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Merge pull request #492 from gavinandresen/fasterinitialdownload

Skip verifying transaction signatures during initial block-chain download
Gavin Andresen 13 years ago
  1. 13


@ -810,6 +810,9 @@ bool CTransaction::ConnectInputs(CTxDB& txdb, map<uint256, CTxIndex>& mapTestPoo @@ -810,6 +810,9 @@ bool CTransaction::ConnectInputs(CTxDB& txdb, map<uint256, CTxIndex>& mapTestPoo
CBlockIndex* pindexBlock, int64& nFees, bool fBlock, bool fMiner, int64 nMinFee)
// Take over previous transactions' spent pointers
// fBlock is true when this is called from AcceptBlock when a new best-block is added to the blockchain
// fMiner is true when called from the internal bitcoin miner
// ... both are false when called from CTransaction::AcceptToMemoryPool
if (!IsCoinBase())
int64 nValueIn = 0;
@ -863,9 +866,13 @@ bool CTransaction::ConnectInputs(CTxDB& txdb, map<uint256, CTxIndex>& mapTestPoo @@ -863,9 +866,13 @@ bool CTransaction::ConnectInputs(CTxDB& txdb, map<uint256, CTxIndex>& mapTestPoo
if (pindex->nBlockPos == txindex.pos.nBlockPos && pindex->nFile == txindex.pos.nFile)
return DoS(10, error("ConnectInputs() : tried to spend coinbase at depth %d", pindexBlock->nHeight - pindex->nHeight));
// Verify signature
if (!VerifySignature(txPrev, *this, i))
return DoS(100,error("ConnectInputs() : %s VerifySignature failed", GetHash().ToString().substr(0,10).c_str()));
// Skip ECDSA signature verification when connecting blocks (fBlock=true) during initial download
// (before the last blockchain checkpoint). This is safe because block merkle hashes are
// still computed and checked, and any change will be caught at the next checkpoint.
if (!(fBlock && IsInitialBlockDownload()))
// Verify signature
if (!VerifySignature(txPrev, *this, i))
return DoS(100,error("ConnectInputs() : %s VerifySignature failed", GetHash().ToString().substr(0,10).c_str()));
// Check for conflicts (double-spend)
// This doesn't trigger the DoS code on purpose; if it did, it would make it easier
