Android Matrix messenger application using the Matrix Rust Sdk and Jetpack Compose
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

183 lines
6.3 KiB

const {danger, warn} = require('danger')
const fs = require('fs')
const path = require('path')
* Note: if you update the checks in this file, please also update the file ./docs/
// Useful to see what we got in danger object
// warn(JSON.stringify(danger))
const pr =
const github = danger.github
// User who has created the PR.
const user = pr.user.login
const modified = danger.git.modified_files
const created = danger.git.created_files
const editedFiles = [...modified, ...created]
// Check that the PR has a description
if (pr.body.length == 0) {
warn("Please provide a description for this PR.")
// Warn when there is a big PR
if (editedFiles.length > 50) {
message("This pull request seems relatively large. Please consider splitting it into multiple smaller ones.")
// Request a changelog for each PR
const changelogAllowList = [
const requiresChangelog = !changelogAllowList.includes(user)
if (requiresChangelog) {
const changelogFiles = editedFiles.filter(file => file.startsWith("changelog.d/"))
if (changelogFiles.length == 0) {
warn("Please add a changelog. See instructions [here](")
} else {
const validTowncrierExtensions = [
if (!changelogFiles.every(file => validTowncrierExtensions.includes(file.split(".").pop()))) {
fail("Invalid extension for changelog. See instructions [here](")
// check that frozen classes have not been modified
const frozenClasses = [
frozenClasses.forEach(frozen => {
if (editedFiles.some(file => file.endsWith(frozen))) {
fail("Frozen class `" + frozen + "` has been modified. Please do not modify frozen class.")
// Check for a sign-off
const signOff = "Signed-off-by:"
// Please add new names following the alphabetical order.
const allowList = [
1 year ago
function signoff_needed(reason) {
message("Sign-off required, " + reason)
const hasPRBodySignOff = pr.body.includes(signOff)
const hasCommitSignOff = danger.git.commits.every(commit => commit.message.includes(signOff))
if (!hasPRBodySignOff && !hasCommitSignOff) {
fail("Please add a sign-off to either the PR description or to the commits themselves. See instructions [here](")
1 year ago
function signoff_unneeded(reason) {
message("Sign-off not required, " + reason)
// Somewhat awkward phrasing, dangerfile is not in an async context.
if (allowList.includes(user)) {
} else {
// org: "vector-im",
// username: user,
// }).then((result) => {{
1 year ago
org: "vector-im",
team_slug: "vector-core",
1 year ago
username: user,
}).then((result) => {
if (result.status == 204 || result.status == 200) {
1 year ago
else {
1 year ago
}).catch((error) => {
if (error.response.status == 404) {
1 year ago
} else {
console.log(error); signoff_needed("error")
const previewAnnotations = [
const filesWithPreviews = editedFiles.filter(file => file.endsWith(".kt")).filter(file => {
const content = fs.readFileSync(file);
return previewAnnotations.some((ann) => content.includes(ann));
const buildFilesWithMissingProcessor = => {
let parent = path.dirname(file);
while (fs.statSync(path.join(parent, 'build.gradle.kts'), {throwIfNoEntry: false}) === undefined) {
parent = path.dirname(parent);
return path.join(parent, 'build.gradle.kts');
}).filter((value, index, array) => array.indexOf(value) === index).filter(buildFile => {
const content = fs.readFileSync(buildFile);
return !content.includes('ksp(libs.showkase.processor)');
if (buildFilesWithMissingProcessor.length > 0) {
warn("You have made changes to a file containing a `@Preview` annotated function but its module doesn't include the showkase processor. Missing processor in: " + buildFilesWithMissingProcessor.join(", "))
1 year ago
// Check for pngs on resources
const hasPngs = editedFiles.filter(file => {
file.toLowerCase().endsWith(".png") && !file.includes("snapshots/images/") // Exclude screenshots
}).length > 0
if (hasPngs) {
warn("You seem to have made changes to some images. Please consider using an vector drawable.")
// Check that translations have not been modified by developers
const translationAllowList = [
if (!translationAllowList.includes(user)) {
if (editedFiles.some(file => file.endsWith("strings.xml") && !file.endsWith("values/strings.xml"))) {
fail("Some translation files have been edited. Only user `RiotTranslateBot` (i.e. translations coming from Weblate) or `github-actions[bot]` (i.e. translations coming from automation) are allowed to do that.\nPlease read more about translations management [in the doc](")
// Check that new strings are not added to `values/strings.xml`
if (editedFiles.some(file => file.endsWith("ui-strings/src/main/res/values/strings.xml"))) {
fail("`ui-strings/src/main/res/values/strings.xml` has been edited. This file will be overridden in the next strings synchronisation. Please add new strings in the file `values/strings_eax.xml` instead.")