import import buildscript { dependencies { classpath(libs.kotlin.gradle.plugin) classpath( classpath(libs.oss.licenses.plugin) } } /* * Copyright (c) 2022 New Vector Ltd * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ // Top-level build file where you can add configuration options common to all sub-projects/modules. plugins { id("") alias( apply false alias( apply false alias( apply false alias(libs.plugins.ksp) apply false alias(libs.plugins.anvil) apply false alias(libs.plugins.kotlin.jvm) apply false alias(libs.plugins.kapt) apply false alias(libs.plugins.dependencycheck) apply false alias(libs.plugins.dependencyanalysis) alias(libs.plugins.detekt) alias(libs.plugins.ktlint) alias(libs.plugins.dependencygraph) alias(libs.plugins.sonarqube) } tasks.register("clean").configure { delete(rootProject.layout.buildDirectory) } allprojects { // Detekt apply { plugin("io.gitlab.arturbosch.detekt") } detekt { // preconfigure defaults buildUponDefaultConfig = true // activate all available (even unstable) rules. allRules = true // point to your custom config defining rules to run, overwriting default behavior config.from(files("$rootDir/tools/detekt/detekt.yml")) } dependencies { detektPlugins("io.nlopez.compose.rules:detekt:0.4.5") } // KtLint apply { plugin("org.jlleitschuh.gradle.ktlint") } // See configure { // See // TODO Regularly check for new version here ^ version.set("1.1.1") android.set(true) ignoreFailures.set(false) enableExperimentalRules.set(true) // display the corresponding rule verbose.set(true) reporters { reporter(org.jlleitschuh.gradle.ktlint.reporter.ReporterType.PLAIN) // To have XML report for Danger reporter(org.jlleitschuh.gradle.ktlint.reporter.ReporterType.CHECKSTYLE) } filter { exclude { element -> element.file.path.contains("${layout.buildDirectory.asFile.get()}/generated/") } } } // Dependency check apply { plugin("org.owasp.dependencycheck") } tasks.withType { // Warnings are potential errors, so stop ignoring them // This is disabled by default, but the CI will enforce this. // You can override by passing `-PallWarningsAsErrors=true` in the command line // Or add a line with "allWarningsAsErrors=true" in your ~/.gradle/ file kotlinOptions.allWarningsAsErrors =["allWarningsAsErrors"] == "true" kotlinOptions { /* // Uncomment to suppress Compose Kotlin compiler compatibility warning freeCompilerArgs += listOf( "-P", "plugin:androidx.compose.compiler.plugins.kotlin:suppressKotlinVersionCompatibilityCheck=true" ) */ } } } // See dependencyAnalysis { issues { all { onUnusedDependencies { exclude("com.jakewharton.timber:timber") } onUnusedAnnotationProcessors {} onRedundantPlugins {} onIncorrectConfiguration {} } } } // To run a sonar analysis: // Run './gradlew sonar -Dsonar.login=' // The SONAR_LOGIN is stored in passbolt as Token Sonar Cloud Bma // Sonar result can be found here: sonar { properties { property("sonar.projectName", "element-x-android") property("sonar.projectKey", "vector-im_element-x-android") property("", "") property("sonar.projectVersion", "1.0") // TODO project(":app").android.defaultConfig.versionName) property("sonar.sourceEncoding", "UTF-8") property("sonar.links.homepage", "") property("", "") property("sonar.links.scm", "") property("sonar.links.issue", "") property("sonar.organization", "new_vector_ltd_organization") property("sonar.login", if (project.hasProperty("SONAR_LOGIN"))"SONAR_LOGIN")!! else "invalid") // exclude source code from analyses separated by a colon (:) // Exclude Java source property("sonar.exclusions", "**/") } } allprojects { tasks.withType { maxParallelForks = (Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors() / 2).coerceAtLeast(1) val isScreenshotTest = project.gradle.startParameter.taskNames.any { it.contains("paparazzi", ignoreCase = true) } if (isScreenshotTest) { // Increase heap size for screenshot tests maxHeapSize = "2g" // Record all the languages? if (project.hasProperty("allLanguagesNoEnglish")) { // Do not record English language exclude("ui/*.class") } else if (project.hasProperty("allLanguages").not()) { // Do not record other languages exclude("translations/*.class") } } else { // Disable screenshot tests by default exclude("ui/*.class") exclude("translations/*.class") } } } // Register quality check tasks. tasks.register("runQualityChecks") { dependsOn(":tests:konsist:testDebugUnitTest") project.subprojects { // For some reason `findByName("lint")` doesn't work tasks.findByPath("$path:lint")?.let { dependsOn(it) } tasks.findByName("detekt")?.let { dependsOn(it) } tasks.findByName("ktlintCheck")?.let { dependsOn(it) } // tasks.findByName("buildHealth")?.let { dependsOn(it) } } dependsOn(":app:knitCheck") } // Make sure to delete old screenshots before recording new ones subprojects { val snapshotsDir = File("${project.projectDir}/src/test/snapshots") val removeOldScreenshotsTask = tasks.register("removeOldSnapshots") { onlyIf { snapshotsDir.exists() } doFirst { println("Delete previous screenshots located at $snapshotsDir\n") snapshotsDir.deleteRecursively() } } tasks.findByName("recordPaparazzi")?.dependsOn(removeOldScreenshotsTask) tasks.findByName("recordPaparazziDebug")?.dependsOn(removeOldScreenshotsTask) tasks.findByName("recordPaparazziRelease")?.dependsOn(removeOldScreenshotsTask) } // Workaround for subprojects { tasks.withType { doLast { fileTree(layout.buildDirectory).apply { include("**/*ShowkaseExtension*.kt") }.files.forEach { file -> ReplaceRegExp().apply { setMatch("^public fun Showkase.getMetadata") setReplace("@Suppress(\"DEPRECATION\") public fun Showkase.getMetadata") setFlags("g") setByLine(true) setFile(file) execute() } } } } } subprojects { tasks.withType().configureEach { kotlinOptions { if (project.findProperty("composeCompilerReports") == "true") { freeCompilerArgs += listOf( "-P", "plugin:androidx.compose.compiler.plugins.kotlin:reportsDestination=" + "${project.layout.buildDirectory.asFile.get().absolutePath}/compose_compiler" ) } if (project.findProperty("composeCompilerMetrics") == "true") { freeCompilerArgs += listOf( "-P", "plugin:androidx.compose.compiler.plugins.kotlin:metricsDestination=" + "${project.layout.buildDirectory.asFile.get().absolutePath}/compose_compiler" ) } } } }