@ -54,78 +54,78 @@ class RESTTest (BitcoinTestFramework):
@@ -54,78 +54,78 @@ class RESTTest (BitcoinTestFramework):
connect_nodes_bi(self.nodes,0,2) |
self.is_network_split=False |
self.sync_all() |
def run_test(self): |
url = urlparse.urlparse(self.nodes[0].url) |
print "Mining blocks..." |
self.nodes[0].generate(1) |
self.sync_all() |
self.nodes[2].generate(100) |
self.sync_all() |
assert_equal(self.nodes[0].getbalance(), 50) |
txid = self.nodes[0].sendtoaddress(self.nodes[1].getnewaddress(), 0.1) |
self.sync_all() |
self.nodes[2].generate(1) |
self.sync_all() |
bb_hash = self.nodes[0].getbestblockhash() |
assert_equal(self.nodes[1].getbalance(), Decimal("0.1")) #balance now should be 0.1 on node 1 |
# load the latest 0.1 tx over the REST API |
json_string = http_get_call(url.hostname, url.port, '/rest/tx/'+txid+self.FORMAT_SEPARATOR+"json") |
json_obj = json.loads(json_string) |
vintx = json_obj['vin'][0]['txid'] # get the vin to later check for utxo (should be spent by then) |
# get n of 0.1 outpoint |
# get n of 0.1 outpoint |
n = 0 |
for vout in json_obj['vout']: |
if vout['value'] == 0.1: |
n = vout['n'] |
###################################### |
# GETUTXOS: query a unspent outpoint # |
###################################### |
json_request = '{"checkmempool":true,"outpoints":[{"txid":"'+txid+'","n":'+str(n)+'}]}' |
json_string = http_get_call(url.hostname, url.port, '/rest/getutxos'+self.FORMAT_SEPARATOR+'json', json_request) |
json_request = '/checkmempool/'+txid+'-'+str(n) |
json_string = http_get_call(url.hostname, url.port, '/rest/getutxos'+json_request+self.FORMAT_SEPARATOR+'json') |
json_obj = json.loads(json_string) |
#check chainTip response |
assert_equal(json_obj['chaintipHash'], bb_hash) |
#make sure there is one utxo |
assert_equal(len(json_obj['utxos']), 1) |
assert_equal(json_obj['utxos'][0]['value'], 0.1) |
################################################ |
# GETUTXOS: now query a already spent outpoint # |
################################################ |
json_request = '{"checkmempool":true,"outpoints":[{"txid":"'+vintx+'","n":0}]}' |
json_string = http_get_call(url.hostname, url.port, '/rest/getutxos'+self.FORMAT_SEPARATOR+'json', json_request) |
json_request = '/checkmempool/'+vintx+'-0' |
json_string = http_get_call(url.hostname, url.port, '/rest/getutxos'+json_request+self.FORMAT_SEPARATOR+'json') |
json_obj = json.loads(json_string) |
#check chainTip response |
assert_equal(json_obj['chaintipHash'], bb_hash) |
#make sure there is no utox in the response because this oupoint has been spent |
assert_equal(len(json_obj['utxos']), 0) |
#check bitmap |
assert_equal(json_obj['bitmap'], "0") |
################################################## |
# GETUTXOS: now check both with the same request # |
################################################## |
json_request = '{"checkmempool":true,"outpoints":[{"txid":"'+txid+'","n":'+str(n)+'},{"txid":"'+vintx+'","n":0}]}' |
json_string = http_get_call(url.hostname, url.port, '/rest/getutxos'+self.FORMAT_SEPARATOR+'json', json_request) |
json_request = '/checkmempool/'+txid+'-'+str(n)+'/'+vintx+'-0' |
json_string = http_get_call(url.hostname, url.port, '/rest/getutxos'+json_request+self.FORMAT_SEPARATOR+'json') |
json_obj = json.loads(json_string) |
assert_equal(len(json_obj['utxos']), 1) |
assert_equal(json_obj['bitmap'], "10") |
#test binary response |
bb_hash = self.nodes[0].getbestblockhash() |
@ -134,19 +134,18 @@ class RESTTest (BitcoinTestFramework):
@@ -134,19 +134,18 @@ class RESTTest (BitcoinTestFramework):
binaryRequest += pack("i", n); |
binaryRequest += binascii.unhexlify(vintx); |
binaryRequest += pack("i", 0); |
bin_response = http_get_call(url.hostname, url.port, '/rest/getutxos'+self.FORMAT_SEPARATOR+'bin', binaryRequest) |
output = StringIO.StringIO() |
output.write(bin_response) |
output.seek(0) |
chainHeight = unpack("i", output.read(4))[0] |
hashFromBinResponse = hex(deser_uint256(output))[2:].zfill(65).rstrip("L") |
assert_equal(bb_hash, hashFromBinResponse) #check if getutxo's chaintip during calculation was fine |
assert_equal(chainHeight, 102) #chain height must be 102 |
############################ |
# GETUTXOS: mempool checks # |
############################ |
@ -156,55 +155,56 @@ class RESTTest (BitcoinTestFramework):
@@ -156,55 +155,56 @@ class RESTTest (BitcoinTestFramework):
json_string = http_get_call(url.hostname, url.port, '/rest/tx/'+txid+self.FORMAT_SEPARATOR+"json") |
json_obj = json.loads(json_string) |
vintx = json_obj['vin'][0]['txid'] # get the vin to later check for utxo (should be spent by then) |
# get n of 0.1 outpoint |
# get n of 0.1 outpoint |
n = 0 |
for vout in json_obj['vout']: |
if vout['value'] == 0.1: |
n = vout['n'] |
json_request = '{"checkmempool":false,"outpoints":[{"txid":"'+txid+'","n":'+str(n)+'}]}' |
json_string = http_get_call(url.hostname, url.port, '/rest/getutxos'+self.FORMAT_SEPARATOR+'json', json_request) |
json_request = '/'+txid+'-'+str(n) |
json_string = http_get_call(url.hostname, url.port, '/rest/getutxos'+json_request+self.FORMAT_SEPARATOR+'json') |
json_obj = json.loads(json_string) |
assert_equal(len(json_obj['utxos']), 0) #there should be a outpoint because it has just added to the mempool |
json_request = '{"checkmempool":true,"outpoints":[{"txid":"'+txid+'","n":'+str(n)+'}]}' |
json_string = http_get_call(url.hostname, url.port, '/rest/getutxos'+self.FORMAT_SEPARATOR+'json', json_request) |
json_request = '/checkmempool/'+txid+'-'+str(n) |
json_string = http_get_call(url.hostname, url.port, '/rest/getutxos'+json_request+self.FORMAT_SEPARATOR+'json') |
json_obj = json.loads(json_string) |
assert_equal(len(json_obj['utxos']), 1) #there should be a outpoint because it has just added to the mempool |
#do some invalid requests |
json_request = '{"checkmempool' |
response = http_get_call(url.hostname, url.port, '/rest/getutxos'+self.FORMAT_SEPARATOR+'json', json_request, True) |
assert_equal(response.status, 500) #must be a 500 because we send a invalid json request |
json_request = '{"checkmempool' |
response = http_get_call(url.hostname, url.port, '/rest/getutxos'+self.FORMAT_SEPARATOR+'bin', json_request, True) |
assert_equal(response.status, 500) #must be a 500 because we send a invalid bin request |
response = http_get_call(url.hostname, url.port, '/rest/getutxos/checkmempool'+self.FORMAT_SEPARATOR+'bin', '', True) |
assert_equal(response.status, 500) #must be a 500 because we send a invalid bin request |
#test limits |
json_request = '{"checkmempool":true,"outpoints":[' |
for x in range(0, 200): |
json_request += '{"txid":"'+txid+'","n":'+str(n)+'},' |
json_request = json_request.rstrip(",") |
json_request+="]}"; |
response = http_get_call(url.hostname, url.port, '/rest/getutxos'+self.FORMAT_SEPARATOR+'json', json_request, True) |
json_request = '/checkmempool/' |
for x in range(0, 20): |
json_request += txid+'-'+str(n)+'/' |
json_request = json_request.rstrip("/") |
response = http_get_call(url.hostname, url.port, '/rest/getutxos'+json_request+self.FORMAT_SEPARATOR+'json', '', True) |
assert_equal(response.status, 500) #must be a 500 because we exceeding the limits |
json_request = '{"checkmempool":true,"outpoints":[' |
for x in range(0, 90): |
json_request += '{"txid":"'+txid+'","n":'+str(n)+'},' |
json_request = json_request.rstrip(",") |
json_request+="]}"; |
response = http_get_call(url.hostname, url.port, '/rest/getutxos'+self.FORMAT_SEPARATOR+'json', json_request, True) |
json_request = '/checkmempool/' |
for x in range(0, 15): |
json_request += txid+'-'+str(n)+'/' |
json_request = json_request.rstrip("/"); |
response = http_get_call(url.hostname, url.port, '/rest/getutxos'+json_request+self.FORMAT_SEPARATOR+'json', '', True) |
assert_equal(response.status, 200) #must be a 500 because we exceeding the limits |
self.nodes[0].generate(1) #generate block to not affect upcomming tests |
self.sync_all() |
################ |
# /rest/block/ # |
################ |
# check binary format |
response = http_get_call(url.hostname, url.port, '/rest/block/'+bb_hash+self.FORMAT_SEPARATOR+"bin", "", True) |
assert_equal(response.status, 200) |
@ -248,7 +248,7 @@ class RESTTest (BitcoinTestFramework):
@@ -248,7 +248,7 @@ class RESTTest (BitcoinTestFramework):
hex_string = http_get_call(url.hostname, url.port, '/rest/tx/'+tx_hash+self.FORMAT_SEPARATOR+"hex", "", True) |
assert_equal(hex_string.status, 200) |
assert_greater_than(int(response.getheader('content-length')), 10) |
# check block tx details |
@ -278,7 +278,7 @@ class RESTTest (BitcoinTestFramework):
@@ -278,7 +278,7 @@ class RESTTest (BitcoinTestFramework):
#test rest bestblock |
bb_hash = self.nodes[0].getbestblockhash() |
json_string = http_get_call(url.hostname, url.port, '/rest/chaininfo.json') |
json_obj = json.loads(json_string) |
assert_equal(json_obj['bestblockhash'], bb_hash) |