# Element X Android deeplink * [Introduction](#introduction) * [Asset Links](#asset-links) * [Supported links](#supported-links) * [Developer tools](#developer-tools) ## Introduction Element X Android supports deep linking to specific screens in the application. This document explains how to use deep links in Element X Android. ### Asset Links The asset links file is available at https://element.io/.well-known/assetlinks.json ### Supported links Element Call link: > https://call.element.io/Example Link to a user: > https://app.element.io/#/user/@alice:matrix.org Link to a room by id or alias: > https://app.element.io/#/room/!roomid:matrix.org > https://app.element.io/#/room/#element-x-android:matrix.org Link to a room with a specific event: > https://app.element.io/#/room/!roomid:matrix.org/$eventid Note that it will also work with other domain such as: > https://mobile.element.io > https://develop.element.io > https://staging.element.io ## Developer tools Using an Android 12 or higher emulator Ensure links verification is enabled ```bash adb shell am compat enable 175408749 io.element.android.x.debug ``` Reset link verifications for the given package id ```bash adb shell pm set-app-links --package io.element.android.x.debug 0 all ``` Force the package id links to be verified ```bash adb shell pm verify-app-links --re-verify io.element.android.x.debug ``` Print the link verification of the package id ```bash adb shell pm get-app-links io.element.android.x.debug ``` ``` io.element.android.x.debug: ID: e2ece472-c266-4bf0-829c-be79959a6270 Signatures: [B0:B0:51:DC:56:5C:81:2F:E1:7F:6F:3E:94:5B:4D:79:04:71:23:AB:0D:A6:12:86:76:9E:B2:94:91:97:13:0E] Domain verification state: *.element.io: 1024 ```