This reverts commit e2edf95cd3f43331843676e49a82830128a95050 6b04508e37c5dd18cec1cd61cc4356bd208aa991 0df67f1f7ab4adfe9f0b3ba6276e737b37826464, except the changes to the RPC tests. A `generate` RPC call is introduced based on the old code.
The sources in this directory are unit test cases. Boost includes a unit testing framework, and since bitcoin already uses boost, it makes sense to simply use this framework rather than require developers to configure some other framework (we want as few impediments to creating unit tests as possible).
The build system is setup to compile an executable called "test_bitcoin" that runs all of the unit tests. The main source file is called test_bitcoin.cpp, which simply includes other files that contain the actual unit tests (outside of a couple required preprocessor directives). The pattern is to create one test file for each class or source file for which you want to create unit tests. The file naming convention is "<source_filename>_tests.cpp" and such files should wrap their tests in a test suite called "<source_filename>_tests". For an examples of this pattern, examine uint160_tests.cpp and uint256_tests.cpp.
For further reading, I found the following website to be helpful in explaining how the boost unit test framework works: http://www.alittlemadness.com/2009/03/31/c-unit-testing-with-boosttest/.