- Your branch should be based on \`origin/develop\`, at least when it was created.
- There is a changelog entry in the \`changelog.d\` folder with [the Towncrier format](https://towncrier.readthedocs.io/en/latest/tutorial.html#creating-news-fragments).
- The test pass locally running \`./gradlew test\`.
- The code quality check suite pass locally running \`./gradlew runQualityChecks\`.
- If you modified anything related to the UI, including previews, you'll have to run the \`Record screenshots\` GH action in your forked repo:that will generate compatible new screenshots. However, given Github Actions limitations, **it will prevent the CI from running temporarily**, until you upload a new commit after that one. To do so, just pull the latest changes and push [an empty commit](https://coderwall.com/p/vkdekq/git-commit-allow-empty).`