strUsage+=" -dbcache=<n> "+strprintf(_("Set database cache size in megabytes (%d to %d, default: %d)"),nMinDbCache,nMaxDbCache,nDefaultDbCache)+"\n";
strUsage+=" -dbcache=<n> "+strprintf(_("Set database cache size in megabytes (%d to %d, default: %d)"),nMinDbCache,nMaxDbCache,nDefaultDbCache)+"\n";
strUsage+=" -keypool=<n> "+_("Set key pool size to <n> (default: 100)")+"\n";
strUsage+=" -keypool=<n> "+_("Set key pool size to <n> (default: 100)")+"\n";
strUsage+=" -loadblock=<file> "+_("Imports blocks from external blk000??.dat file")+""+_("on startup")+"\n";
strUsage+=" -loadblock=<file> "+_("Imports blocks from external blk000??.dat file")+""+_("on startup")+"\n";
strUsage+=" -par=<n> "+_("Set the number of script verification threads (up to 16, 0 = auto, <0 = leave that many cores free, default: 0)")+"\n";
strUsage+=" -par=<n> "+strprintf(_("Set the number of script verification threads (%u to %d, 0 = auto, <0 = leave that many cores free, default: %d)"),-(int)boost::thread::hardware_concurrency(),MAX_SCRIPTCHECK_THREADS,DEFAULT_SCRIPTCHECK_THREADS)+"\n";