#!/usr/bin/env bash # Copyright 2023-2024 New Vector Ltd. # # SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only # Please see LICENSE in the repository root for full details. ####################################################################################################################### # Search forbidden pattern ####################################################################################################################### searchForbiddenStringsScript=./tmp/search_forbidden_strings.pl if [[ -f ${searchForbiddenStringsScript} ]]; then echo "${searchForbiddenStringsScript} already there" else mkdir tmp echo "Get the script" wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/matrix-org/matrix-dev-tools/develop/bin/search_forbidden_strings.pl -O ${searchForbiddenStringsScript} fi if [[ -x ${searchForbiddenStringsScript} ]]; then echo "${searchForbiddenStringsScript} is already executable" else echo "Make the script executable" chmod u+x ${searchForbiddenStringsScript} fi echo echo "Search for forbidden patterns in Kotlin source files..." # list all Kotlin folders of the project. allKotlinDirs=$(find . -type d |grep -v build |grep -v \.git |grep -v \.gradle |grep kotlin$) ${searchForbiddenStringsScript} ./tools/check/forbidden_strings_in_code.txt "$allKotlinDirs" resultForbiddenStringInCode=$? echo echo "Search for forbidden patterns in XML resource files..." # list all res folders of the project. allResDirs=$(find . -type d |grep -v build |grep -v \.git |grep -v \.gradle |grep /res$) ${searchForbiddenStringsScript} ./tools/check/forbidden_strings_in_xml.txt "$allResDirs" resultForbiddenStringInXml=$? if [[ ${resultForbiddenStringInCode} -eq 0 ]] \ && [[ ${resultForbiddenStringInXml} -eq 0 ]]; then echo "OK" else echo "❌ ERROR, please check the logs above." exit 1 fi