Kevacoin source tree
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

26 lines
732 B

["", ""],
["", "NOP"],
["NOP", ""],
["0 1","EQUAL"],
["1 1 ADD", "0 EQUAL"],
["11 1 ADD 12 SUB", "11 EQUAL"],
["2147483648 0 ADD", "NOP", "arithmetic operands must be in range [-2^31...2^31] "],
["-2147483648 0 ADD", "NOP", "arithmetic operands must be in range [-2^31...2^31] "],
["2147483647 DUP ADD", "4294967294 NUMEQUAL", "NUMEQUAL must be in numeric range"],
["0xaabbccddeeff NOT", "0 EQUAL", "NOT is an arithmetic operand"],
["2 DUP MUL", "4 EQUAL", "disabled"],
["2 DUP DIV", "1 EQUAL", "disabled"],
["2 2MUL", "4 EQUAL", "disabled"],
["2 2DIV", "1 EQUAL", "disabled"],
["7 3 MOD", "1 EQUAL", "disabled"],
["2 2 LSHIFT", "8 EQUAL", "disabled"],
["2 1 RSHIFT", "1 EQUAL", "disabled"],