-----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- iQEzBAABCgAdFiEEnerg3HBjJJ+wVHRoHkrtYphs0l0FAlugRdQACgkQHkrtYphs 0l0AuAf/TIQkEZte6q0/E3Sp+2ejoSuNCS+jsDpN7eSYEazHL4e9GIe2TmpnNG9u 5Lb5BT0Tv5zDc5ivf3Quuq0dQqRmQAyl0EiM7kSjYF3MOBFAXt4Yi4W1VRrfT9Fb Nabx8F8NzjnlgxuF0kLXUMfxKCN92d2fl2m4APXgyKA+OFoC2XQ/GBnqUdwMlCic XeDZf/xc2vZOHP0HNIn2asqdnsJBBPscjsGMcdsrEq62FZ9lmnm8FVycKbkhqaP0 lFxVp4JbJKWKRAIks56HPjPo3TU5VEnvHyOqmwCU3rxoDGDbHWRzByApqmcyM68F IA5HwltL4+hM9pNouIt/U6UantsFKA== =nB5i -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- gpgsig -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- iQEzBAABCgAdFiEEWcrw6W8j9TdHlF/U/jNIh3gJOGwFAluhonwACgkQ/jNIh3gJ OGy+9Af9FT5MeQ4ucRBtXh/VjaNU78EZUywMzvJSzAyvYgqwO0WpvUXBN+9GyMM/ k+yBvbj9PkJGSHavuGyx+2otsh3eXrd9TN2UyZiVdu8h1HBMFcsd1TxtrX+M5R7R HCeFA3yPF91WAw2O4fhhHUsHE2fsLR+HXyMcJa86vpJsjQdd388VGKUm7tRVwKGa TBFBKd5cvpLrzHFU6L7lSj7WNAIO80Bfn032P0mHB90+juP6Qpeknb7+l+TQBU9d mcCzpKR2oUvUtpWCTfTtC/F+NnJMA0O18wkn+UWoPXLnqCD48Dj/wYo1V6efHkRo HiTXg772nySxI4z7vl5zdwum75BmEg== =A6lU -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- Merge tag 'v0.16.3' into HEAD Bitcoin Core 0.16.3 final
Litecoin Core
Litecoin Core is the original Litecoin client and it builds the backbone of the network. It downloads and, by default, stores the entire history of Litecoin transactions (which is currently more than 7 GBs); depending on the speed of your computer and network connection, the synchronization process can take anywhere from a few hours to a day or more.
To download Litecoin Core, visit litecoin.org.
The following are some helpful notes on how to run Litecoin on your native platform.
Unpack the files into a directory and run:
(GUI) orbin/litecoind
Unpack the files into a directory, and then run litecoin-qt.exe.
Drag Litecoin-Core to your applications folder, and then run Litecoin-Core.
Need Help?
- See the documentation at the Litecoin Wiki for help and more information.
- Ask for help on #litecoin on Freenode. If you don't have an IRC client use webchat here.
- Ask for help on the LitecoinTalk forums.
The following are developer notes on how to build Litecoin on your native platform. They are not complete guides, but include notes on the necessary libraries, compile flags, etc.
- Dependencies
- OS X Build Notes
- Unix Build Notes
- Windows Build Notes
- OpenBSD Build Notes
- Gitian Building Guide
The Litecoin repo's root README contains relevant information on the development process and automated testing.
- Developer Notes
- Release Notes
- Release Process
- Translation Process
- Translation Strings Policy
- Travis CI
- Unauthenticated REST Interface
- Shared Libraries
- Dnsseed Policy
- Benchmarking
- Discuss on the LitecoinTalk forums.
- Discuss general Litecoin development on #litecoin-dev on Freenode. If you don't have an IRC client use webchat here.
- Assets Attribution
- Files
- Fuzz-testing
- Reduce Traffic
- Tor Support
- Init Scripts (systemd/upstart/openrc)
Distributed under the MIT software license. This product includes software developed by the OpenSSL Project for use in the OpenSSL Toolkit. This product includes cryptographic software written by Eric Young (eay@cryptsoft.com), and UPnP software written by Thomas Bernard.