================================================================\n" printf "Signing file ${unsignedBundlePath} with build-tools version ${buildToolsVersion} for min SDK version ${minSdkVersion}...\n" cp "${unsignedBundlePath}" "${signedBundlePath}" "${buildToolsPath}"/apksigner sign \ -v \ --ks "${keyStorePath}" \ --ks-pass pass:"${keyStorePassword}" \ --ks-key-alias elementx \ --key-pass pass:"${keyPassword}" \ --min-sdk-version ${minSdkVersion} \ "${signedBundlePath}" printf "\n================================================================================\n" printf "Please check the information below:\n" printf "Version code: " bundletool dump manifest --bundle="${signedBundlePath}" --xpath=/manifest/@android:versionCode printf "Version name: " bundletool dump manifest --bundle="${signedBundlePath}" --xpath=/manifest/@android:versionName printf "\n" read -p "Does it look correct? Press enter to continue. " printf "\n================================================================================\n" printf "The file ${signedBundlePath} has been signed and can be uploaded to the PlayStore!\n" printf "\n================================================================================\n" read -p "Do you want to build the APKs from the app bundle? You need to do this step if you want to install the application to your device. (yes/no) default to yes " doBuildApks doBuildApks=${doBuildApks:-yes} if [ "${doBuildApks}" == "yes" ]; then printf "Building apks...\n" bundletool build-apks --bundle="${signedBundlePath}" --output="${gplayTargetPath}"/elementx.apks \ --ks=./app/signature/debug.keystore --ks-pass=pass:android --ks-key-alias=androiddebugkey --key-pass=pass:android \ --overwrite read -p "Do you want to install the application to your device? Make sure there is one (and only one!) connected device first. (yes/no) default to yes " doDeploy doDeploy=${doDeploy:-yes} if [ "${doDeploy}" == "yes" ]; then printf "Installing apk for your device...\n" bundletool install-apks --apks="${gplayTargetPath}"/elementx.apks read -p "Please run the application on your phone to check that the upgrade went well. Press enter to continue. " else printf "APK will not be deployed!\n" fi else printf "APKs will not be generated!\n" fi printf "\n================================================================================\n" printf "Create the open testing release on GooglePlay.\n" printf "On GooglePlay console, go the the open testing section and click on \"Create new release\" button, then:\n" printf " - upload the file ${signedBundlePath}.\n" printf " - copy the release note from the fastlane file.\n" printf " - download the universal APK, to be able to provide it to the GitHub release: click on the right arrow next to the \"App bundle\", then click on the \"Download\" tab, and download the \"Signed, universal APK\".\n" printf " - submit the release.\n" read -p "Press enter to continue. " printf "You can then go to \"Publishing overview\" and send the new release for a review by Google.\n" read -p "Press enter to continue. " printf "\n================================================================================\n" githubCreateReleaseLink="https://github.com/element-hq/element-x-android/releases/new?tag=v${version}&title=Element%20X%20Android%20v${version}" printf "Creating the release on gitHub.\n" printf -- "Open this link: %s\n" "${githubCreateReleaseLink}" printf "Then\n" printf " - Click on the 'Generate releases notes' button.\n" printf " - Optionally reorder items and fix typos.\n" printf " - Add the file ${signedBundlePath} to the GitHub release.\n" printf " - Add the universal APK, downloaded from the GooglePlay console to the GitHub release.\n" printf " - Add the 4 signed APKs for F-Droid, located at ${fdroidTargetPath} to the GitHub release.\n" read -p ". Press enter to continue. " printf "\n================================================================================\n" printf "Update the project release notes:\n\n" read -p "Copy the content of the release note generated by GitHub to the file CHANGES.md and press enter to commit the change. " printf "\n================================================================================\n" printf "Committing...\n" git commit -a -m "Changelog for version ${version}" printf "\n================================================================================\n" read -p "Done, push the branch 'develop' (yes/no) default to yes? (A rebase may be necessary in case develop got new commits) " doPush doPush=${doPush:-yes} if [ "${doPush}" == "yes" ]; then printf "Pushing branch 'develop'...\n" git push origin develop else printf "Not pushing, do not forget to push manually!\n" fi printf "\n================================================================================\n" printf "Message for the Android internal room:\n\n" message="@room Element X Android ${version} is ready to be tested. You can get it from https://github.com/element-hq/element-x-android/releases/tag/v${version}. You can install the universal APK. If you want to install the application from the app bundle, you can follow instructions [here](https://github.com/element-hq/element-x-android/blob/develop/docs/install_from_github_release.md). Please report any feedback. Thanks!" printf "${message}\n\n" if [[ -z "${elementBotToken}" ]]; then read -p "ELEMENT_BOT_MATRIX_TOKEN is not defined in the environment. Cannot send the message for you. Please send it manually, and press enter to continue. " else read -p "Send this message to the room (yes/no) default to yes? " doSend doSend=${doSend:-yes} if [ "${doSend}" == "yes" ]; then printf "Sending message...\n" transactionId=$(openssl rand -hex 16) # Element Android internal matrixRoomId="!LiSLXinTDCsepePiYW:matrix.org" curl -X PUT --data "{\"msgtype\":\"m.text\",\"body\":\"${message}\"}" -H "Authorization: Bearer ${elementBotToken}" https://matrix-client.matrix.org/_matrix/client/r0/rooms/${matrixRoomId}/send/m.room.message/\$local."${transactionId}" else printf "Message not sent, please send it manually!\n" fi fi printf "\n================================================================================\n" printf "Congratulation! Kudos for using this script! Have a nice day!\n" printf "================================================================================\n"