/* * Copyright 2024 New Vector Ltd. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only * Please see LICENSE in the repository root for full details. */ import { screenshots } from './data.js'; const URL_PARAM_LANGUAGES = "l"; const URL_PARAM_IMAGE_WIDTH = "w"; const URL_PARAM_ALL_SCREENSHOTS = "a"; const URL_PARAM_IF_MODIFIED_AFTER = "d"; // Get the base url of the current page const baseUrl = window.location.href.split('/').slice(0, -1).join('/'); // On localhost, get the English screenshots from the location `../tests/uitests/src/test/snapshots/images` const isLocalHost = window.location.hostname === "localhost" let englishBasePath if (isLocalHost) { englishBasePath = `../tests/uitests/src/test/snapshots/images` } else { englishBasePath = `en` } const dataLanguages = screenshots[0]; // Read the URL params const urlParams = new URLSearchParams(window.location.search); // Get the wanted languages from the url params, or default to "de" and "fr", and ensure "en" is always there const wantedLanguages = (urlParams.get(URL_PARAM_LANGUAGES) ? urlParams.get(URL_PARAM_LANGUAGES).split(',') : ['de', 'fr']) + ["en"]; // Map dataLanguages to visibleLanguages, set to 1 if the language is in wantedLanguages, 0 otherwise let visibleLanguages = dataLanguages.map((language) => wantedLanguages.includes(language) ? 1 : 0); // Read width from the url params, and ensure it's a multiple of 25 and is between 75 and 500 const DEFAULT_WIDTH = 300; const MIN_WIDTH = 75; const MAX_WIDTH = 500; const WIDTH_STEP = 25; let imageWidth = DEFAULT_WIDTH let width = urlParams.get(URL_PARAM_IMAGE_WIDTH); if (width) { // Ensure width is an integer, if not use the default value width = parseInt(width) || DEFAULT_WIDTH; imageWidth = Math.max(MIN_WIDTH, Math.min(MAX_WIDTH, Math.round(width / WIDTH_STEP) * WIDTH_STEP)); } // Read showAllScreenshots from the url params let showAllScreenshots = urlParams.get(URL_PARAM_ALL_SCREENSHOTS) === 1; // Read the minimum date of modification from the url params let minModifiedDayTime = urlParams.get(URL_PARAM_IF_MODIFIED_AFTER); function updatePageUrl() { // Update the URL displayed in the browser without loading again the page var queryParams = new URLSearchParams(window.location.search); // Add the languages to the url params, without "en" const lg = dataLanguages.filter((language, i) => visibleLanguages[i] == 1).filter(l => l != "en").join(','); if (lg) { queryParams.set(URL_PARAM_LANGUAGES, lg); } else { queryParams.delete(URL_PARAM_LANGUAGES); } if (imageWidth != DEFAULT_WIDTH) { queryParams.set(URL_PARAM_IMAGE_WIDTH, imageWidth); } else { queryParams.delete(URL_PARAM_IMAGE_WIDTH); } if (showAllScreenshots) { queryParams.set(URL_PARAM_ALL_SCREENSHOTS, showAllScreenshots ? 1 : 0); } else { queryParams.delete(URL_PARAM_ALL_SCREENSHOTS); } if (minModifiedDayTime > 0) { queryParams.set(URL_PARAM_IF_MODIFIED_AFTER, minModifiedDayTime); } else { queryParams.delete(URL_PARAM_IF_MODIFIED_AFTER); } // Replace the current URL with the new one, including the fragment history.replaceState(null, '', `${window.location.pathname}?${queryParams}${window.location.hash}`); } function addForm() { // Insert the form into the div with id form_container const form = document.createElement('form'); const languageLabel = document.createElement('label'); languageLabel.textContent = 'Languages:'; form.appendChild(languageLabel); // Add a check box per entry in the dataLanguages for (let i = 0; i < dataLanguages.length; i++){ const label = document.createElement('label'); const text = document.createTextNode(dataLanguages[i]); const input = document.createElement('input'); input.type = 'checkbox'; input.disabled = i == 0; input.name = dataLanguages[i]; input.checked = visibleLanguages[i] == 1; input.onchange = (e) => { if (e.target.checked) { visibleLanguages[i] = 1; } else { visibleLanguages[i] = 0; } updatePageUrl() addTable(); }; label.appendChild(input); label.appendChild(text); form.appendChild(label); } // Add a break line form.appendChild(document.createElement('br')); // Add a label with the text "Width" const label = document.createElement('label'); label.textContent = 'Screenshots width:'; form.appendChild(label); // Add a input text to input the width of the image const widthInput = document.createElement('input'); widthInput.id = 'width_input'; widthInput.type = 'number'; widthInput.min = MIN_WIDTH; widthInput.max = MAX_WIDTH; widthInput.step = WIDTH_STEP; widthInput.value = imageWidth; widthInput.onchange = (e) => { imageWidth = e.target.value; updatePageUrl(); addTable(); }; form.appendChild(widthInput); // Add a label with the text "Show all screenshots" const label2 = document.createElement('label'); label2.textContent = 'Show all screenshots:'; label2.title = 'Show all screenshots, including those with no translated versions.'; const input2 = document.createElement('input'); input2.type = 'checkbox'; input2.name = "test"; input2.checked = showAllScreenshots; input2.onchange = (e) => { showAllScreenshots = e.target.checked; updatePageUrl() addTable(); }; label2.appendChild(input2); form.appendChild(label2); /* // Add a date picker to input the minimum date of modification const label3 = document.createElement('label'); label3.textContent = 'If modified since:'; form.appendChild(label3); const dateInput = document.createElement('input'); dateInput.type = 'date'; if (minModifiedDayTime > 0) { dateInput.value = new Date(minModifiedDayTime * 86400000).toISOString().split('T')[0]; } dateInput.onchange = (e) => { if (e.target.value === "") { minModifiedDayTime = 0; } else { minModifiedDayTime = new Date(e.target.value).getTime() / 86400000; } updatePageUrl(); addTable(); }; form.appendChild(dateInput); */ // Add a span with id result to display the number of lines const lines = document.createElement('span'); lines.id = 'lines'; lines.textContent = "..."; form.appendChild(lines); document.getElementById('form_container').appendChild(form); } function getNiceName(name) { var indices = []; for(var i = 0; i < name.length; i++) { if (name[i] === "_") indices.push(i); } return name.substring(indices[0] + 1, indices[1]); } function createMissingImageElement() { const text = document.createElement('p'); text.className = "missing"; text.textContent = 'No image'; return text; } function createUpToDateImageElement() { const text = document.createElement('p'); text.className = "missing"; text.textContent = 'Image not updated'; return text; } function convertToHumanReadableDate(modifiedDayTime) { var date = new Date(modifiedDayTime * 86400000); return date.toLocaleDateString(); } function createImageElement(fullFile, modifiedDayTime) { const img = document.createElement('img'); img.className = "screenshot"; img.src = `${baseUrl}/${fullFile}`; if(modifiedDayTime > 0) { img.title = fullFile + "\n\nModified on " + convertToHumanReadableDate(modifiedDayTime); } else { img.title = fullFile; } img.alt = "Missing image"; img.width = imageWidth; return img; } function addTable() { var linesCounter = 0; // Remove any previous table document.getElementById('screenshots_container').innerHTML = ''; // screenshots contains a table of screenshots, lets convert to an html table const table = document.createElement('table'); const thead = document.createElement('thead'); const tbody = document.createElement('tbody'); // First item of screenshots contains the languages // Build the languages row const languagesHeaderRow = document.createElement('tr'); for (let languageIndex = 0; languageIndex < dataLanguages.length; languageIndex++) { // Do not add the language if it is hidden if (visibleLanguages[languageIndex] == 0) { continue; } const th = document.createElement('th'); th.textContent = dataLanguages[languageIndex]; languagesHeaderRow.appendChild(th); } const numVisibleLanguages = languagesHeaderRow.childElementCount // Next items are the data var currentHeaderValue = ""; var screenshotCounter = 0; for (let screenshotIndex = 1; screenshotIndex < screenshots.length; screenshotIndex++) { let englishFile = screenshots[screenshotIndex][0]; let niceName = getNiceName(englishFile); if (niceName != currentHeaderValue) { screenshotCounter = 0; } const tr = document.createElement('tr'); tr.id = niceName + screenshotCounter; let hasTranslatedFiles = false; for (let languageIndex = 0; languageIndex < dataLanguages.length; languageIndex++) { if (visibleLanguages[languageIndex] == 0) { continue; } const td = document.createElement('td'); if (languageIndex == 0) { // English file td.appendChild(createImageElement(`${englishBasePath}/${englishFile}.png`, 0)); } else if (languageIndex == 1) { // Dark English file if (screenshots[screenshotIndex][1].length > 0) { hasTranslatedFiles = true; td.appendChild(createImageElement(`${englishBasePath}/${screenshots[screenshotIndex][1]}.png`, 0)); } else { td.appendChild(createMissingImageElement()); } } else { let modifiedDayTime = screenshots[screenshotIndex][languageIndex]; if (modifiedDayTime === 0) { td.appendChild(createMissingImageElement()); } else if(modifiedDayTime >= minModifiedDayTime) { hasTranslatedFiles = true; // Foreign file is the same as the english file, replacing the language const foreignFile = englishFile.substring(0, englishFile.length-2) + dataLanguages[languageIndex]; const fullForeignFile = `${dataLanguages[languageIndex]}/${foreignFile}.png`; td.appendChild(createImageElement(fullForeignFile, modifiedDayTime)); } else { td.appendChild(createUpToDateImageElement()); } } tr.appendChild(td); } if (showAllScreenshots || hasTranslatedFiles) { linesCounter++; // Add a header for row, if different from previous if (niceName != currentHeaderValue) { currentHeaderValue = niceName; const trHead = document.createElement('tr'); trHead.id = niceName; const tdHead = document.createElement('td'); tdHead.colSpan = numVisibleLanguages; tdHead.className = "view-header"; tdHead.textContent = niceName; trHead.appendChild(tdHead); tbody.appendChild(trHead); tbody.appendChild(languagesHeaderRow.cloneNode(true)); } tbody.appendChild(tr); } screenshotCounter++; } table.appendChild(thead); table.appendChild(tbody); // Add the table to the div with id screenshots_container document.getElementById('screenshots_container').appendChild(table); // Update the number of lines document.getElementById('lines').textContent = `${linesCounter} lines`; } addForm(); addTable();