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// Copyright (c) 2011-2013 The Bitcoin Core developers |
// Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying |
// file COPYING or |
#include "arith_uint256.h" |
#include "uint256.h" |
#include "version.h" |
#include "test/test_bitcoin.h" |
#include <boost/test/unit_test.hpp> |
#include <stdint.h> |
#include <sstream> |
#include <iomanip> |
#include <limits> |
#include <cmath> |
#include <string> |
#include <stdio.h> |
BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_SUITE(uint256_tests, BasicTestingSetup) |
const unsigned char R1Array[] = |
"\x9c\x52\x4a\xdb\xcf\x56\x11\x12\x2b\x29\x12\x5e\x5d\x35\xd2\xd2" |
"\x22\x81\xaa\xb5\x33\xf0\x08\x32\xd5\x56\xb1\xf9\xea\xe5\x1d\x7d"; |
const char R1ArrayHex[] = "7D1DE5EAF9B156D53208F033B5AA8122D2d2355d5e12292b121156cfdb4a529c"; |
const uint256 R1L = uint256(std::vector<unsigned char>(R1Array,R1Array+32)); |
const uint160 R1S = uint160(std::vector<unsigned char>(R1Array,R1Array+20)); |
const unsigned char R2Array[] = |
"\x70\x32\x1d\x7c\x47\xa5\x6b\x40\x26\x7e\x0a\xc3\xa6\x9c\xb6\xbf" |
"\x13\x30\x47\xa3\x19\x2d\xda\x71\x49\x13\x72\xf0\xb4\xca\x81\xd7"; |
const uint256 R2L = uint256(std::vector<unsigned char>(R2Array,R2Array+32)); |
const uint160 R2S = uint160(std::vector<unsigned char>(R2Array,R2Array+20)); |
const unsigned char ZeroArray[] = |
"\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00" |
"\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00"; |
const uint256 ZeroL = uint256(std::vector<unsigned char>(ZeroArray,ZeroArray+32)); |
const uint160 ZeroS = uint160(std::vector<unsigned char>(ZeroArray,ZeroArray+20)); |
const unsigned char OneArray[] = |
"\x01\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00" |
"\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00"; |
const uint256 OneL = uint256(std::vector<unsigned char>(OneArray,OneArray+32)); |
const uint160 OneS = uint160(std::vector<unsigned char>(OneArray,OneArray+20)); |
const unsigned char MaxArray[] = |
"\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff" |
"\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff"; |
const uint256 MaxL = uint256(std::vector<unsigned char>(MaxArray,MaxArray+32)); |
const uint160 MaxS = uint160(std::vector<unsigned char>(MaxArray,MaxArray+20)); |
std::string ArrayToString(const unsigned char A[], unsigned int width) |
{ |
std::stringstream Stream; |
Stream << std::hex; |
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < width; ++i) |
{ |
Stream<<std::setw(2)<<std::setfill('0')<<(unsigned int)A[width-i-1]; |
} |
return Stream.str(); |
} |
inline uint160 uint160S(const char *str) |
{ |
uint160 rv; |
rv.SetHex(str); |
return rv; |
} |
inline uint160 uint160S(const std::string& str) |
{ |
uint160 rv; |
rv.SetHex(str); |
return rv; |
} |
BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( basics ) // constructors, equality, inequality |
{ |
BOOST_CHECK(1 == 0+1); |
// constructor uint256(vector<char>): |
BOOST_CHECK(R1L.ToString() == ArrayToString(R1Array,32)); |
BOOST_CHECK(R1S.ToString() == ArrayToString(R1Array,20)); |
BOOST_CHECK(R2L.ToString() == ArrayToString(R2Array,32)); |
BOOST_CHECK(R2S.ToString() == ArrayToString(R2Array,20)); |
BOOST_CHECK(ZeroL.ToString() == ArrayToString(ZeroArray,32)); |
BOOST_CHECK(ZeroS.ToString() == ArrayToString(ZeroArray,20)); |
BOOST_CHECK(OneL.ToString() == ArrayToString(OneArray,32)); |
BOOST_CHECK(OneS.ToString() == ArrayToString(OneArray,20)); |
BOOST_CHECK(MaxL.ToString() == ArrayToString(MaxArray,32)); |
BOOST_CHECK(MaxS.ToString() == ArrayToString(MaxArray,20)); |
BOOST_CHECK(OneL.ToString() != ArrayToString(ZeroArray,32)); |
BOOST_CHECK(OneS.ToString() != ArrayToString(ZeroArray,20)); |
// == and != |
BOOST_CHECK(R1L != R2L && R1S != R2S); |
BOOST_CHECK(ZeroL != OneL && ZeroS != OneS); |
BOOST_CHECK(OneL != ZeroL && OneS != ZeroS); |
BOOST_CHECK(MaxL != ZeroL && MaxS != ZeroS); |
// String Constructor and Copy Constructor |
BOOST_CHECK(uint256S("0x"+R1L.ToString()) == R1L); |
BOOST_CHECK(uint256S("0x"+R2L.ToString()) == R2L); |
BOOST_CHECK(uint256S("0x"+ZeroL.ToString()) == ZeroL); |
BOOST_CHECK(uint256S("0x"+OneL.ToString()) == OneL); |
BOOST_CHECK(uint256S("0x"+MaxL.ToString()) == MaxL); |
BOOST_CHECK(uint256S(R1L.ToString()) == R1L); |
BOOST_CHECK(uint256S(" 0x"+R1L.ToString()+" ") == R1L); |
BOOST_CHECK(uint256S("") == ZeroL); |
BOOST_CHECK(R1L == uint256S(R1ArrayHex)); |
BOOST_CHECK(uint256(R1L) == R1L); |
BOOST_CHECK(uint256(ZeroL) == ZeroL); |
BOOST_CHECK(uint256(OneL) == OneL); |
BOOST_CHECK(uint160S("0x"+R1S.ToString()) == R1S); |
BOOST_CHECK(uint160S("0x"+R2S.ToString()) == R2S); |
BOOST_CHECK(uint160S("0x"+ZeroS.ToString()) == ZeroS); |
BOOST_CHECK(uint160S("0x"+OneS.ToString()) == OneS); |
BOOST_CHECK(uint160S("0x"+MaxS.ToString()) == MaxS); |
BOOST_CHECK(uint160S(R1S.ToString()) == R1S); |
BOOST_CHECK(uint160S(" 0x"+R1S.ToString()+" ") == R1S); |
BOOST_CHECK(uint160S("") == ZeroS); |
BOOST_CHECK(R1S == uint160S(R1ArrayHex)); |
BOOST_CHECK(uint160(R1S) == R1S); |
BOOST_CHECK(uint160(ZeroS) == ZeroS); |
BOOST_CHECK(uint160(OneS) == OneS); |
} |
BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( comparison ) // <= >= < > |
{ |
uint256 LastL; |
for (int i = 255; i >= 0; --i) { |
uint256 TmpL; |
*(TmpL.begin() + (i>>3)) |= 1<<(7-(i&7)); |
BOOST_CHECK( LastL < TmpL ); |
LastL = TmpL; |
} |
BOOST_CHECK( ZeroL < R1L ); |
BOOST_CHECK( ZeroL < OneL ); |
BOOST_CHECK( OneL < MaxL ); |
BOOST_CHECK( R1L < MaxL ); |
BOOST_CHECK( R2L < MaxL ); |
uint160 LastS; |
for (int i = 159; i >= 0; --i) { |
uint160 TmpS; |
*(TmpS.begin() + (i>>3)) |= 1<<(7-(i&7)); |
BOOST_CHECK( LastS < TmpS ); |
LastS = TmpS; |
} |
BOOST_CHECK( ZeroS < R1S ); |
BOOST_CHECK( ZeroS < OneS ); |
BOOST_CHECK( OneS < MaxS ); |
BOOST_CHECK( R1S < MaxS ); |
BOOST_CHECK( R2S < MaxS ); |
} |
BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( methods ) // GetHex SetHex begin() end() size() GetLow64 GetSerializeSize, Serialize, Unserialize |
{ |
BOOST_CHECK(R1L.GetHex() == R1L.ToString()); |
BOOST_CHECK(R2L.GetHex() == R2L.ToString()); |
BOOST_CHECK(OneL.GetHex() == OneL.ToString()); |
BOOST_CHECK(MaxL.GetHex() == MaxL.ToString()); |
uint256 TmpL(R1L); |
TmpL.SetHex(R2L.ToString()); BOOST_CHECK(TmpL == R2L); |
TmpL.SetHex(ZeroL.ToString()); BOOST_CHECK(TmpL == uint256()); |
TmpL.SetHex(R1L.ToString()); |
BOOST_CHECK(memcmp(R1L.begin(), R1Array, 32)==0); |
BOOST_CHECK(memcmp(TmpL.begin(), R1Array, 32)==0); |
BOOST_CHECK(memcmp(R2L.begin(), R2Array, 32)==0); |
BOOST_CHECK(memcmp(ZeroL.begin(), ZeroArray, 32)==0); |
BOOST_CHECK(memcmp(OneL.begin(), OneArray, 32)==0); |
BOOST_CHECK(R1L.size() == sizeof(R1L)); |
BOOST_CHECK(sizeof(R1L) == 32); |
BOOST_CHECK(R1L.size() == 32); |
BOOST_CHECK(R2L.size() == 32); |
BOOST_CHECK(ZeroL.size() == 32); |
BOOST_CHECK(MaxL.size() == 32); |
BOOST_CHECK(R1L.begin() + 32 == R1L.end()); |
BOOST_CHECK(R2L.begin() + 32 == R2L.end()); |
BOOST_CHECK(OneL.begin() + 32 == OneL.end()); |
BOOST_CHECK(MaxL.begin() + 32 == MaxL.end()); |
BOOST_CHECK(TmpL.begin() + 32 == TmpL.end()); |
BOOST_CHECK(R1L.GetSerializeSize(0,PROTOCOL_VERSION) == 32); |
BOOST_CHECK(ZeroL.GetSerializeSize(0,PROTOCOL_VERSION) == 32); |
std::stringstream ss; |
R1L.Serialize(ss,0,PROTOCOL_VERSION); |
BOOST_CHECK(ss.str() == std::string(R1Array,R1Array+32)); |
TmpL.Unserialize(ss,0,PROTOCOL_VERSION); |
ss.str(""); |
ZeroL.Serialize(ss,0,PROTOCOL_VERSION); |
BOOST_CHECK(ss.str() == std::string(ZeroArray,ZeroArray+32)); |
TmpL.Unserialize(ss,0,PROTOCOL_VERSION); |
BOOST_CHECK(ZeroL == TmpL); |
ss.str(""); |
MaxL.Serialize(ss,0,PROTOCOL_VERSION); |
BOOST_CHECK(ss.str() == std::string(MaxArray,MaxArray+32)); |
TmpL.Unserialize(ss,0,PROTOCOL_VERSION); |
BOOST_CHECK(MaxL == TmpL); |
ss.str(""); |
BOOST_CHECK(R1S.GetHex() == R1S.ToString()); |
BOOST_CHECK(R2S.GetHex() == R2S.ToString()); |
BOOST_CHECK(OneS.GetHex() == OneS.ToString()); |
BOOST_CHECK(MaxS.GetHex() == MaxS.ToString()); |
uint160 TmpS(R1S); |
TmpS.SetHex(R2S.ToString()); BOOST_CHECK(TmpS == R2S); |
TmpS.SetHex(ZeroS.ToString()); BOOST_CHECK(TmpS == uint160()); |
TmpS.SetHex(R1S.ToString()); |
BOOST_CHECK(memcmp(R1S.begin(), R1Array, 20)==0); |
BOOST_CHECK(memcmp(TmpS.begin(), R1Array, 20)==0); |
BOOST_CHECK(memcmp(R2S.begin(), R2Array, 20)==0); |
BOOST_CHECK(memcmp(ZeroS.begin(), ZeroArray, 20)==0); |
BOOST_CHECK(memcmp(OneS.begin(), OneArray, 20)==0); |
BOOST_CHECK(R1S.size() == sizeof(R1S)); |
BOOST_CHECK(sizeof(R1S) == 20); |
BOOST_CHECK(R1S.size() == 20); |
BOOST_CHECK(R2S.size() == 20); |
BOOST_CHECK(ZeroS.size() == 20); |
BOOST_CHECK(MaxS.size() == 20); |
BOOST_CHECK(R1S.begin() + 20 == R1S.end()); |
BOOST_CHECK(R2S.begin() + 20 == R2S.end()); |
BOOST_CHECK(OneS.begin() + 20 == OneS.end()); |
BOOST_CHECK(MaxS.begin() + 20 == MaxS.end()); |
BOOST_CHECK(TmpS.begin() + 20 == TmpS.end()); |
BOOST_CHECK(R1S.GetSerializeSize(0,PROTOCOL_VERSION) == 20); |
BOOST_CHECK(ZeroS.GetSerializeSize(0,PROTOCOL_VERSION) == 20); |
R1S.Serialize(ss,0,PROTOCOL_VERSION); |
BOOST_CHECK(ss.str() == std::string(R1Array,R1Array+20)); |
TmpS.Unserialize(ss,0,PROTOCOL_VERSION); |
ss.str(""); |
ZeroS.Serialize(ss,0,PROTOCOL_VERSION); |
BOOST_CHECK(ss.str() == std::string(ZeroArray,ZeroArray+20)); |
TmpS.Unserialize(ss,0,PROTOCOL_VERSION); |
BOOST_CHECK(ZeroS == TmpS); |
ss.str(""); |
MaxS.Serialize(ss,0,PROTOCOL_VERSION); |
BOOST_CHECK(ss.str() == std::string(MaxArray,MaxArray+20)); |
TmpS.Unserialize(ss,0,PROTOCOL_VERSION); |
BOOST_CHECK(MaxS == TmpS); |
ss.str(""); |
} |
BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( conversion ) |
{ |
BOOST_CHECK(ArithToUint256(UintToArith256(ZeroL)) == ZeroL); |
BOOST_CHECK(ArithToUint256(UintToArith256(OneL)) == OneL); |
BOOST_CHECK(ArithToUint256(UintToArith256(R1L)) == R1L); |
BOOST_CHECK(ArithToUint256(UintToArith256(R2L)) == R2L); |
BOOST_CHECK(UintToArith256(ZeroL) == 0); |
BOOST_CHECK(UintToArith256(OneL) == 1); |
BOOST_CHECK(ArithToUint256(0) == ZeroL); |
BOOST_CHECK(ArithToUint256(1) == OneL); |
BOOST_CHECK(arith_uint256(R1L.GetHex()) == UintToArith256(R1L)); |
BOOST_CHECK(arith_uint256(R2L.GetHex()) == UintToArith256(R2L)); |
BOOST_CHECK(R1L.GetHex() == UintToArith256(R1L).GetHex()); |
BOOST_CHECK(R2L.GetHex() == UintToArith256(R2L).GetHex()); |
} |