173 lines
5.2 KiB
173 lines
5.2 KiB
#!/bin/bash |
# This script will locally construct a merge commit for a pull request on a |
# github repository, inspect it, sign it and optionally push it. |
# The following temporary branches are created/overwritten and deleted: |
# * pull/$PULL/base (the current master we're merging onto) |
# * pull/$PULL/head (the current state of the remote pull request) |
# * pull/$PULL/merge (github's merge) |
# * pull/$PULL/local-merge (our merge) |
# In case of a clean merge that is accepted by the user, the local branch with |
# name $BRANCH is overwritten with the merged result, and optionally pushed. |
REPO="$(git config --get githubmerge.repository)" |
if [[ "d$REPO" == "d" ]]; then |
echo "ERROR: No repository configured. Use this command to set:" >&2 |
echo "git config githubmerge.repository <owner>/<repo>" >&2 |
echo "In addition, you can set the following variables:" >&2 |
echo "- githubmerge.host (default git@github.com)" >&2 |
echo "- githubmerge.branch (default master)" >&2 |
echo "- githubmerge.testcmd (default none)" >&2 |
exit 1 |
fi |
HOST="$(git config --get githubmerge.host)" |
if [[ "d$HOST" == "d" ]]; then |
HOST="git@github.com" |
fi |
BRANCH="$(git config --get githubmerge.branch)" |
if [[ "d$BRANCH" == "d" ]]; then |
BRANCH="master" |
fi |
TESTCMD="$(git config --get githubmerge.testcmd)" |
PULL="$1" |
if [[ "d$PULL" == "d" ]]; then |
echo "Usage: $0 pullnumber [branch]" >&2 |
exit 2 |
fi |
if [[ "d$2" != "d" ]]; then |
BRANCH="$2" |
fi |
# Initialize source branches. |
git checkout -q "$BRANCH" |
if git fetch -q "$HOST":"$REPO" "+refs/pull/$PULL/*:refs/heads/pull/$PULL/*"; then |
if ! git log -q -1 "refs/heads/pull/$PULL/head" >/dev/null 2>&1; then |
echo "ERROR: Cannot find head of pull request #$PULL on $HOST:$REPO." >&2 |
exit 3 |
fi |
if ! git log -q -1 "refs/heads/pull/$PULL/merge" >/dev/null 2>&1; then |
echo "ERROR: Cannot find merge of pull request #$PULL on $HOST:$REPO." >&2 |
exit 3 |
fi |
else |
echo "ERROR: Cannot find pull request #$PULL on $HOST:$REPO." >&2 |
exit 3 |
fi |
if git fetch -q "$HOST":"$REPO" +refs/heads/"$BRANCH":refs/heads/pull/"$PULL"/base; then |
true |
else |
echo "ERROR: Cannot find branch $BRANCH on $HOST:$REPO." >&2 |
exit 3 |
fi |
git checkout -q pull/"$PULL"/base |
git branch -q -D pull/"$PULL"/local-merge 2>/dev/null |
git checkout -q -b pull/"$PULL"/local-merge |
TMPDIR="$(mktemp -d -t ghmXXXXX)" |
function cleanup() { |
git checkout -q "$BRANCH" |
git branch -q -D pull/"$PULL"/head 2>/dev/null |
git branch -q -D pull/"$PULL"/base 2>/dev/null |
git branch -q -D pull/"$PULL"/merge 2>/dev/null |
git branch -q -D pull/"$PULL"/local-merge 2>/dev/null |
rm -rf "$TMPDIR" |
} |
# Create unsigned merge commit. |
( |
echo "Merge pull request #$PULL" |
echo "" |
git log --no-merges --topo-order --pretty='format:%h %s (%an)' pull/"$PULL"/base..pull/"$PULL"/head |
)>"$TMPDIR/message" |
if git merge -q --commit --no-edit --no-ff -m "$(<"$TMPDIR/message")" pull/"$PULL"/head; then |
if [ "d$(git log --pretty='format:%s' -n 1)" != "dMerge pull request #$PULL" ]; then |
echo "ERROR: Creating merge failed (already merged?)." >&2 |
cleanup |
exit 4 |
fi |
else |
echo "ERROR: Cannot be merged cleanly." >&2 |
git merge --abort |
cleanup |
exit 4 |
fi |
# Run test command if configured. |
if [[ "d$TESTCMD" != "d" ]]; then |
# Go up to the repository's root. |
while [ ! -d .git ]; do cd ..; done |
if ! $TESTCMD; then |
echo "ERROR: Running $TESTCMD failed." >&2 |
cleanup |
exit 5 |
fi |
# Show the created merge. |
git diff pull/"$PULL"/merge..pull/"$PULL"/local-merge >"$TMPDIR"/diff |
git diff pull/"$PULL"/base..pull/"$PULL"/local-merge |
if [[ "$(<"$TMPDIR"/diff)" != "" ]]; then |
echo "WARNING: merge differs from github!" >&2 |
read -p "Type 'ignore' to continue. " -r >&2 |
if [[ "d$REPLY" =~ ^d[iI][gG][nN][oO][rR][eE]$ ]]; then |
echo "Difference with github ignored." >&2 |
else |
cleanup |
exit 6 |
fi |
fi |
read -p "Press 'd' to accept the diff. " -n 1 -r >&2 |
echo |
if [[ "d$REPLY" =~ ^d[dD]$ ]]; then |
echo "Diff accepted." >&2 |
else |
echo "ERROR: Diff rejected." >&2 |
cleanup |
exit 6 |
fi |
else |
# Verify the result. |
echo "Dropping you on a shell so you can try building/testing the merged source." >&2 |
echo "Run 'git diff HEAD~' to show the changes being merged." >&2 |
echo "Type 'exit' when done." >&2 |
bash -i |
read -p "Press 'm' to accept the merge. " -n 1 -r >&2 |
echo |
if [[ "d$REPLY" =~ ^d[Mm]$ ]]; then |
echo "Merge accepted." >&2 |
else |
echo "ERROR: Merge rejected." >&2 |
cleanup |
exit 7 |
fi |
fi |
# Sign the merge commit. |
read -p "Press 's' to sign off on the merge. " -n 1 -r >&2 |
echo |
if [[ "d$REPLY" =~ ^d[Ss]$ ]]; then |
if [[ "$(git config --get user.signingkey)" == "" ]]; then |
echo "WARNING: No GPG signing key set, not signing. Set one using:" >&2 |
echo "git config --global user.signingkey <key>" >&2 |
git commit -q --signoff --amend --no-edit |
else |
git commit -q --gpg-sign --amend --no-edit |
fi |
fi |
# Clean up temporary branches, and put the result in $BRANCH. |
git checkout -q "$BRANCH" |
git reset -q --hard pull/"$PULL"/local-merge |
cleanup |
# Push the result. |
read -p "Type 'push' to push the result to $HOST:$REPO, branch $BRANCH. " -r >&2 |
if [[ "d$REPLY" =~ ^d[Pp][Uu][Ss][Hh]$ ]]; then |
git push "$HOST":"$REPO" refs/heads/"$BRANCH" |