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synced 2025-03-11 05:03:31 +00:00
qt: periodic translations update
This commit is contained in:
@ -311,7 +311,7 @@ QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("bitcoin-core", "Send trace/debug info to console instead of d
QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("bitcoin-core", "Send transactions as zero-fee transactions if possible (default: %u)"),
QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("bitcoin-core", "Set database cache size in megabytes (%d to %d, default: %d)"),
QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("bitcoin-core", "Set key pool size to <n> (default: %u)"),
QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("bitcoin-core", "Set maximum BIP141 block cost (default: %d)"),
QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("bitcoin-core", "Set maximum BIP141 block weight (default: %d)"),
QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("bitcoin-core", "Set maximum block size in bytes (default: %d)"),
QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("bitcoin-core", "Set the number of threads to service RPC calls (default: %d)"),
QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("bitcoin-core", "Show all debugging options (usage: --help -help-debug)"),
@ -2134,10 +2134,6 @@
<source>Set key pool size to <n> (default: %u)</source>
<translation>Defineix la mida clau disponible a <n> (per defecte: %u)</translation>
<source>Set minimum block size in bytes (default: %u)</source>
<translation>Defineix la mida de bloc mínima en bytes (per defecte: %u)</translation>
<source>Set the number of threads to service RPC calls (default: %d)</source>
<translation>Defineix el nombre de fils a crides de servei RPC (per defecte: %d)</translation>
@ -1966,10 +1966,6 @@
<source>Set key pool size to <n> (default: %u)</source>
<translation>Defineix la mida clau disponible a <n> (per defecte: %u)</translation>
<source>Set minimum block size in bytes (default: %u)</source>
<translation>Defineix la mida de bloc mínima en bytes (per defecte: %u)</translation>
<source>Set the number of threads to service RPC calls (default: %d)</source>
<translation>Defineix el nombre de fils a crides de servei RPC (per defecte: %d)</translation>
@ -2130,10 +2130,6 @@
<source>Set key pool size to <n> (default: %u)</source>
<translation>Defineix la mida clau disponible a <n> (per defecte: %u)</translation>
<source>Set minimum block size in bytes (default: %u)</source>
<translation>Defineix la mida de bloc mínima en bytes (per defecte: %u)</translation>
<source>Set the number of threads to service RPC calls (default: %d)</source>
<translation>Defineix el nombre de fils a crides de servei RPC (per defecte: %d)</translation>
@ -2234,10 +2234,6 @@
<source>Set key pool size to <n> (default: %u)</source>
<translation>Nastavit zásobník klíčů na velikost <n> (výchozí: %u)</translation>
<source>Set minimum block size in bytes (default: %u)</source>
<translation>Nastavit minimální velikost bloku v bajtech (výchozí: %u)</translation>
<source>Set the number of threads to service RPC calls (default: %d)</source>
<translation>Nastavení počtu vláken pro servisní RPC volání (výchozí: %d)</translation>
@ -2098,10 +2098,6 @@
<source>Set database cache size in megabytes (%d to %d, default: %d)</source>
<translation>Sæt cache-størrelse for database i megabytes (%d til %d; standard: %d)</translation>
<source>Set maximum block cost (default: %d)</source>
<translation>Sæt maksimal blokudgift (standard: %d)</translation>
<source>Set maximum block size in bytes (default: %d)</source>
<translation>Sæt maksimum blokstørrelse i byte (standard: %d)</translation>
@ -2306,6 +2302,10 @@
<source>Send transactions as zero-fee transactions if possible (default: %u)</source>
<translation>Send transaktioner som nul-gebyr-transaktioner hvis muligt (standard: %u)</translation>
<source>Set maximum BIP141 block cost (default: %d)</source>
<translation>Sæt maksimal BIP141-blokudgift (standard: %d)</translation>
<source>Show all debugging options (usage: --help -help-debug)</source>
<translation>Vis alle tilvalg for fejlsøgning (brug: --help -help-debug)</translation>
@ -2531,10 +2531,6 @@
<translation>Sæt nøglepuljestørrelse til <n> (standard: %u)
<source>Set minimum block size in bytes (default: %u)</source>
<translation>Angiv minimumsblokstørrelse i byte (standard: %u)</translation>
<source>Set the number of threads to service RPC calls (default: %d)</source>
<translation>Angiv antallet af tråde til at håndtere RPC-kald (standard: %d)</translation>
@ -2434,10 +2434,6 @@
<source>Set key pool size to <n> (default: %u)</source>
<translation>Größe des Schlüsselpools festlegen auf <n> (Standard: %u)</translation>
<source>Set minimum block size in bytes (default: %u)</source>
<translation>Minimale Blockgröße in Byte festlegen (Standard: %u)</translation>
<source>Set the number of threads to service RPC calls (default: %d)</source>
<translation>Maximale Anzahl an Threads zur Verarbeitung von RPC-Anfragen festlegen (Standard: %d)</translation>
@ -2686,7 +2686,12 @@
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location line="+3"/>
<location line="+2"/>
<source>Set maximum BIP141 block weight (default: %d)</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location line="+1"/>
<source>Set maximum block size in bytes (default: %d)</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
@ -2941,12 +2946,7 @@
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location line="+3"/>
<source>Set maximum BIP141 block cost (default: %d)</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location line="+3"/>
<location line="+6"/>
<source>Show all debugging options (usage: --help -help-debug)</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
@ -2098,10 +2098,6 @@
<source>Set database cache size in megabytes (%d to %d, default: %d)</source>
<translation>Set database cache size in megabytes (%d to %d, default: %d)</translation>
<source>Set maximum block cost (default: %d)</source>
<translation>Set maximum block cost (default: %d)</translation>
<source>Set maximum block size in bytes (default: %d)</source>
<translation>Set maximum block size in bytes (default: %d)</translation>
@ -2306,6 +2302,10 @@
<source>Send transactions as zero-fee transactions if possible (default: %u)</source>
<translation>Send transactions as zero-fee transactions if possible (default: %u)</translation>
<source>Set maximum BIP141 block cost (default: %d)</source>
<translation>Set maximum BIP141 block cost (default: %d)</translation>
<source>Show all debugging options (usage: --help -help-debug)</source>
<translation>Show all debugging options (usage: --help -help-debug)</translation>
@ -2530,10 +2530,6 @@
<source>Set key pool size to <n> (default: %u)</source>
<translation>Set key pool size to <n> (default: %u)</translation>
<source>Set minimum block size in bytes (default: %u)</source>
<translation>Set minimum block size in bytes (default: %u)</translation>
<source>Set the number of threads to service RPC calls (default: %d)</source>
<translation>Set the number of threads to service RPC calls (default: %d)</translation>
@ -2097,10 +2097,6 @@
<source>Set database cache size in megabytes (%d to %d, default: %d)</source>
<translation>Asignar tamaño de cache en megabytes (entre %d y %d; predeterminado: %d)</translation>
<source>Set maximum block cost (default: %d)</source>
<translation>Establecer tamaño máximo de bloque (por defecto: %d)</translation>
<source>Set maximum block size in bytes (default: %d)</source>
<translation>Establecer tamaño máximo de bloque en bytes (predeterminado: %d)</translation>
@ -2305,6 +2301,10 @@
<source>Send transactions as zero-fee transactions if possible (default: %u)</source>
<translation>Mandar transacciones como comisión-cero si es posible (por defecto: %u)</translation>
<source>Set maximum BIP141 block cost (default: %d)</source>
<translation>Fijar coste máximo del bloque BIP141 (por defecto: %d)</translation>
<source>Show all debugging options (usage: --help -help-debug)</source>
<translation>Muestra todas las opciones de depuración (uso: --help -help-debug)</translation>
@ -2519,10 +2519,6 @@
<source>Set key pool size to <n> (default: %u)</source>
<translation>Ajustar el número de claves en reserva <n> (predeterminado: %u)</translation>
<source>Set minimum block size in bytes (default: %u)</source>
<translation>Establecer tamaño mínimo de bloque en bytes (por defecto: %u)</translation>
<source>Set the number of threads to service RPC calls (default: %d)</source>
<translation>Establecer el número de procesos para llamadas del servicio RPC (por defecto: %d)</translation>
@ -1,6 +1,10 @@
<TS language="et" version="2.1">
<source>Right-click to edit address or label</source>
<translation>Paremkliki aadressi või sildi muutmiseks</translation>
<source>Create a new address</source>
<translation>Loo uus aadress</translation>
@ -512,10 +512,6 @@
<source>Loading addresses...</source>
<translation>لود شدن آدرسها..</translation>
<source>Set minimum block size in bytes (default: %u)</source>
<translation>تنظیم کمینه اندازه بلاک بر حسب بایت (پیش فرض: %u)</translation>
<source>Set the number of threads to service RPC calls (default: %d)</source>
<translation>تنظیم تعداد ریسمان ها برای سرویس دهی فراخوانی های RPC (پیش فرض: %d)</translation>
@ -1037,6 +1037,14 @@
<source>User Agent</source>
<source>Decrease font size</source>
<translation>Pienennä fontin kokoa</translation>
<source>Increase font size</source>
<translation>Suurenna fontin kokoa</translation>
@ -1508,6 +1516,10 @@
<source>%1 is shutting down...</source>
<translation>%1 sulkeutuu...</translation>
<source>Do not shut down the computer until this window disappears.</source>
<translation>Älä sammuta tietokonetta ennenkuin tämä ikkuna katoaa.</translation>
@ -1690,6 +1702,10 @@
<source>Bitcoin Core</source>
<source>The %s developers</source>
<translation>%s kehittäjät</translation>
<source>-fallbackfee is set very high! This is the transaction fee you may pay when fee estimates are not available.</source>
<translation>-fallbackfee on asetettu erittäin suureksi! Tämä on rahansiirtokulu jonka voit maksaa kun arvioitu rahansirtokulu ei ole saatavilla.</translation>
@ -1702,6 +1718,10 @@
<source>Execute command when a wallet transaction changes (%s in cmd is replaced by TxID)</source>
<translation>Suorita käsky kun lompakossa rahansiirto muuttuu (%s cmd on vaihdettu TxID kanssa)</translation>
<source>Please check that your computer's date and time are correct! If your clock is wrong, %s will not work properly.</source>
<translation>Tarkistathan että tietokoneesi päivämäärä ja kellonaika ovat oikeassa! Jos kellosi on väärässä, %s ei toimi oikein.</translation>
<source>Set the number of script verification threads (%u to %d, 0 = auto, <0 = leave that many cores free, default: %d)</source>
<translation>Aseta script varmistuksen threadien lukumäärä (%u - %d, 0= auto, <0 = jätä näin monta ydintä vapaaksi, oletus: %d)</translation>
@ -2066,10 +2086,6 @@
<source>Set key pool size to <n> (default: %u)</source>
<translation>Aseta avainaltaan kooksi <n> (oletus: %u)</translation>
<source>Set minimum block size in bytes (default: %u)</source>
<translation>Aseta pienin mahdollinen lohkokoko tavuina (oletus: %u)</translation>
<source>Set the number of threads to service RPC calls (default: %d)</source>
<translation>Aseta RPC-kutsujen palvelemiseen tarkoitettujen säikeiden lukumäärä (oletus: %d)</translation>
@ -2070,10 +2070,6 @@
<source>Set database cache size in megabytes (%d to %d, default: %d)</source>
<translation>Définir la taille du cache de la base de données en mégaoctets (%d to %d, default: %d)</translation>
<source>Set maximum block cost (default: %d)</source>
<translation>Définir le coût maximal de bloc (par défaut : %d)</translation>
<source>Set maximum block size in bytes (default: %d)</source>
<translation>Définir la taille minimale de bloc en octets (par défaut : %d)</translation>
@ -2270,6 +2266,10 @@
<source>Send transactions as zero-fee transactions if possible (default: %u)</source>
<translation>Envoyer si possible les transactions comme étant sans frais (par défaut : %u)</translation>
<source>Set maximum BIP141 block cost (default: %d)</source>
<translation>Définir le coût maximal de bloc BIP141 (par défaut : %d)</translation>
<source>Show all debugging options (usage: --help -help-debug)</source>
<translation>Montrer toutes les options de débogage (utilisation : --help --help-debug)</translation>
@ -2494,10 +2494,6 @@
<source>Set key pool size to <n> (default: %u)</source>
<translation>Définir la taille de la réserve de clefs à <n> (par défaut : %u)</translation>
<source>Set minimum block size in bytes (default: %u)</source>
<translation>Définir la taille de bloc minimale en octets (par défaut : %u)</translation>
<source>Set the number of threads to service RPC calls (default: %d)</source>
<translation>Définir le nombre d'exétrons pour desservir les appels RPC (par défaut : %d)</translation>
@ -63,7 +63,15 @@
<source>Banned Until</source>
<translation>Kitiltás vége</translation>
@ -869,6 +877,10 @@
<source>Banned peers</source>
<translation>Kitiltott felek</translation>
<source>Select a peer to view detailed information.</source>
<translation>Peer kijelölése a részletes információkért</translation>
@ -941,6 +953,10 @@
<source>Clear console</source>
<translation>Konzol törlése</translation>
<source>Ban Node for</source>
<translation>Kitiltás oka</translation>
<source>1 &hour</source>
<translation>1 &óra</translation>
@ -957,6 +973,10 @@
<source>1 &year</source>
<translation>1 &év</translation>
<source>&Unban Node</source>
<translation>Kitiltás &feloldása</translation>
<source>Use up and down arrows to navigate history, and <b>Ctrl-L</b> to clear screen.</source>
<translation>Navigálhat a fel és le nyilakkal, és <b>Ctrl-L</b> -vel törölheti a képernyőt.</translation>
@ -1362,6 +1382,10 @@
<source>Execute command when a wallet transaction changes (%s in cmd is replaced by TxID)</source>
<translation>Parancs, amit akkor hajt végre, amikor egy tárca-tranzakció megváltozik (%s a parancsban lecserélődik a blokk TxID-re)</translation>
<source>Use UPnP to map the listening port (default: 1 when listening and no -proxy)</source>
<translation>UPnP használata porttovábbításra (alapértelmezett: 1, amikor kiszolgál és nem használt a -proxy)</translation>
<source>Connect only to the specified node(s)</source>
<translation>Csatlakozás csak a megadott csomóponthoz</translation>
@ -1406,6 +1430,10 @@
<source>Incorrect or no genesis block found. Wrong datadir for network?</source>
<translation>Helytelen vagy nemlétező genézis blokk. Helytelen hálózati adatkönyvtár?</translation>
<source>Loading banlist...</source>
<translation>Tiltólista betöltése...</translation>
<source>Not enough file descriptors available.</source>
<translation>Nincs elég fájlleíró. </translation>
@ -1422,6 +1450,18 @@
<source>Wallet options:</source>
<translation>Tárca beállítások:</translation>
<source>Discover own IP addresses (default: 1 when listening and no -externalip or -proxy)</source>
<translation>Saját IP-cím felfedezése (alapértelmezett: 1, amikor kiszolgál és nem használt a -externalip)</translation>
<source>Whitelisted peers cannot be DoS banned and their transactions are always relayed, even if they are already in the mempool, useful e.g. for a gateway</source>
<translation>A fehérlistán szereplő felek nem lesznek automatikusan kitiltva és a tranzakcióik is mindig továbbítva lesznek, akkor is ha már a megerősítésre váró listán (mempool) vannak. Hasznos például összekötő csomópontokon (gateway).</translation>
<source>(default: %u)</source>
<translation>(alapértelmezett: %u)</translation>
<source>Error reading from database, shutting down.</source>
<translation>Hiba az adatbázis olvasásakor, leállítás</translation>
@ -1480,6 +1520,14 @@
<source>Loading addresses...</source>
<translation>Címek betöltése...</translation>
<source>(default: %s)</source>
<translation>(alapértelmezett: %s)</translation>
<source>Include IP addresses in debug output (default: %u)</source>
<translation>IP-címek megjelenítése a naplóban (alapértelmezett: %u)</translation>
<source>Invalid -proxy address: '%s'</source>
<translation>Érvénytelen -proxy cím: '%s'</translation>
@ -2259,10 +2259,6 @@ Per specificare più URL separarli con una barra verticale "|".</translation>
<source>Set key pool size to <n> (default: %u)</source>
<translation>Imposta la dimensione del pool di chiavi a <n> (predefinito: %u)</translation>
<source>Set minimum block size in bytes (default: %u)</source>
<translation>Imposta la dimensione minima del blocco in byte (predefinito: %u)</translation>
<source>Set the number of threads to service RPC calls (default: %d)</source>
<translation>Imposta il numero di thread destinati a rispondere alle chiamate RPC (predefinito %d)</translation>
@ -2099,10 +2099,6 @@
<source>Set database cache size in megabytes (%d to %d, default: %d)</source>
<translation>データベースのキャッシュサイズをメガバイトで設定 (%dから%d。初期値: %d)</translation>
<source>Set maximum block cost (default: %d)</source>
<translation>最大ブロックコストを設定 (初期値: %d)</translation>
<source>Set maximum block size in bytes (default: %d)</source>
<translation>最大ブロックサイズをバイトで設定 (初期値: %d)</translation>
@ -2307,6 +2303,10 @@
<source>Send transactions as zero-fee transactions if possible (default: %u)</source>
<translation>可能な場合には手数料ゼロのトランザクションとしてトランザクションを送信する (初期値: %u)</translation>
<source>Set maximum BIP141 block cost (default: %d)</source>
<translation>BIP141ブロックコストの最大値を設定 (初期値: %d)</translation>
<source>Show all debugging options (usage: --help -help-debug)</source>
<translation>すべてのデバッグオプションを表示する (使い方: --help -help-debug)</translation>
@ -2531,10 +2531,6 @@
<source>Set key pool size to <n> (default: %u)</source>
<translation>key pool のサイズを <n> (初期値: %u) にセット</translation>
<source>Set minimum block size in bytes (default: %u)</source>
<translation>最小ブロックサイズをバイトで設定 (初期値: %u)</translation>
<source>Set the number of threads to service RPC calls (default: %d)</source>
<translation>RPC サービスのスレッド数を設定 (初期値: %d)</translation>
@ -2258,10 +2258,6 @@
<source>Set key pool size to <n> (default: %u)</source>
<translation>Angi størrelse på nøkkel-lager til <n> (standardverdi: %u)</translation>
<source>Set minimum block size in bytes (default: %u)</source>
<translation>Sett minimum blokkstørrelse i bytes (standardverdi: %u)</translation>
<source>Set the number of threads to service RPC calls (default: %d)</source>
<translation>Sett antall tråder til betjening av RPC-kall (standardverdi: %d)</translation>
@ -2490,10 +2490,6 @@
<source>Set key pool size to <n> (default: %u)</source>
<translation>Stel sleutelpoelgrootte in op <n> (standaard: %u)</translation>
<source>Set minimum block size in bytes (default: %u)</source>
<translation>Stel minimum blokgrootte in in bytes (standaard: %u)</translation>
<source>Set the number of threads to service RPC calls (default: %d)</source>
<translation>Stel het aantal threads in om RPC-aanvragen mee te bedienen (standaard: %d)</translation>
@ -1141,6 +1141,10 @@
<source>Ping Time</source>
<translation>Czas odpowiedzi</translation>
<source>The duration of a currently outstanding ping.</source>
<translation>Czas trwania nadmiarowego pingu</translation>
<source>Ping Wait</source>
<translation>Czas odpowiedzi</translation>
@ -1755,6 +1759,10 @@ Zwróć uwagę, że poprawnie zweryfikowana wiadomość potwierdza to, że nadaw
<source>Prune configured below the minimum of %d MiB. Please use a higher number.</source>
<translation>Przycinanie skonfigurowano poniżej minimalnych %d MiB. Proszę użyć wyższej liczby.</translation>
<source>Prune: last wallet synchronisation goes beyond pruned data. You need to -reindex (download the whole blockchain again in case of pruned node)</source>
<translation>Prune: ostatnia synchronizacja portfela jest za danymi. Muszisz -reindexować (pobrać cały ciąg bloków ponownie w przypadku przyciętego węzła)</translation>
<source>Error: A fatal internal error occurred, see debug.log for details</source>
<translation>Błąd: Wystąpił fatalny błąd wewnętrzny, sprawdź szczegóły w debug.log</translation>
@ -1871,6 +1879,10 @@ Zwróć uwagę, że poprawnie zweryfikowana wiadomość potwierdza to, że nadaw
<source>Block creation options:</source>
<translation>Opcje tworzenia bloku:</translation>
<source>Cannot resolve -%s address: '%s'</source>
<translation>Nie można rozpoznać -%s adresu: '%s'</translation>
<source>Connect only to the specified node(s)</source>
<translation>Łącz się tylko do wskazanego węzła/węzłów</translation>
@ -1967,6 +1979,14 @@ Zwróć uwagę, że poprawnie zweryfikowana wiadomość potwierdza to, że nadaw
<source>Keep the transaction memory pool below <n> megabytes (default: %u)</source>
<translation>Utrzymuj obszar pamięci dla transakcji poniżej <n> MB (default: %u)</translation>
<source>Loading banlist...</source>
<translation>Ładowanie listy zablokowanych...</translation>
<source>Location of the auth cookie (default: data dir)</source>
<translation>Lokalizacja autoryzacyjnego pliku cookie (domyślnie: ścieżka danych)</translation>
<source>Not enough file descriptors available.</source>
<translation>Brak wystarczającej liczby deskryptorów plików. </translation>
@ -2011,6 +2031,10 @@ Zwróć uwagę, że poprawnie zweryfikowana wiadomość potwierdza to, że nadaw
<source>Specify wallet file (within data directory)</source>
<translation>Określ plik portfela (w obrębie folderu danych)</translation>
<source>The source code is available from %s.</source>
<translation>Kod źródłowy dostępny jest z %s.</translation>
<source>Unable to bind to %s on this computer. %s is probably already running.</source>
<translation>Nie można przywiązać do %s na tym komputerze. %s prawdopodobnie jest już uruchomiony.</translation>
@ -2211,6 +2235,10 @@ Zwróć uwagę, że poprawnie zweryfikowana wiadomość potwierdza to, że nadaw
<source>Tor control port password (default: empty)</source>
<translation>Hasło zabezpieczające portu kontrolnego Tora (domyślnie: puste)</translation>
<source>Tor control port to use if onion listening enabled (default: %s)</source>
<translation>Port kontrolny sieci Tor jeśli onion listening jest włączone (domyślnie: %s)</translation>
<source>Transaction amount too small</source>
<translation>Zbyt niska kwota transakcji </translation>
@ -2391,10 +2419,6 @@ Zwróć uwagę, że poprawnie zweryfikowana wiadomość potwierdza to, że nadaw
<source>Set key pool size to <n> (default: %u)</source>
<translation>Ustaw rozmiar puli kluczy na <n> (domyślnie: %u)</translation>
<source>Set minimum block size in bytes (default: %u)</source>
<translation>Ustaw minimalny rozmiar bloku w bajtach (domyślnie: %u)</translation>
<source>Set the number of threads to service RPC calls (default: %d)</source>
<translation>Ustaw liczbę wątków do obsługi RPC (domyślnie: %d)</translation>
@ -2426,10 +2426,6 @@
<source>Set key pool size to <n> (default: %u)</source>
<translation>Defina o tamanho da chave para piscina<n> (padrão: %u)</translation>
<source>Set minimum block size in bytes (default: %u)</source>
<translation>Definir tamanho mínimo do bloco, em bytes (padrão: %u)</translation>
<source>Set the number of threads to service RPC calls (default: %d)</source>
<translation>Defina o número de threads para chamadas do serviço RPC (padrão: %d)</translation>
@ -2387,10 +2387,6 @@
<source>Set key pool size to <n> (default: %u)</source>
<translation>Definir tamanho do banco de memória da chave para <n> (predefinição: %u)</translation>
<source>Set minimum block size in bytes (default: %u)</source>
<translation>Definir tamanho minímo de um bloco em bytes (por defeito: %u)</translation>
<source>Set the number of threads to service RPC calls (default: %d)</source>
<translation>Defina o número de processos para servir as chamadas RPC (por defeito: %d)</translation>
@ -1862,10 +1862,6 @@
<source>Invalid -proxy address: '%s'</source>
<translation>Adresa -proxy nevalidă: '%s'</translation>
<source>Set minimum block size in bytes (default: %u)</source>
<translation>Setare mărime minimă bloc în octeţi (implicit: %u)</translation>
<source>Specify configuration file (default: %s)</source>
<translation>Specificaţi fişierul configuraţie (implicit: %s)</translation>
@ -2026,10 +2026,6 @@
<source>Set database cache size in megabytes (%d to %d, default: %d)</source>
<translation>Установить размер кэша БД в мегабайтах(от %d до %d, по умолчанию: %d)</translation>
<source>Set maximum block cost (default: %d)</source>
<translation>Задать максимальную стоимость блока (по умолчанию: %d)</translation>
<source>Set maximum block size in bytes (default: %d)</source>
<translation>Задать максимальный размер блока в байтах (по умолчанию: %d)</translation>
@ -2450,10 +2446,6 @@
<source>Set key pool size to <n> (default: %u)</source>
<translation>Установить размер пула ключей в <n> (по умолчанию: %u)</translation>
<source>Set minimum block size in bytes (default: %u)</source>
<translation>Задать минимальный размер блока в байтах (по умолчанию: %u)</translation>
<source>Set the number of threads to service RPC calls (default: %d)</source>
<translation>Задать число потоков выполнения запросов RPC (по умолчанию: %d)</translation>
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
<source>Right-click to edit address or label</source>
<translation>Kliknutím pravým tlačidlom upravte adresu alebo popis</translation>
<translation>Kliknutím pravým tlačidlom upraviť adresu alebo popis</translation>
<source>Create a new address</source>
@ -11,11 +11,11 @@
<source>Copy the currently selected address to the system clipboard</source>
<translation>Kopírovať práve zvolenú adresu do systémového klipbordu</translation>
<translation>Zkopírovať práve zvolenú adresu</translation>
@ -114,6 +114,10 @@
<source>&About %1</source>
<translation>&O %1</translation>
<source>Show information about %1</source>
<translation>Ukázať informácie o %1</translation>
<source>About &Qt</source>
<translation>O &Qt</translation>
@ -126,6 +130,10 @@
<source>Modify configuration options for %1</source>
<translation>Upraviť nastavenia pre %1</translation>
<source>&Encrypt Wallet...</source>
<translation>&Zašifrovať Peňaženku...</translation>
@ -254,6 +262,14 @@
<source>%n active connection(s) to Bitcoin network</source>
<translation><numerusform>%n aktívne pripojenie do siete Bitcoin</numerusform><numerusform>%n aktívne pripojenia do siete Bitcoin</numerusform><numerusform>%n aktívnych pripojení do siete Bitcoin</numerusform></translation>
<source>Indexing blocks on disk...</source>
<translation>Indexujem bloky na disku...</translation>
<source>Processing blocks on disk...</source>
<translation>Spracovávam bloky na disku...</translation>
<source>No block source available...</source>
<translation>Nedostupný zdroj blokov...</translation>
@ -310,6 +326,14 @@
<source>Up to date</source>
<source>Show the %1 help message to get a list with possible Bitcoin command-line options</source>
<translation>Ukáž %1 zoznam možných nastavení Bitcoinu pomocou príkazového riadku</translation>
<source>%1 client</source>
<translation>%1 klient</translation>
<source>Catching up...</source>
@ -496,6 +520,10 @@
<source>About %1</source>
<translation>O %1</translation>
<source>Command-line options</source>
<translation>Voľby príkazového riadku</translation>
@ -532,13 +560,25 @@
<source>Show splash screen on startup (default: %u)</source>
<translation>Zobraziť uvítaciu obrazovku pri štarte (predvolené: %u)</translation>
<source>Reset all settings changed in the GUI</source>
<translation>Zrušiť všetky zmeny v GUI</translation>
<source>Welcome to %1.</source>
<translation>Vitajte v %1</translation>
<source>As this is the first time the program is launched, you can choose where %1 will store its data.</source>
<translation>Keďže toto je prvé spustenie programu, môžete si vybrať, kam %1 bude ukladať vaše údaje.</translation>
<source>Use the default data directory</source>
<translation>Použiť predvolený dátový adresár</translation>
@ -593,6 +633,14 @@
<source>Automatically start %1 after logging in to the system.</source>
<translation>Automaticky spustiť %1 pri spustení systému.</translation>
<source>&Start %1 on system login</source>
<translation>&Spustiť %1 pri prihlásení</translation>
<source>Size of &database cache</source>
<translation>Veľkosť vyrovnávacej pamäti &databázy</translation>
@ -729,6 +777,14 @@
<source>&Hide the icon from the system tray.</source>
<translation>&Skryť ikonu zo systémovej lišty.</translation>
<source>Hide tray icon</source>
<translation>Skryť ikonu v oblasti oznámení</translation>
<source>Show only a tray icon after minimizing the window.</source>
<translation>Zobraziť len ikonu na lište po minimalizovaní okna.</translation>
@ -749,6 +805,10 @@
<source>User Interface &language:</source>
<translation>Jazyk užívateľského rozhrania:</translation>
<source>The user interface language can be set here. This setting will take effect after restarting %1.</source>
<translation>Jazyk uživateľského rozhrania sa dá nastaviť tu. Toto nastavenie sa uplatní až po reštarte %1.</translation>
<source>&Unit to show amounts in:</source>
<translation>&Zobrazovať hodnoty v jednotkách:</translation>
@ -1038,6 +1098,18 @@
<source>User Agent</source>
<source>Open the %1 debug log file from the current data directory. This can take a few seconds for large log files.</source>
<translation>Otvoriť %1 ladiaci výpis z aktuálnej zložky. Pre veľké súbory to môže chvíľu trvať.</translation>
<source>Decrease font size</source>
<translation>Zmenšiť písmo</translation>
<source>Increase font size</source>
<translation>Zväčšiť písmo</translation>
@ -1517,6 +1589,10 @@
<source>%1 is shutting down...</source>
<translation>%1 sa vypína...</translation>
<source>Do not shut down the computer until this window disappears.</source>
<translation>Nevypínajte počítač kým toto okno nezmizne.</translation>
@ -1651,6 +1727,14 @@
<source>Accept command line and JSON-RPC commands</source>
<translation>Prijímať príkazy z príkazového riadku a JSON-RPC</translation>
<source>If <category> is not supplied or if <category> = 1, output all debugging information.</source>
<translation>Pokiaľ <category> nie je nastavená, alebo <category> = 1, vypíš všetky informácie pre ladenie.</translation>
<source>Prune configured below the minimum of %d MiB. Please use a higher number.</source>
<translation>Redukcia nastavená pod minimálnu hodnotu %d MiB. Prosím použite vyššiu hodnotu.</translation>
<source>Error: A fatal internal error occurred, see debug.log for details</source>
<translation>Chyba: Vyskytla sa interná chyba, pre viac informácií zobrazte debug.log</translation>
@ -1683,6 +1767,10 @@
<source>Bind to given address and always listen on it. Use [host]:port notation for IPv6</source>
<translation>Spojiť s danou adresou a vždy na nej počúvať. Použite zápis [host]:port pre IPv6</translation>
<source>Cannot obtain a lock on data directory %s. %s is probably already running.</source>
<translation>Nemožné uzamknúť zložku %s. %s pravdepodobne už beží.</translation>
<source>Delete all wallet transactions and only recover those parts of the blockchain through -rescan on startup</source>
<translation>Vymazať všetky transakcie z peňaženky a pri spustení znova získať z reťazca blokov iba tie získané pomocou -rescan</translation>
@ -1695,10 +1783,22 @@
<source>Execute command when a wallet transaction changes (%s in cmd is replaced by TxID)</source>
<translation>Vykonaj príkaz keď sa zmení transakcia peňaženky (%s v príkaze je nahradená TxID)</translation>
<source>Please check that your computer's date and time are correct! If your clock is wrong, %s will not work properly.</source>
<translation>Prosím skontrolujte systémový čas a dátum. Keď je váš čas nesprávny, %s nebude fungovať správne.</translation>
<source>Please contribute if you find %s useful. Visit %s for further information about the software.</source>
<translation>Keď si myslíte, že %s je užitočný, podporte nás. Pre viac informácií o software navštívte %s.</translation>
<source>Set the number of script verification threads (%u to %d, 0 = auto, <0 = leave that many cores free, default: %d)</source>
<translation>Nastaviť počeť vlákien overujúcich skripty (%u až %d, 0 = auto, <0 = nechať toľkoto jadier voľných, prednastavené: %d)</translation>
<source>The block database contains a block which appears to be from the future. This may be due to your computer's date and time being set incorrectly. Only rebuild the block database if you are sure that your computer's date and time are correct</source>
<translation>Databáza blokov obsahuje blok, ktorý vyzerá byť z budúcnosti. Toto môže byť spôsobené nesprávnym systémovým časom vášho počítača. Obnovujte databázu blokov len keď ste si istý, že systémový čas je nastavený správne.</translation>
<source>This is a pre-release test build - use at your own risk - do not use for mining or merchant applications</source>
<translation>Toto je pred-testovacia verzia - použitie je na vlastné riziko - nepoužívajte na tvorbu bitcoin ani obchodovanie.</translation>
@ -1729,6 +1829,10 @@ The network does not appear to fully agree! Some miners appear to be experiencin
<source>Block creation options:</source>
<translation>Voľby vytvorenia bloku:</translation>
<source>Change index out of range</source>
<translation>Menný index mimo rozsah</translation>
<source>Connect only to the specified node(s)</source>
<translation>Pripojiť sa len k určenej nóde</translation>
@ -1737,6 +1841,10 @@ The network does not appear to fully agree! Some miners appear to be experiencin
<source>Connection options:</source>
<translation>Možnosti pripojenia:</translation>
<source>Copyright (C) %i-%i</source>
<translation>Copyright (C) %i-%i</translation>
<source>Corrupted block database detected</source>
<translation>Zistená poškodená databáza blokov</translation>
@ -1765,6 +1873,10 @@ The network does not appear to fully agree! Some miners appear to be experiencin
<source>Enable publish raw block in <address></source>
<translation>Povoliť zverejnenie raw bloku pre <address></translation>
<source>Enable publish raw transaction in <address></source>
<translation>Povoliť publikovať hrubý prevod v <address></translation>
<source>Error initializing block database</source>
<translation>Chyba inicializácie databázy blokov</translation>
@ -1809,6 +1921,10 @@ The network does not appear to fully agree! Some miners appear to be experiencin
<source>Incorrect or no genesis block found. Wrong datadir for network?</source>
<translation>Nesprávny alebo žiadny genesis blok nájdený. Nesprávny dátový priečinok alebo sieť?</translation>
<source>Initialization sanity check failed. %s is shutting down.</source>
<translation>Kontrola čistoty pri inicializácií zlyhala. %s sa vypína.</translation>
<source>Invalid -onion address: '%s'</source>
<translation>Neplatná -onion adresa: '%s'</translation>
@ -1833,6 +1949,14 @@ The network does not appear to fully agree! Some miners appear to be experiencin
<source>Only connect to nodes in network <net> (ipv4, ipv6 or onion)</source>
<translation>Pripojiť iba k uzlom v sieti <net> (ipv4, ipv6, alebo onion)</translation>
<source>Print this help message and exit</source>
<translation>Vytlačiť túto pomocnú správu a ukončiť</translation>
<source>Print version and exit</source>
<translation>Vytlačiť verziu a ukončiť</translation>
<source>Prune cannot be configured with a negative value.</source>
<translation>Redukovanie nemôže byť nastavené na zápornú hodnotu.</translation>
@ -1841,6 +1965,14 @@ The network does not appear to fully agree! Some miners appear to be experiencin
<source>Prune mode is incompatible with -txindex.</source>
<translation>Redukovanie je nekompatibilné s -txindex.</translation>
<source>Rebuild chain state and block index from the blk*.dat files on disk</source>
<translation>Obnoviť stav reťazca a index blokov zo súborov blk*.dat na disku.</translation>
<source>Rebuild chain state from the currently indexed blocks</source>
<translation>Obnoviť stav reťazca z aktuálne indexovaných blokov.</translation>
<source>Set database cache size in megabytes (%d to %d, default: %d)</source>
<translation>Nastaviť veľkosť pomocnej pamäti databázy v megabajtoch (%d do %d, prednastavené: %d)</translation>
@ -1853,6 +1985,14 @@ The network does not appear to fully agree! Some miners appear to be experiencin
<source>Specify wallet file (within data directory)</source>
<translation>Označ súbor peňaženky (v priečinku s dátami)</translation>
<source>The source code is available from %s.</source>
<translation>Zdrojový kód je dostupný z %s</translation>
<source>Unable to bind to %s on this computer. %s is probably already running.</source>
<translation>Nemožné pripojiť k %s na tomto počíťači. %s už pravdepodobne beží.</translation>
<source>Unsupported argument -benchmark ignored, use -debug=bench.</source>
<translation>Nepodporovaný parameter -benchmark bol ignorovaný, použite -debug=bench.</translation>
@ -1881,6 +2021,14 @@ The network does not appear to fully agree! Some miners appear to be experiencin
<source>Wallet %s resides outside data directory %s</source>
<translation>Peňaženka %s sa nachádza mimo dátového priečinka %s </translation>
<source>Wallet debugging/testing options:</source>
<translation>Ladiace / testovacie možnosti peňaženky.</translation>
<source>Wallet needed to be rewritten: restart %s to complete</source>
<translation>Peňaženka musí byť prepísaná: pre dokončenie reštartujte %s</translation>
<source>Wallet options:</source>
<translation>Voľby peňaženky:</translation>
@ -1997,6 +2145,10 @@ The network does not appear to fully agree! Some miners appear to be experiencin
<source>RPC server options:</source>
<translation>Možnosti servra RPC:</translation>
<source>Rescan the block chain for missing wallet transactions on startup</source>
<translation>Pri spustení skontrolovať reťaz blokov pre chýbajúce transakcie peňaženky</translation>
<source>Send trace/debug info to console instead of debug.log file</source>
<translation>Odoslať trace/debug informácie na konzolu namiesto debug.info žurnálu</translation>
@ -2161,10 +2313,6 @@ The network does not appear to fully agree! Some miners appear to be experiencin
<source>Set key pool size to <n> (default: %u)</source>
<translation>Nastaviť veľkosť kľúča fronty na <n> (predvolené: %u)</translation>
<source>Set minimum block size in bytes (default: %u)</source>
<translation>Nastaviť minimálnu veľkosť bloku v bajtoch (predvolené: %u)</translation>
<source>Set the number of threads to service RPC calls (default: %d)</source>
<translation>Nastaviť počet vlákien na obsluhu RPC volaní (predvolené: %d)</translation>
@ -1,6 +1,10 @@
<TS language="sr" version="2.1">
<source>Right-click to edit address or label</source>
<translation>Kliknite desnim klikom radi izmene adrese ili oznake</translation>
<source>Create a new address</source>
<translation>Napravite novu adresu</translation>
@ -17,10 +21,18 @@
<source>Delete the currently selected address from the list</source>
<translation>Izbrisite trenutno izabranu adresu sa liste</translation>
<source>Export the data in the current tab to a file</source>
<translation>Eksportuj podatke iz izabrane kartice u fajl</translation>
@ -2094,10 +2094,6 @@
<source>Set database cache size in megabytes (%d to %d, default: %d)</source>
<translation>Sätt databasens cachestorlek i megabyte (%d till %d, förvalt: %d)</translation>
<source>Set maximum block cost (default: %d)</source>
<translation>Sätt maximal blockkostnad (förvalt: %d)</translation>
<source>Set maximum block size in bytes (default: %d)</source>
<translation>Sätt maximal blockstorlek i byte (förvalt: %d)</translation>
@ -2302,6 +2298,10 @@
<source>Send transactions as zero-fee transactions if possible (default: %u)</source>
<translation>Sänd transaktioner som nollavgiftstransaktioner om möjligt (förvalt: %u)</translation>
<source>Set maximum BIP141 block cost (default: %d)</source>
<translation>Sätt maximal BIP141 blockkostnad (förvalt: %d)</translation>
<source>Show all debugging options (usage: --help -help-debug)</source>
<translation>Visa alla avlusningsalternativ (använd: --help -help-debug)</translation>
@ -2526,10 +2526,6 @@
<source>Set key pool size to <n> (default: %u)</source>
<translation>Sätt storleken på nyckelpoolen till <n> (förvalt: %u)</translation>
<source>Set minimum block size in bytes (default: %u)</source>
<translation>Sätt minsta blockstorlek i byte (standard: %u)</translation>
<source>Set the number of threads to service RPC calls (default: %d)</source>
<translation>Ange antalet trådar för att hantera RPC anrop (förvalt: %d)</translation>
@ -2098,10 +2098,6 @@
<source>Set database cache size in megabytes (%d to %d, default: %d)</source>
<translation>Veritabanı önbellek boyutunu megabayt olarak belirt (%d ilâ %d, varsayılan: %d)</translation>
<source>Set maximum block cost (default: %d)</source>
<translation>Azami blok maliyetini ayarla (varsayılan: %d)</translation>
<source>Set maximum block size in bytes (default: %d)</source>
<translation>Azami blok boyutunu bayt olarak ayarla (varsayılan: %d)</translation>
@ -2306,6 +2302,10 @@
<source>Send transactions as zero-fee transactions if possible (default: %u)</source>
<translation>Muameleleri mümkünse ücretsiz olarak gönder (varsayılan: %u)</translation>
<source>Set maximum BIP141 block cost (default: %d)</source>
<translation>Azami BIP141 blok maliyetini ayarla (varsayılan: %d)</translation>
<source>Show all debugging options (usage: --help -help-debug)</source>
<translation>Tüm hata ayıklama seçeneklerini göster (kullanımı: --help -help-debug)</translation>
@ -2530,10 +2530,6 @@
<source>Set key pool size to <n> (default: %u)</source>
<translation>Anahtar alan boyutunu <n> değerine ayarla (varsayılan: %u)</translation>
<source>Set minimum block size in bytes (default: %u)</source>
<translation>Bayt olarak asgari blok boyutunu tanımla (varsayılan: %u)</translation>
<source>Set the number of threads to service RPC calls (default: %d)</source>
<translation>Hizmet RCP aramaları iş parçacığı sayısını belirle (varsayılan: %d)</translation>
@ -2262,10 +2262,6 @@
<source>Set key pool size to <n> (default: %u)</source>
<translation>Встановити розмір пулу ключів <n> (типово: %u)</translation>
<source>Set minimum block size in bytes (default: %u)</source>
<translation>Встановити мінімальний розмір блоку в байтах (типово: %u)</translation>
<source>Set the number of threads to service RPC calls (default: %d)</source>
<translation>Встановити число потоків для обслуговування викликів RPC (типово: %d)</translation>
@ -2260,10 +2260,6 @@
<source>Set key pool size to <n> (default: %u)</source>
<translation>设置私钥池大小为 <n> (默认:%u) </translation>
<source>Set minimum block size in bytes (default: %u)</source>
<translation>设置数据块 最小字节数 (默认: %u) </translation>
<source>Set the number of threads to service RPC calls (default: %d)</source>
<translation>设置RPC服务线程数 (默认: %d) </translation>
@ -2099,10 +2099,6 @@
<source>Set database cache size in megabytes (%d to %d, default: %d)</source>
<translation>設定資料庫快取大小是多少百萬位元組(MB,範圍: %d 到 %d,預設值: %d)</translation>
<source>Set maximum block cost (default: %d)</source>
<translation>設定區塊成本的最大值(預設值: %d)</translation>
<source>Set maximum block size in bytes (default: %d)</source>
<translation>設定區塊大小上限成多少位元組(預設值: %d)</translation>
@ -2307,6 +2303,10 @@
<source>Send transactions as zero-fee transactions if possible (default: %u)</source>
<translation>盡可能送出不用付手續費的交易(預設值: %u)</translation>
<source>Set maximum BIP141 block cost (default: %d)</source>
<translation>設定區塊成本(BIP141)的最大值(預設值: %d)</translation>
<source>Show all debugging options (usage: --help -help-debug)</source>
<translation>顯示所有的除錯選項 (用法: --help --help-debug)</translation>
@ -2531,10 +2531,6 @@
<source>Set key pool size to <n> (default: %u)</source>
<translation>設定密鑰池大小為 <n> (預設值: %u)</translation>
<source>Set minimum block size in bytes (default: %u)</source>
<translation>設定區塊大小下限為多少位元組(預設值: %u)</translation>
<source>Set the number of threads to service RPC calls (default: %d)</source>
<translation>設定處理 RPC 服務請求的執行緒數目(預設值: %d)</translation>
Reference in New Issue
Block a user