// Copyright (c) 2010 Satoshi Nakamoto // Copyright (c) 2009-2017 The Bitcoin Core developers // Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying // file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include static CBlock CreateGenesisBlock(const char* pszTimestamp, const CScript& genesisOutputScript, uint32_t nTime, uint32_t nNonce, uint32_t nBits, int32_t nVersion, const CAmount& genesisReward) { CMutableTransaction txNew; txNew.nVersion = 1; txNew.vin.resize(1); txNew.vout.resize(1); txNew.vin[0].scriptSig = CScript() << 486604799 << CScriptNum(4) << std::vector((const unsigned char*)pszTimestamp, (const unsigned char*)pszTimestamp + strlen(pszTimestamp)); txNew.vout[0].nValue = genesisReward; txNew.vout[0].scriptPubKey = genesisOutputScript; CBlock genesis; genesis.nTime = nTime; genesis.nBits = nBits; genesis.nNonce = 0; // Used as height. genesis.nVersion = nVersion; genesis.vtx.push_back(MakeTransactionRef(std::move(txNew))); genesis.hashPrevBlock.SetNull(); genesis.hashMerkleRoot = BlockMerkleRoot(genesis); genesis.cnHeader.major_version = 10; // Cryptonight variant 4 genesis.cnHeader.prev_id = genesis.GetOriginalBlockHash(); genesis.cnHeader.nonce = nNonce; return genesis; } static CBlock CreateGenesisBlock(uint32_t nTime, uint32_t nNonce, uint32_t nBits, int32_t nVersion, const CAmount& genesisReward) { // RELEASE TODO: change timestamp const char* pszTimestamp = "The Economist 27/Sept/2019 Repo-market ructions were a reminder of the financial crisis"; const CScript genesisOutputScript = CScript() << ParseHex("a914676a24ba4bfadd458e5245b26fa57f9a62ca185087"); return CreateGenesisBlock(pszTimestamp, genesisOutputScript, nTime, nNonce, nBits, nVersion, genesisReward); } void CChainParams::UpdateVersionBitsParameters(Consensus::DeploymentPos d, int64_t nStartTime, int64_t nTimeout) { consensus.vDeployments[d].nStartTime = nStartTime; consensus.vDeployments[d].nTimeout = nTimeout; } /** * Main network */ /** * What makes a good checkpoint block? * + Is surrounded by blocks with reasonable timestamps * (no blocks before with a timestamp after, none after with * timestamp before) * + Contains no strange transactions */ class CMainParams : public CChainParams { public: CMainParams() { strNetworkID = "main"; consensus.nSubsidyHalvingInterval = 1050000; // 210000 * 5 consensus.BIP16Height = 1; consensus.BIP34Height = 1; consensus.BIP65Height = 1; consensus.BIP66Height = 1; consensus.powLimit = uint256S("000fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff"); consensus.nPowTargetTimespan = 2.0 * 60; // Two minutes consensus.nPowTargetSpacing = 2.0 * 60; // Two minutes consensus.fPowAllowMinDifficultyBlocks = false; consensus.fPowNoRetargeting = false; consensus.nRuleChangeActivationThreshold = 6048; // 75% of 8064 consensus.nMinerConfirmationWindow = 8064; // nPowTargetTimespan / nPowTargetSpacing * 4 consensus.vDeployments[Consensus::DEPLOYMENT_TESTDUMMY].bit = 28; consensus.vDeployments[Consensus::DEPLOYMENT_TESTDUMMY].nStartTime = 1199145601; // January 1, 2008 consensus.vDeployments[Consensus::DEPLOYMENT_TESTDUMMY].nTimeout = 1230767999; // December 31, 2008 // Deployment of BIP68, BIP112, and BIP113. consensus.vDeployments[Consensus::DEPLOYMENT_CSV].bit = 0; //consensus.vDeployments[Consensus::DEPLOYMENT_CSV].nStartTime = 1485561600; // January 28, 2017 consensus.vDeployments[Consensus::DEPLOYMENT_CSV].nStartTime = -1; // Consensus::BIP9Deployment::ALWAYS_ACTIVE consensus.vDeployments[Consensus::DEPLOYMENT_CSV].nTimeout = 1517356801; // January 31st, 2018 // Deployment of SegWit (BIP141, BIP143, and BIP147) consensus.vDeployments[Consensus::DEPLOYMENT_SEGWIT].bit = 1; //consensus.vDeployments[Consensus::DEPLOYMENT_SEGWIT].nStartTime = 1485561600; // January 28, 2017 consensus.vDeployments[Consensus::DEPLOYMENT_SEGWIT].nStartTime = -1; // Consensus::BIP9Deployment::ALWAYS_ACTIVE consensus.vDeployments[Consensus::DEPLOYMENT_SEGWIT].nTimeout = 1517356801; // January 31st, 2018 // The best chain should have at least this much work. consensus.nMinimumChainWork = uint256S("0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000100000"); // By default assume that the signatures in ancestors of this block are valid. consensus.defaultAssumeValid = uint256S("0x66f49ad85624c33e4fd61aa45c54012509ed4a53308908dd07f56346c7939273"); /** * The message start string is designed to be unlikely to occur in normal data. * The characters are rarely used upper ASCII, not valid as UTF-8, and produce * a large 32-bit integer with any alignment. */ pchMessageStart[0] = 0x6a; pchMessageStart[1] = 0xc6; pchMessageStart[2] = 0x07; pchMessageStart[3] = 0x9a; nDefaultPort = 9338; nPruneAfterHeight = 100000; const uint32_t genesisBlockReward = 0.00001 * COIN; // A small reward for the core developers :-) //TODO: target: 0x1e0fffff, update timestampe and nonce. genesis = CreateGenesisBlock(1553145843, 6146, 0x1f0ffff0, 1, genesisBlockReward); consensus.hashGenesisBlock = genesis.GetHash(); assert(consensus.hashGenesisBlock == uint256S("0xbad6e50683aa6032b9ea9bbbc67a6b4621612221176b963fc9ce9ae10a77effd")); assert(genesis.hashMerkleRoot == uint256S("0xb21d4680875c0e472b7dbf3dbab2aaeb2dbbb5fa8b154f978b5ea0706d1fd5b9")); // Note that of those with the service bits flag, most only support a subset of possible options vSeeds.emplace_back("dnsseed.kevacoin.org"); vSeeds.emplace_back("dnsseed.honourchat.com"); base58Prefixes[PUBKEY_ADDRESS] = std::vector(1,45); // K base58Prefixes[SCRIPT_ADDRESS] = std::vector(1,5); base58Prefixes[SCRIPT_ADDRESS2] = std::vector(1,70); // V base58Prefixes[SECRET_KEY] = std::vector(1,139); // M base58Prefixes[EXT_PUBLIC_KEY] = {0x04, 0x88, 0xB2, 0x1E}; base58Prefixes[EXT_SECRET_KEY] = {0x04, 0x88, 0xAD, 0xE4}; base58Prefixes[KEVA_NAMESPACE] = std::vector(1,53); // N bech32_hrp = "kva"; vFixedSeeds = std::vector(pnSeed6_main, pnSeed6_main + ARRAYLEN(pnSeed6_main)); fDefaultConsistencyChecks = false; fRequireStandard = true; fMineBlocksOnDemand = false; checkpointData = { { } }; chainTxData = ChainTxData{ }; } int DefaultCheckKevaDB() const { return -1; } }; /** * Testnet (v7) */ class CTestNetParams : public CChainParams { public: CTestNetParams() { strNetworkID = "test"; consensus.nSubsidyHalvingInterval = 840000; consensus.BIP16Height = 0; // always enforce P2SH BIP16 on regtest consensus.BIP34Height = 1; consensus.BIP34Hash = uint256S("0xa8dbaa66a9266348f6527fe528efea73227d51938befb81d5a1521cebd319c4a"); // Genesis consensus.BIP65Height = 1; consensus.BIP66Height = 1; consensus.powLimit = uint256S("000fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff"); consensus.nPowTargetTimespan = 2.0 * 60; // Two minutes consensus.nPowTargetSpacing = 2.0 * 60; // Two minutes consensus.fPowAllowMinDifficultyBlocks = true; consensus.fPowNoRetargeting = false; consensus.nRuleChangeActivationThreshold = 1512; // 75% for testchains consensus.nMinerConfirmationWindow = 2016; // nPowTargetTimespan / nPowTargetSpacing consensus.vDeployments[Consensus::DEPLOYMENT_TESTDUMMY].bit = 28; consensus.vDeployments[Consensus::DEPLOYMENT_TESTDUMMY].nStartTime = 1199145601; // January 1, 2008 consensus.vDeployments[Consensus::DEPLOYMENT_TESTDUMMY].nTimeout = 1230767999; // December 31, 2008 // Deployment of BIP68, BIP112, and BIP113. consensus.vDeployments[Consensus::DEPLOYMENT_CSV].bit = 0; //consensus.vDeployments[Consensus::DEPLOYMENT_CSV].nStartTime = 1483228800; // January 1, 2017 consensus.vDeployments[Consensus::DEPLOYMENT_CSV].nStartTime = -1; // Consensus::BIP9Deployment::ALWAYS_ACTIVE consensus.vDeployments[Consensus::DEPLOYMENT_CSV].nTimeout = 1517356801; // January 31st, 2018 // Deployment of SegWit (BIP141, BIP143, and BIP147) consensus.vDeployments[Consensus::DEPLOYMENT_SEGWIT].bit = 1; //consensus.vDeployments[Consensus::DEPLOYMENT_SEGWIT].nStartTime = 1483228800; // January 1, 2017 consensus.vDeployments[Consensus::DEPLOYMENT_SEGWIT].nStartTime = -1; // Consensus::BIP9Deployment::ALWAYS_ACTIVE consensus.vDeployments[Consensus::DEPLOYMENT_SEGWIT].nTimeout = 1517356801; // January 31st, 2018 // The best chain should have at least this much work. consensus.nMinimumChainWork = uint256S("0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001000"); // By default assume that the signatures in ancestors of this block are valid. consensus.defaultAssumeValid = uint256S("0x1efb29c8187d5a496a33377941d1df415169c3ce5d8c05d055f25b683ec3f9a3"); pchMessageStart[0] = 0xfe; pchMessageStart[1] = 0xec; pchMessageStart[2] = 0x65; pchMessageStart[3] = 0xe4; nDefaultPort = 19335; nPruneAfterHeight = 1000; genesis = CreateGenesisBlock(1572994527, 15997, 0x1f0ffff0, 1, 500 * COIN); consensus.hashGenesisBlock = genesis.GetHash(); assert(consensus.hashGenesisBlock == uint256S("870dc304ff6babc538531f2deab7beb70b1e23be033b41cd643ac9c4a4c84e44")); assert(genesis.hashMerkleRoot == uint256S("d85a90623fbff6a5ea4b80df1dbc81b32de7f1011f484e186cfb7cf2d4292c95")); vFixedSeeds.clear(); vSeeds.clear(); // nodes with support for servicebits filtering should be at the top vSeeds.emplace_back("testnet-seed.kevacoin.org"); base58Prefixes[PUBKEY_ADDRESS] = std::vector(1,55); // P base58Prefixes[SCRIPT_ADDRESS] = std::vector(1,5); base58Prefixes[SCRIPT_ADDRESS2] = std::vector(1,65); // T base58Prefixes[SECRET_KEY] = std::vector(1,58); // 9 base58Prefixes[EXT_PUBLIC_KEY] = {0x04, 0x88, 0xB2, 0x1E}; base58Prefixes[EXT_SECRET_KEY] = {0x04, 0x88, 0xAD, 0xE4}; base58Prefixes[KEVA_NAMESPACE] = std::vector(1,53); // N bech32_hrp = "tkva"; vFixedSeeds = std::vector(pnSeed6_test, pnSeed6_test + ARRAYLEN(pnSeed6_test)); fDefaultConsistencyChecks = false; fRequireStandard = false; fMineBlocksOnDemand = false; checkpointData = (CCheckpointData) { { {0, uint256S("bf7757238413571d9686ffc4899469affeb7675d4fb23693b88646d482fe12f6")}, } }; chainTxData = ChainTxData{ }; } int DefaultCheckKevaDB() const { return -1; } }; /** * Regression test */ class CRegTestParams : public CChainParams { public: CRegTestParams() { strNetworkID = "regtest"; consensus.nSubsidyHalvingInterval = 150; consensus.BIP16Height = 0; // always enforce P2SH BIP16 on regtest consensus.BIP34Height = 100000000; // BIP34 has not activated on regtest (far in the future so block v1 are not rejected in tests) consensus.BIP34Hash = uint256(); consensus.BIP65Height = 1351; // BIP65 activated on regtest (Used in rpc activation tests) consensus.BIP66Height = 1251; // BIP66 activated on regtest (Used in rpc activation tests) consensus.powLimit = uint256S("7fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff"); consensus.nPowTargetTimespan = 2.0 * 60; // Two minutes consensus.nPowTargetSpacing = 2.0 * 60; // Two minutes consensus.fPowAllowMinDifficultyBlocks = true; consensus.fPowNoRetargeting = true; consensus.nRuleChangeActivationThreshold = 108; // 75% for testchains consensus.nMinerConfirmationWindow = 144; // Faster than normal for regtest (144 instead of 2016) consensus.vDeployments[Consensus::DEPLOYMENT_TESTDUMMY].bit = 28; consensus.vDeployments[Consensus::DEPLOYMENT_TESTDUMMY].nStartTime = 0; consensus.vDeployments[Consensus::DEPLOYMENT_TESTDUMMY].nTimeout = Consensus::BIP9Deployment::NO_TIMEOUT; consensus.vDeployments[Consensus::DEPLOYMENT_CSV].bit = 0; consensus.vDeployments[Consensus::DEPLOYMENT_CSV].nStartTime = 0; consensus.vDeployments[Consensus::DEPLOYMENT_CSV].nTimeout = Consensus::BIP9Deployment::NO_TIMEOUT; consensus.vDeployments[Consensus::DEPLOYMENT_SEGWIT].bit = 1; consensus.vDeployments[Consensus::DEPLOYMENT_SEGWIT].nStartTime = Consensus::BIP9Deployment::ALWAYS_ACTIVE; consensus.vDeployments[Consensus::DEPLOYMENT_SEGWIT].nTimeout = Consensus::BIP9Deployment::NO_TIMEOUT; // The best chain should have at least this much work. consensus.nMinimumChainWork = uint256S("0x00"); // By default assume that the signatures in ancestors of this block are valid. consensus.defaultAssumeValid = uint256S("0x00"); pchMessageStart[0] = 0xfa; pchMessageStart[1] = 0xbf; pchMessageStart[2] = 0xb5; pchMessageStart[3] = 0xda; nDefaultPort = 19444; nPruneAfterHeight = 1000; genesis = CreateGenesisBlock(1296688602, 0, 0x207fffff, 1, 50 * COIN); consensus.hashGenesisBlock = genesis.GetHash(); assert(consensus.hashGenesisBlock == uint256S("0x5b2e996d458adbf5c81b381f90ca167732bc9f4e9c1c4ec8485fa74efe793ed8")); assert(genesis.hashMerkleRoot == uint256S("0x13ec98c3307b8e6b67b91c605c7347916a99f9dfde7b5d88365aaef322192314")); vFixedSeeds.clear(); //!< Regtest mode doesn't have any fixed seeds. vSeeds.clear(); //!< Regtest mode doesn't have any DNS seeds. fDefaultConsistencyChecks = true; fRequireStandard = false; fMineBlocksOnDemand = true; checkpointData = { { {0, uint256S("5b2e996d458adbf5c81b381f90ca167732bc9f4e9c1c4ec8485fa74efe793ed8")}, } }; chainTxData = ChainTxData{ 0, 0, 0 }; base58Prefixes[PUBKEY_ADDRESS] = std::vector(1,111); base58Prefixes[SCRIPT_ADDRESS] = std::vector(1,196); base58Prefixes[SCRIPT_ADDRESS2] = std::vector(1,58); base58Prefixes[SECRET_KEY] = std::vector(1,239); base58Prefixes[EXT_PUBLIC_KEY] = {0x04, 0x35, 0x87, 0xCF}; base58Prefixes[EXT_SECRET_KEY] = {0x04, 0x35, 0x83, 0x94}; base58Prefixes[KEVA_NAMESPACE] = std::vector(1,53); // N bech32_hrp = "rkva"; } int DefaultCheckKevaDB() const { return 0; } }; static std::unique_ptr globalChainParams; const CChainParams &Params() { assert(globalChainParams); return *globalChainParams; } std::unique_ptr CreateChainParams(const std::string& chain) { if (chain == CBaseChainParams::MAIN) return std::unique_ptr(new CMainParams()); else if (chain == CBaseChainParams::TESTNET) return std::unique_ptr(new CTestNetParams()); else if (chain == CBaseChainParams::REGTEST) return std::unique_ptr(new CRegTestParams()); throw std::runtime_error(strprintf("%s: Unknown chain %s.", __func__, chain)); } void SelectParams(const std::string& network) { SelectBaseParams(network); globalChainParams = CreateChainParams(network); } void UpdateVersionBitsParameters(Consensus::DeploymentPos d, int64_t nStartTime, int64_t nTimeout) { globalChainParams->UpdateVersionBitsParameters(d, nStartTime, nTimeout); }